Skipping School

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~Nagisa's POV~
Asano's face was full of rage as I pulled away from Akara. She tried to pull me down again, but I pulled against her. She eventually gave up, looking at Asano. Furious doesn't even BEGIN to cover the amount of scorn on his face.

"I can't believe this!" Asano said loudly, and I could hear Karma chuckling behind me. "You better! I'm already taken, Asano!" Akara spat back, which made me start to panic. Since when was she an object? And when was I considered her 'owner'? Confusion racked my brain. She turned at winked at me, sending a small shudder through my body. Asano stormed off, his orange hair disappearing after a while.

"Since when did you and Akara become a thing?" Karma said, which made me flinch. It was after school and I was walking with Karma to his house. We had already walked Akara home, having to turn the other way to get to Karma's. "Uh-er- Since this weekend, I guess?" "You don't KNOW?!" "Nope..." "Nagisa, you're even more pitiful than I thought!" "KARMA!!" He burst into laughter. I punched him in the arm, which he didn't flinch at all, and that made him laugh even HARDER. "Sometimes I can't deal with you, Karma. " DID I JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD?! I actually squeaked. SQUEAKED. This has been the worst 4 days of my life. "AHAAHAHAHAHAHA!" Karma kept laughing at me, until we reached his house. "You know, I think I'm gonna go home..." "Nah! You walked all the way here! Might as well stay!" "But-" "'But' nothing! You are staying. End of story. " "You're so pushy. " He cocked a grin at me.


~Akara's POV~
While Nagisa and Karma hung out AWAY from me, I devised a plan on how to tell Nagisa that I wanted to...go..ou-t-t... With him. I EVEN STUTTER IN MY THOUGHTS, D*****!

----------3 hours later------
I heard Nagisa arrive home a few minutes ago but I still didn't have a plan. I decided to just wing it.

I knocked on the Shiota door. "Come in!" I heard Nagisa call. A smile immediately crossed my face. I walked into his apartment, to see him cooking dinner. "Oh my god. That smells AMAZING. " "O-oh! Thank you!" I smiled at him, and he blushed.

We sat down to eat together, because Nagisa is WAY too nice for his own good, and I brought up the question: "Nagisa-kun, will know....g-g-go... Out... With me?" It took me almost five minutes to get it out. "Y-yeah!" Nagisa replied, both of our faces red.

"You know Asano isn't going to go down without a fight, right?" "Yeah, sadly. " "Don't get yourself beat out of shape, or I'll have to beat Asano up myself. " "Akara, you know that Asano would GLADLY let you win. " "Ah, you see I've found his weakness. " I grinned and Nagisa laughed. I swear his voice got more and more like honey every time we started talking.

Eventually we ended up sitting on Nagisa's bed, with the TV on and him braiding--or trying to-- my hair. "Nagisa." "Akara?" "Nagisa. " "Akara. " "Nagisa. " "What are we doing?" "I don't know. Beats me. I just said your name. " I heard Nagisa sigh behind me and I giggled a little. I was wearing his sweatshirt again, because it was comfortable. Not because it smelled like him. Definitely not that.

I fell sleep with my head on Nagisa's shoulder and Nagisa's head on top of mine. He wasn't awake yet so I accidentally fell back asleep.

"AKARA! WE'RE LATE!!" I heard Nagisa yelp beside me. I opened my eyes with a start, and sure enough it was 10:00 PM. I about had a STROKE.
"Should we just stay home?"
"I don't know, Akara. "
"I mean, our moms would never know. "
"Akara, that's dangerous territory your treading on. "
"I know. Pllleeeeaaassseeeeee can we stay? I'm tired. "
"Fine. "

We fell back asleep, my face pressed into his back again and his skin heated up when I put my face there. It was his mid-back and honestly, I blushed a little, too.

When I woke again, it was dark. I hadn't realized how long I slept until I figured out Nagisa wasn't in the bed with me anymore. "Nagisaaaaaaaaa!" I called from my spot, not bothering to move. His head popped through the doorway. "Yes?" "What time is it?" "3:00. " "But how is it dark outside?" "I closed the curtains. " "Oh. " He laughed gently, smiling at me.

After a while I got bored of laying awake in bed, so Nagisa and me watched a movie. It was a horror movie, so Nagisa would squeal every-so-often. It was actually kinda cute. I wasn't scared real easy, but that was NOT the case for poor Nagisa. I don't know why he agreed to watch the movie with me. He clung onto my arm, eyes widened with fear. I rolled my eyes slightly, but couldn't help but smile at Nagisa's reactions.


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