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~Akara's POV~
After high school, Nagisa and I decided to go to college. Nagisa was learning to be a teacher. The job suits him, honestly. I decided long ago to become an assassin. They don't teach that in Universities, so I was doing secret training after classes. Nagisa didn't even know about it. I was worried he would immediately stop it.

I was already off to my secret lessons, while Nagisa headed home. Well, to our new apartment. Nagisa and I moved out from his mother's apartment, since it was so far away from the University.
I found my instructor, a infamous assassin named Raku. He was a red-head. His personality reminded me of Karma. Oh Karma... Nagisa never let him come back after that... Incident. I understand why, but...
"Akara-chan!" I heard Raku say. He wasn't much older than me. 25 year old. I'm 18.
"Hello, Sensei!" I said, smiling at him. He chunked a knife at me, which stuck fast into the wall behind me. I rolled my eyes at him.
"That was the first trick you taught me. "
"Just testing ya. "
Oh, did I mention he was originally from America?
"Sure. Sure. "
He chunked another knife, this time it was aimed at my stomach. I fluidly dodged, pulling out my own knife. My bloodlust was my best weapon, Raku had taught me that. It was a rare weapon. It only showed itself when death was looming over my head. Ever since I found out about my talent, it slowly shrunk away. But my assassination skills stuck. Korosensei had taught me valuable lessons. Sometimes I ever surpassed my mentor in a certain skills.
"Akara! Pay attention!" Raku said, throwing another knife at me. I threw my knife, which barely missed his neck.
"Alright. Alright. You win. " Raku said, smiling at me.

~Nagisa's POV~
Akara thought I didn't know about her secret assassin lessons. The only reason I let her go is so she won't be cooped up at home all day. I won't let her go ANYWHERE without me. So, I watch all of her lessons in the shadows. She forgets I am an assassin as well. I hated when they started throwing knives at each other. It was dangerous, not to mention I almost got hit once. But Akara was getting better. I would call her a pro. Finally, they were at the end of the session. I stepped out of the shadows and said," Ah! Akara! Fancy seeing you here." I fought back a smirk as her face turned as pale as a bed sheet.
"Yes, Sugar. I know about this. "
"I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT TELLING YOU BUT I THOUGHT YOU WOULD MAKE ME STOP!" She cried, while I wrapped her up in my arms.
"So this is your fiancée?" Raku asked, and I looked down at Akara, who smiled sheepishly.
"Akara, seriously?"
"Yeahhhh.... About thattt..."
"What am I going to do with you?" I said, ruffling her hair.
"Huh? You're not mad?"
"No. Why would I be?"
"I don't know... It's just a touchy subject for you..."
"Are you two fiancées or not?" Raku said, looking at us quizzically.
"Not yet. " I said, tipping up Akara's chin. Her eyes widened in surprise.
"Okay. Akara, nice job covering that up. "
"Hehe... Yeahhh..." She said, still staring at me. I smiled and I swear she melted.
"I'm going to take her home now. Since the lesson is over. "
"Alright. Be safe, Akara, Nagisa. "
"We will. "
I picked up Akara bridal-style, since she didn't seem to be able to do anything but stare at me. I chuckled and said, walking," Are you going to just stare at me?"
She didn't answer.
"Alright then. No proposal for you. Since you can't answer. "
"NO NO! Please! I just was so shocked!"
"It's okay, Akara. " I said softly, walking up the steps to our apartment. I wasn't going to propose to her yet. I'm going to wait until we are out of college. I thought but realized Akara had her hopes up already. Not tonight, but soon. Very soon.

~Akara's POV~
I couldn't believe it! NAGISA IS GOING TO PROPOSE TO MEEEEEEEE! I had my hopes up, and there was no way they were going down. My wish was slowly becoming reality.

Nagisa set me on our bed, crawling in next to me. He hugged me close to his chest.
"Nagisa, I need to take a shower. "
"I'm not moving. "
"I will drag you in there with me. "
Nagisa had gotten bold tonight. I struggled to get away, but he was too strong for me. I could tell he was fighting a laugh.
"Let me go!" I said, pushing at his chest.
"Fine. Fine. " He said reluctantly and made a pouty face at me.
Don't fall for it. Don't fall for it.
I walked into the bathroom, locking the door and jumping in the shower before I changed my mind.
I heard a knock on the door.
"What do you want, Nagisa?"
"Let me in." He whined.
"No! I'm not letting you in!"
"I can pick a lock. "
"I'll do it. "
I heard him giggling outside the door.
"I'm going to pick the lock!"
"Let me in, then. "
"Because I wanna come in. "
"Curse you, Nagisa Shiota. Curse you. "
"That hurt a bit. "
I heard him groan," But it's cold without you in the bed with me!"
"Nagisa, I am going to kill you if you don't go lay back down. I will be out quicker if you lay down. "
"Fine. " He walked off. I smiled at my victory, but it was short lasting.
I left my clothes in the bedroom. STUPID! STUPID! I'M SO STUPID!
I sighed, turning off the water then called for Nagisa.
"Nagisa! I left my clothes in there. Can you bring them to me?"
"No. " Stubborn little..-!
"No. "
"Aw come on!"
"You can get them yourself. "
"Nope. "
I got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my torso tightly. Curse my stubborn boyfriend. I walked out, not looking at Nagisa. It was embarrassing as it was, I didn't need to add to it. But my eyes darted to him for a second. His hand was under his nose. Nosebleed. My eye twitched. It took all I had not to scream at him. I snatched up my clothes and rushed back into the bathroom. My face was on fire. I pulled on my clothes, cursing under my breath. I threw the dirty clothes and towel into the laundry, then slid into bed next to Nagisa.
"I can't believe you. " I growled.
"I couldn't help it..."
"You could've not looked at me. "
"Again, couldn't help it. My eyes seemed to do it themselves."
"I forgive you, this time. " I mumbled, rolling over to face him. He pulled me closer to him, planting a quick kiss on my forehead. I pressed my lips against his, not wanting him to get away with just one little kiss. Somehow, I ended up falling asleep on his chest with my arms wrapped around his neck and knees straddled his hips. I fell asleep to him stroking my hair gently.

~Nagisa's POV~
Akara was so cute, curled up on my chest. I loved her with everything I had. So, I decided to propose to her tomorrow.

((1258 words! *giggles*
. . . .
Akara: Huh?
Akara: Oohhh... About that...

Falling in Love With a Killer- Shiota NagisaWhere stories live. Discover now