Ending Special

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Seven years later...
~Akara's POV~
"RAINY GET YOUR BUTT DOWNSTAIRS FOR SCHOOL!" I called from the kitchen, my eyes drooping. I was exhausted from an assassination I had to do last night. Lately I had been accepting more and more jobs lately. Most of them were at night, but on some occasions they would be during the day. Most of them took a lot of waiting, and I had been missing out on things. Rainy favored her father over me, though anytime I was around she would hang out with me. Since I was gone all the time.
"Rainy, your mother is calling you. " I could hear Nagisa say from upstairs.
I heard Rainy groan and come down stairs, stomping her feet. It was her first day of kindergarten, but she acted like a teenager. She was a girly-girl, unlike me. She wore a pink sundress with her hair up in a side ponytail, in courtesy of my husband because I was asleep the whole time.
"Don't have an attitude with me. " I said, waving the spatula in the air since I was making scrambled eggs.
"Well, what did you want, mother?"
"Do you want me to spank you?"
Okay, I probably should've realized she got the attitude from me. Especially the stubbornness.
"That's what I thought. Sit down, I'm about to plate your breakfast. Nagi! Come down here, too, I made you breakfast~!" I heard Rainy make a fake choking noise behind me. I rolled my eyes, watching as Nagisa went down the stairs two at a time. I plated the scrambled eggs then sat down next to Nagisa.
He smiled at me, immediately clearing the plate. Rainy watched him, mystified. I chuckled. I kissed him, grinning as Rainy made a gagging noise. He pulled away, smiling but blushing slightly. I tried to count the amount of years we had been married, but I was never good at math so that failed.
"Okay, time to go. " Nagisa said, grabbing his bag and waiting for Rainy to grab hers. She slung it on her back and I kissed her on top of the head.
"Have a good day. " I said then pressed my lips against Nagisa's, closing my eyes. He seemed flustered for a second, then calmed down. After a few seconds, too fast for me, he pulled away and said," See you tonight, Sugar. " He winked at me, then took Rainy's hand and they walked out the door. I sighed, slumping down on the couch and closed my eyes.

---Later that night---
~Nagisa's POV~
I dropped my stuff at the front door, to find Akara not in the living room. I frowned, since Akara was almost always asleep on the couch when I got home. I checked upstairs, but she wasn't there either. I started to get worried until I found a note on our bedside table.
"I'll be back around 9:00. Raku asked me to do a job.
I wanted to crumple up the paper and scream. She had been gone so much lately. And when she was home, she was asleep since she was exhausted from all of the work. I took a deep breath and walked back out of the room, shutting the door behind me.
"Is Mom up there?" Rainy called from downstairs.
"No, sweetie. She'll be home later tonight. "
"Aw. I was hoping she would draw with me..."
Akara had found that she could draw really well. Rainy had been making her draw and letting her color it when she was finished. It was really cute to watch, since Akara was smiling and Rainy was BEAMING with joy.
"Don't worry. She'll probably be home to draw tomorrow when you get home from school. " I said, coming down the stairs. I ruffled her hair, smiling sadly.
"What does mom do anyways?"
"She's a lawyer. "
"She sure does work a lot. "
I nodded, sitting down on the couch next to her. She had the TV on, watching it intently while totally forgetting her recent conversation.

-----9:30 P.M.-----
I had started pacing, worrying about Akara. She finally came in, dropping her stuff and almost collapsing into me. I caught her, wrapping my arms around her waist.
"Thanks." She said breathlessly. I nodded, wordlessly.
"Is Rainy in bed?"
"Yes. "
"Nagi~, will you carry me upstairs?"
"No. "
"No. "
"Pretttyyyyy pleeeasseeee?"
"Fine. " I let out a sharp breath and picked her up bridal-style. She smiled happily at me, planting a kiss on my cheek.
"So stubborn. " He mumbled, going up the stairs and dropping her on the bed.
"Nagisa, you seem mad at me... Are you angry with me?" She said sadly, sitting up and looking at me.
"I'm upset that you're never home anymore. " I said softly, my finger tracing the pattern on the bedsheets.
"Nagi, I'm sorry..." She said.
"You've been missing out on Rainy's life. "
"Look, you need to realize you're a mother. That comes first. Not to mention, you're married to me. I need you to be home, here. With me. "
She was silent then.
"Akara, you can't keep accepting jobs like this! It's too many! When you are home, you're asleep since you're exhausted!" My voice was rising but it was full of concern.
Akara didn't answer. She was staring at her hands, not moving.
"You've missed out on really important things in Rainy's life! You missed one of her birthdays because of an assassination!"
"Do you think I want to be working all the time?"- her voice started out soft then rose as she went on-" I want to be here, with you! With my child! I don't want to be killing people for a living! I didn't want to miss those things! Raku has been working me to the bone! I've been trying so hard to make it home in time for things! I've been trying so hard that I'm surprised I haven't slipped up yet! Killing people for a living isn't easy!" She was crying now. "I had to kill my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew because of my job! I don't ever want to do anything like that again!"
She buried her face in her hands and I felt my heart skip a beat. I hated making Akara upset.
"Akara, I just want you to be here with me... Please don't cry..." I wrapped her up in my arms, hoping I could make her stop crying. She cried into my shoulder, forming fists and bunching up my shirt in her hands.

Falling in Love With a Killer- Shiota NagisaWhere stories live. Discover now