Life (Part 1)

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--Time Skip--
Nagisa and Akara bought a huge penthouse, since Akara made so much freaking money being an assassin. Besides that, Akara had recently found out she was pregnant.

~Akara's POV~
I was so excited! I was going to have a kid! I was being too bubbly for poor Nagisa, especially since he had just gotten off of work. He face planted onto our bed, moaning for a second. He propped his head up on his elbows, looking at me.
"Can you run that by me again?" He said, since he obviously didn't catch what I said the first time.
"I'm going to have our child."
"WHAT?! SERIOUSLY?!" It hit him. Hit him hard, might I add. "That's amazing, Akara!" He said, jumping up and kissing me. I smiled. Maybe he wasn't as tired as he looked. I'm going to use this to my advantage... Hehehe.
"Hey, Nagisa, can you make dinner?"
"Sure, Sugar!" That nickname never went away, but know I was used to it. He bounded off, starting to cook and clean at the same time. Sometimes I actually second guessed if he was male.
"Slow down, Nagisa. It's great you're cleaning and all but... Slow down. "
Nagisa nodded and sat down in front of me. We sat at our dining room table, Nagisa staring at me. He looked like he was searching for something. I watched him as well, trying to make sure there wasn't any new body language I needed to learn from him.
"Are you okay? You're acting strange. " I said, reaching over the table to hold his hand. He grabbed my hand in his then said," Yeah. It's just a lot to take in at once..."
"I thought the same thing. " I said, smiling at him. His expression changed again, back to its usual one. Nagisa suddenly jumped up and raced back into the kitchen. I started laughing, clutching my stomach from laughing so hard. He came back in, with our food piled up on plates.
He set one in front of me and sat across from me. He smiled at me, while I tried to calm myself down.
After a while, I managed to stop laughing, I said," Is Karma coming over tomorrow?"
"Yeah. Tomorrow at 6. "
"You'll be off work by then, right?"
"Yeah. Should be. "
"I'll buy the beers on my way home. "
"Don't get arrested. "
"I'm not going to drink and drive. " He scoffed, scowling at me. I giggled.
"I know. "
He stood up, picking up our dishes and walking back into the kitchen.
He peeked back out suddenly and said," How long?"
"How long have you been pregnant?"
"Uh... A month, I think. "
"When did you find out?"
"Today. "
"Okay. " He said, disappearing back into the kitchen again. I stood up, walking into the kitchen, and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Go lay down. " He ordered, while I just squeezed his waist harder.
"No. " I said stubbornly.
"I will force you!"
"Good luck with that. "
He picked me up, bridal-style, in his arms gingerly. Carrying me into our room, he placed me on the bed and laid next to me.

--7 months later--
~Nagisa's POV~
Akara was 8 months pregnant, and you could definitely tell. She was still the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. We were sitting in the waiting room, so we could find out what gender the baby was. I intertwined Akara's and my fingers, smiling at her. She had been jumpy all day but then all of the sudden her mood changed. She went from jumpy to hardly responding. I just thought it was her mood swings, that of which she had been having a lot lately. She would go from happy to upset really fast. I had to be super careful what I said and did.
"Are you okay?" I asked, squeezing her hand gently.
"Yeah... Something just feels off..." She said, frowning.
"Don't worry. " I said, patting her leg with my free hand. She smiled at me and I kissed her forehead.
"Shiota?" A nurse said, peeking her head into the waiting room. We stood up and followed the nurse into another room, where they were going to preform the sonogram.

The nurse paled. She had just started looking to find out if our baby was a girl or boy.
"I-I can't find a heartbeat..." She said.
My heart skipped a beat.
I remembered Akara saying she felt like something was off earlier...
Akara's eyes were glassy, but she didn't cry. She didn't move.

It's been a month since the sonogram. Akara hasn't been responsive. She sits on the bed and just stares at the wall. Neither of us expected it. We did everything we could to keep the baby healthy. The doctors told us she had a miscarriage.
The only thing Akara really does anymore is cry herself to sleep. My heart breaks every time it happens. I come home from work, have to forcefully feed Akara, then listen to her cry to sleep. It's painful.
I drove home, staring at the road. I had to be strong for Akara. Even if it was hard.
I walked up the stairs, then pushed the door open. I closed the door behind me and called," Akara! I'm home!" Even if she didn't answer, it made me feel better. I walked in our room, to see her pacing back in forth. It was the most I had seen her do during this past month. "Akara?"
She looked over at me, but didn't respond.
"Are you hungry?"
She nodded. I don't know how or what brought her out of her distant state, but it was a relief to see her responding to me.
"Come on then. " I said, gently pulling her along to the kitchen. I left her in the dining room, then darted into the kitchen. I made her a sandwich and filled a glass of water. I needed to slow down, but I was so excited. I almost spilled the water, but managed to set it down in front of Akara in one piece. She immediately chugged the water, then set down the glass. I ran to fill it up again, then brought it back to have the same reaction. This time she set the glass down and croaked," Thank you, Nagisa. "
I swear I about fainted in relief. She was talking, too!
I nodded and sat down in front of her. She smiled a little at me and I smiled back.
"Karma and Hayo are coming over later. " I said, watching her body language and expression. She nodded at me. Hayo and Karma had gotten married during one of the eight months of Akara's pregnancy. Karma had been my only company lately, while Hayo coaxed Akara into eating. Hayo had become a therapist and Karma worked in the same assassin organization as Akara. I really don't know how Hayo and Karma clicked. They were so different... Hayo was the motherly type, while Karma wasn't the family type. I couldn't imagine him being a father.
"Nagisa, I'm sorry. " Akara's voice brought me back to the present.
"Huh? Why?"
"For becoming a ghost. "
"So you're dead now?" I joked. She smiled.
"No. I mean for disappearing into myself. I shouldn't have done that. "
"It's okay. I understand. I was pretty broken, too. "
"It hurt. "
"I know. I know. " I rubbed the top of her head and she smiled at me.
The doorbell rang and I jumped up to get it. I opened the door, to see Karma and Hayo looking at me.
"Hey guys!"
"You sound cheerful. What happened? Is there a prank I need to know about?" Karma said, ruffling my hair.
I scowled at him then said,
"Just come on. "
Karma never changed. Ever.
I walked into the dining room, listening to the door close behind Hayo.
"Akara!" Hayo said, immediately jumping into Akara. Akara jumped in surprise, then smiled. "Hey!" Akara said to Hayo, standing up.
Hayo stopped, baffled.
"What's wrong?" Akara asked, tilting her head to the side slightly. I grinned at her reaction. I loved her so much. Karma then wrapped his arm around my shoulder, suddenly putting me in a headlock. He started running his knuckles over my head repeatedly.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! KARMA QUIT!"
Karma laughed, but didn't stop. Hayo and Akara started laughing, while I struggled to escape.
"Hayo! Get your husband off me!"
"Sorry, Nagisa-kun, but you're the only one who could actually beat him. " Hayo said, chuckling. She turned to Akara, leading her into the living room and leaving me with Karma. Karma let go of me, while I rubbed my head gingerly.
"I was making sure this wasn't a dream. "
"Nah. I just needed an excuse. "
I groaned. He grinned at me then said," So, how'd you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Get Akara back?"
"Oh... I don't know. I just came home from work and she was better. "
"I see. "
"Yeah... I'm glad she's better. "
"Me too. Every time I saw you, you looked more worse than before. I was going to say something if it kept up."
"I can't stand to see you like that. You and Akara and my best friends. "
"Well, go talk to her. "
"Okay. Okay!"
Karma and I walked into the living room, to find Hayo and Akara in a deep conversation. Then I realized it was about Karma and me.
"Those two. "
"I know!" Akara said, then realized we were standing there.
"Oh hi!" She said nervously. Karma and I exchanged a glance and grinned at each other.
"What were you two talking about?" Karma asked, sitting next to Hayo.
"Cats. " Akara said, when I sat next to her.
"Yeah. We want cats. " Hayo put in, glancing at Akara.
"Oh really?" I said, smiling at the two. Akara and Hayo looked from Karma to me then tried to jump up. We grabbed their arms, pulling them back down and starting to tickle them.
"EKK STOP!" They both screeched, trying to push us away but with no avail.
Eventually we pulled away, with Akara and Hayo curled up in balls on the couch. Karma and I laughed, knowing we had caught them red-handed.

"My sides hurt!" Akara complained, while Karma and I opened our beers.
"Mine too!" Hayo complained, clinging onto Karma's arm. Akara clung onto my arm, whining and complaining.
"It's your faults. You shouldn't have been talking about us. " Karma said, ruffling Hayo's hair. Hayo made a pouty face, sticking her bottom lip out and making puppy-dog eyes.
"You act like we can do something about it. " I put in, rubbing Akara's head gently.
"You two are mean..." Akara whined, but had her eyes half-closed. Karma and I laughed.

((1798 WORDS!! ;) So this chapter was interesting... Heh. Heh. ;P
. . . .
Lergo: Okay, I'm done.
Akara: (grins)

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