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((Trigger warning...? Idk... Just in case. Better safe than sorry. ))

~Akara's POV~
Everything froze. I sunk to my knees, feeling tears start running down my face. I slumped over, watching the tears fall into my hands.
Karma was immediately next to me, holding me in his arms. For once I didn't push him away. I was in shock.
"W-w-what happened?" I croaked, my voice cracking.
"Car accident. His mom went out of town, to get away from the painful memories. "
"This morning, he was going on a walk and got hit by a car. "
I choked on my own tears, sobbing and shoving my face into my hands.
"Sh..." Karma cooed, keeping me tight to his chest.

I cried for hours. Karma never left my side. He kept me curled up in his lap, his arms wrapped around me protectively. I couldn't believe it all ended so quickly... My heart was shattered into a million pieces. My body was numb.
I stared at the wall, feeling nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except for the big, gaping hole in my chest. It burned.
It hurt. I felt empty.

~Karma's POV~
My plan was going perfectly. Akara was going to come to me for sympathy.
"Akara, it's going to be alright. I'll make sure no one hurts you. "
Akara didn't move. She had been staring at the same spot for an hour. Maybe I had pushed this too far...?

~Akara's POV~
I wanted to die. The first words I said to Karma were,
"Will you kill me?"
"Akara, I can't do that. "
"Will you let me kill myself?"
"No! Akara, you will not kill yourself!" He said, grabbing both my shoulders and shaking me.
"But, Karma, I feel like there is no reason for me to be here. "
"You do! You have me!"
"You don't understand..." I said, curling into a tight ball.
"I perfectly do!"
"No. Karma, you don't. The love of my life is dead. Dead. He was my life. I breathed him. He was the only thing I needed. Now, I have nothing. "
Karma went silent. I stood up, wandering into Nagisa's room. The hole in my chest throbbed. I pulled out my cell phone, finding a message from Nagisa on it. Tears streamed down my face. I gulped, unlocking the phone and started to type a message. But my phone was snatched out of my hands.
"KARMA! GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK RIGHT NOW! I WILL KILL YOU!" I screeched, clawing at Karma and trying to get my phone back.
He handed me back my phone, after I had clawed him and drawn blood a few times.
I started typing, blinking away tears. I sent:
Nagisa, I may never see you again. I love you. Karma told me what happened. You probably won't ever see this. I wish it wouldn't have ended this way. Just know, if you see this, I love you. More than my life itself. I'm going to join you in the afterlife soon. Or wherever I end up. I love you...

I slumped against the wall, saying," Karma, leave. "
"I can't do that. "
"No. "
I debated how to kill myself. Then I felt my phone vibrate and Karma's eyes widened.
Nagisa responded??
I didn't understand... He said:
AKARA! No! What are you talking about?! I just went to visit my aunt! I left a note! Did you not see it?

And I started crying all over again. This time with relief and anger.
"Karma..Karma.. You.. You!!"
"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I screamed, jumping at him and clawing at his face with my fingernails.

When I finally got off of Karma, it looked as if he had fought a lion. He didn't fight back. He deserved it. I texted Nagisa:
Nagisa, Karma lied to me.
I feel so betrayed.
And I want to see you. Right now. There has to be a way.
Face-to-face. I need to be able to hold you, kiss you, embrace you... Come home... Please...

Nagisa replied with:
I'm on my way. I told my mom. I am going to murder Karma for this. I'm so sorry...

I strapped Karma to the bedpost, so he couldn't get away. I stayed in the living room, slowly mending the hole in my heart with the information that Nagisa was alive.

About a 2 hours later, Nagisa came in the door. I felt tears streaming down my face again. I ran over to him, taking his face in my hands and pressing my lips against his. He pulled me close to his body, his warmth making my tears fall faster. His hands slid up and down my back. He pulled away, slipping past me and going into his room.

~Nagisa's POV~
Anger coursed through my veins as I caught sight of Karma. I couldn't believe what he had done to Akara.
My fist collided with his cheek, over and over again. Until I heard a sickening crack. My blood was boiling. I kicked him in the stomach and blood drizzled out of his mouth. Blood ran out of his nose. I left him that way, going back to Akara.

"Nagisa..." Akara said my name like it was glass coming from her lips.
"Akara... Sugar... I'm so sorry you had to live through that... Even if it wasn't for long. "
"It was so cold... I felt empty...numb... I cried my eyes out..."
"I know... I know... It's okay now..." I cooed, soothing her. She melted into my arms, leaning on me heavily and hugging me tightly. I rubbed her back gingerly, kissing the top of her head. She sighed, kissing my chin then my jaw. She continued down to my neck then my collarbone. I closed my eyes, letting her kiss me.
I wasn't going to say anything. Akara should be able to have the chance to heal her broken heart. I didn't care how long it took. As long as she was happy. But then I remembered Karma in my room.
"Akara, will you give me a second?"
"Yeah..." She said weakly.
I walked into my room, grabbed Karma by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the apartment. I threw him out, locking the door behind me. I probably wouldn't ever forgive Karma for this.
I returned to my girlfriend, taking her hand and leading her into my room. I closed the door and then said," Do whatever you need to do to heal your heart, sugar. "
She started crying again, burying her face in my shirt. I felt the tears soak through. I rubbed her back, bringing her chest to mine. Our stomachs were pressed together. I lifted her chin with my index finger, pressing our lips together. Our eyes closed, both of us melting into the kiss. Her hand slid up the back of my shirt, sending shivers down my spine. I traced the scars on her back, which made her shudder.

I feel kinda bad for Karma though... 0-o Oops. Sorry boo.
. . . .
Akara: I feel bad about Karma...
Lergo: Don't be!
Karma: What did you just say?
Lergo: EKK! When did you get here?!
Nagisa: Huh? This is new... WAIT! KARMA?! GET AWAY FROM AKARA! (Tackles Karma)
Akara: Oh come on! Give it up already!

Falling in Love With a Killer- Shiota NagisaWhere stories live. Discover now