The Finale Has Returned

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It's been 8 years since Akara ended up in the emergency room.
Rainy's first day of 7th grade is here and she's dreading it.

~Nagisa's POV~
I closed my eyes. Today I was going to go visit Akara again. This was her 5th time this year to end up in the emergency room.
It's always scary. I've never been able to not cry when she's in the emergency room. She's frail and weak, not to mention she barely eats anything anymore.
But she's getting better, I know it. Because she managed to stay out for over a month this time.
"Daddy, are we going to see Mommy today?" Rainy asked.
Rainy hadn't really changed much, but without her mother, she had lost her will, and wouldn't push herself to do anything.
"Yeah, sweetheart. " I said, ruffling her hair gently and smiling at her.
She smiled back. I stood up, then said," Why don't we go now?" She nodded furiously.
"Okay, go get your shoes on." I said, walking over to go put my own shoes on.

~Akara's POV~
A perfect rhythm.
*beep* *beep* *beep*
Oh look, it's sped up.

~Nagisa's POV~
I held Rainy's hand as we stood in the elevator.
"I can't wait to see mom!" Rainy said, bouncing up and down happily.
"Me either..." I said softly, smiling at her. The doors opened, but, instead of seeing the usually calm hallway, there was utter havoc. People running back and forth between rooms. But the only thing I could think was: It's Akara...
I sprinted down the hall, weaving around people until I reached Akara's door. I quickly ran inside, since the door was propped open.
I stared in horror at what was unfolding in front of me. Akara wasn't in the bed. The heart monitor wasn't beeping anymore, but there was a straight line across the screen.
"No way..." I breathed.
"Where's mom? Dad? Dad!"
I fell forwards, onto my knees.
My vision blurred. My head felt like someone shoved it under water.
"Hello?" Rainy said beside me. She had pulled my phone out of my pocket. I didn't hear it ring, and I guessed she realized that.
Suddenly her eyes widened. She looked at me and gestured for me to follow. I couldn't move. I was in shock.
Did I lose her?
Is she gone?
Where is she?
I need to see her!
Rainy pulled on my arm, struggling to pull me out of the room. I snapped out of it, starting to listen to what Rainy was saying.
"Dad, I know where Mom is." She whispered. I started walking faster.
"Yes, Dad brought me to come see you. " She said into the phone.
"Yes, he's having a mental breakdown over here. I can't believe you didn't tell us. "
She paused.
"He's acting like a ghost. "
She paused again.
"Where are you, exactly?"
"E-3? What does that even mean?"
"No, dad won't-"
I cut her off," I know where that is. "
Of course she went there. That is the only safe place for her to hide out, since only the original E-3 class is allowed there.
Rainy looked at me, an odd, testing expression on her face. Then she said," Yeah, we're on our way. "

I walked into the old building, taking a deep breath before running right to my wife.
"Nagisa! Rainy!" She said happily, wrapping us both up in a huge hug.

~Akara's POV~
I had to get out of the hospital. I was going absolutely CRAZY in there.

Before I even finished the hug, Nagisa's lips connected with mine. I didn't expect it, but I leaned into him-- my hand caressing his cheek. My eyes closed slowly.
Rainy was giggling-- that was one thing she had started doing as a teenager. She would laugh and giggle at us when we would kiss, rather than say,' EEEWWWWW!'.

Nagisa pulled away after about a minute, saying," Why did you leave like that?! I was worried about you! I was scared you were dead! Akara... I couldn't live without you..." His voice started out loud and demanding then became soft and teary. He started crying, not able to hold in his tears anymore.
I wiped them away with my thumb, gently.
"Don't cry, my Nagi... I would never leave you..." I said softly, smiling at him for reassurance.
Suddenly he pulled me into an embrace, holding me tightly. I smiled, closing my eyes. I wrapped my arms around his torso loosely.

"You two. I swear. " A voice said.
"Those two were always the two lovebirds, weren't they?"
"Yup. "
Karma's voice stood out," You two idiots. " I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"The whole E-class helped me escape. " I said quietly," I was going crazy not being able to see you very often. Karma and Itona made the machine go off so it looked like I had died, while Kayano and the girls snuck me out-- dressed as nurses. The rest of the guys acted as security guards, Sugino even took out the two guys watching the cameras. "
"Korosensei would be proud. " Kayano said, smiling.
Everyone smiled, thinking about our former teacher.
"I bet he would. " Nagisa said softly.
"Why didn't you tell me...?" He whispered, pulling away so he could look directly at me.
"I was scared you wouldn't want me escaping, since I was so sick..."
"Akara, I wanted you at home as much as you wanted to be."
"I know... But it all worked out... right?" I said, looking at him hopefully.
"Yeah... I guess it did..." He said, placing his forehead on mine. I sighed, smiling slightly.
"Well, we completed another successful break out... Or shall we say, assassination? Well, either way! Let's all go out for drinks tonight!" Karma said, cheering. Everyone cheered, except me. I looked over at Rainy, who looked highly uncomfortable surrounded by all of my old classmates.
I grabbed her hand and said," How about I introduce my daughter to you guys?" Nagisa smiled at me then stood on the other side of Rainy.
"This is Rainy Shiota. " I said softly.
"Hello Rainy!" Kataoka, Fuwa, and Kayano said at once.
"Hey, kid!" Yoshida, Terasaka, and Muramastu said.
"Wassup?" Ristu, Hara, and Maehara chorused.
"Are you as shy as your parents?!" Rio asked, pursing her lips," I used to tease them to no end with Karma."
Karma nodded, chuckling.
"Nice to meet 'cha kid. " Sugino, Rinka, and Sugaya said.
"Hello!" Hinata and Okuda said cheerfully.
"Nice to meet you!" Isogai, Hinano, Kimura, Yada, Mimura, Takebayashi, Okajima, Yukiko, Hazama, Itona, and Chiba said at different times.
Rainy looked at me, a bright smile plastered on her face.
"Rainy, meet my old classmates. They are my friends and allies. Even if we have our differences. " I said, looking at all of their smiling faces. I stopped on Nagisa.
"But some of them become something more, something so much more pure..." My voice trailed off. I felt like it was the first day of school again. I was so nervous, but at the same time I remember being mad at Nagisa for something.
I made my way over to him, our fingers interlocking as I grabbed his hand.
"You remember that first day I came here?" I asked.
"Yes... I remember you were mad at me for something..."
We both laughed, smiles spread across our faces.

We hadn't been able to laugh like this since the incident.
It was nice. I wish I could stay here forever.

((AHHHHHHHH YOU GUYS ARE THE BESTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!! Please enjoy this extra chapter! Maybe I will continue doing these, and as we reach big milestones I will add on to the future and maybe some of Rainy's story? Comment what you would like to see more of for the next extra chapter!!
--Author-chan! <3
Akara: Why can't you just leave a story alone?
Akara: *sighs*))

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