Marriage Proposal?!

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~Akara's POV~
I don't know why, but the fact Karma has been that close to me mad me highly uncomfortable. Nagisa looked protectively at me. I liked the warmth of his arms. I still remember the first few times Nagisa had left me alone right after the Reaper thing. I would jump at the slightest of sounds, eyeing the shadows in fear something would be lurking there. Maybe that's why I enjoyed both boys' presence, because it made me feel safe. Though, for Nagisa, I didn't want to loose him. It was like he was a drug, a drug that would kill me if I stopped taking it. Karma was more like the moon, if you took it away it wouldn't be fatal but I would miss it. I buried my face into Nagisa's chest, listening and feeling his heart beat under my ear. "Look what you've done, Karma, scared her to her loving boyfriend. " Nagisa joked slightly, hugging me tightly. I bet Karma was trying to pull me back. "You're funny. She only scooted towards you because she was facing that way. " Karma said and I could hear the scowl in his voice. It's like I wasn't there. "Karma, are you jealous?" "No. " But I could tell he was filled with envy of Nagisa. I smiled into Nagisa's chest, while he rubbed my back gingerly. "Now would you please get out of my bed?" Nagisa said and I half heard-half felt Karma roll off the bed with a grunt. I didn't feel bad about pushing Karma away. I wanted Nagisa. "I love you so much. " Nagisa whispered into my ear, making goosebumps run up and down my arms. "I love you too. " I mumbled, eyes not meeting his. I stared at his collar bone, not daring to look up at his face. He tilted my face up, so I was looking at him, and pressed his lips to mine. Honestly, for a moment, I forgot what my name was. I don't know why. It wasn't the first time we'd kissed. Maybe it was the fact I was still half asleep and Nagisa was so close to me.

Nagisa was my drug and I was the addict.

~Nagisa's POV~
Akara was not a toy for Karma to play with. She is mine. My beautiful girlfriend. Kissing her made my heart race at speeds I had never felt before. No one else had really shown any preference towards me, other than Kayano but she knew we were just friends. Hopefully. I quickly pushed the thoughts away. I loved Akara, and she loved me. It made me happy. She made me happy. I realized how cheesy I was starting to sound. I chuckled mentally then looked at Akara. She seemed to be dazed after the kiss. I kissed her nose, which made her blush a little. I could feel Karma sending daggers at me with his eyes. He wasn't happy with me. I knew there was going to be a fight later. "Akara, we have to get ready for school. " I whispered, I felt chill bumps run across her arms. "Okay. " She said as I sat up. "That was a lot easier than usual. " I said, smiling at Akara. She was still out of whack. "Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded, her eyes blank. I pulled her close to me, which made her eyes widen. I leaned down and kissed her, tracing her jaw with my fingers. She shuddered slightly, but didn't pull away. Finally I pulled out of the kiss, and she looked like someone hit her on top of the head with a brick. She was a bit breathless. It honestly confused me.

~Akara's POV~
My heart was twisting and turning. I didn't know if I liked the feeling or not. But I was breathless and couldn't move. "Akara, do I need to call a doctor?" Karma asked. I had totally forgotten he was there. "I think she'll be fine. " Nagisa said, caressing my cheek. I felt my heart skip a beat. He was so loving and gentle. "Fine. But we kinda need to get to school." Karma said and I heard Nagisa snicker," Since when do you care about school?" "Ever since we got the assignment to kill that yellow octopus. " "Oh, really?" "Yeah. Now finish this love fest so we can leave. " Karma said, walking out of the room. Nagisa pecked my cheek then said," Come on, time to get ready. "
He handed me some clothes, since I was still unresponsive. I got dressed in the bathroom then took a few deep breaths.

Karma and Nagisa were waiting for me, Nagisa wrapping his arm around my waist lovingly. I kissed him gently. "It's like you two are a married couple. " Karma muttered. "Maybe we should be. " Nagisa said, pulling me closer. My breath hitched. Did he just...?! PROPOSE?! I felt my heart rate speed up and he smiled at me. "Huh..? What? Are you asking to marry me?" I sputtered out, and he giggled. "Maybe." He leaned down close to me. I could smell his breath and it made me woozy. "I...I guess that's fine..." I said, not knowing what was coming out of my mouth. "Well then, if you're so ready....?" He teased, and I quickly snapped back to reality. "Wait! I mean..." I started to say but he put a finger over my lips. "Shh, don't ruin the moment. " He joked, smiling at me goofily. It was really cute.

Finally we made it to school, Karma being highly uncomfortable the whole way while Nagisa kept asking me questions about our 'wedding'. I sat in Nagisa's lap again, this time kissing him gently on the lips before returning to my seat. "Well, you two seem to have everything figured out. " Karma said. I could see he was upset by his flat tone. "Aw, is someone jealous?" "No. " "Karma, I'm sorry that you can't handle my feelings being directed towards Nagisa and not you. " I said, chuckling. I saw him stiffen up beside me. He tilted my head towards him, with his finger. "K-Karma?! What are you doing?!" I whisper-screamed. "Nothing..." He mumbled, pulling me closer. I struggled against him, but he was a lot bigger than me and easily held me in place. I gulped. Karma's face hovered inches from mine. "You're so beautiful... " He murmured, caressing my cheek. Just as Nagisa had done. I felt attacked. Hurt. I yanked myself away, anger coursing through my veins. Karma then looked slightly hurt but I saw he understood just by looking at his eyes. "I'm sorry. " He said, not looking at me. Just his desk. I felt bad but I knew I couldn't make it up to him. I just nodded and turned back to Korosenei. I noticed Nagisa's eyes staring at me, I really hoped he didn't see the... Event that happened between Karma and I. But I had a sinking feeling that he did.


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