Crazy Week

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~Nagisa's POV~
I watched silently as Akara flopped down on the bed and let out a loud, muffled, groan.
"Why is life so confusing?"
I sat down next to her, then replied," Because it wouldn't be interesting otherwise. "
She let out another groan.
"You're not helping. "
I chuckled, stroking her hair gently. After a few minutes of me doing that, she fell asleep. I smiled at her, then laid down and stared at the ceiling.
I had known Karma hadn't gotten over Akara for a long time. I don't know why I didn't tell her.
I let out a sigh, turning onto my side so I could stare at Akara's sleeping face. I brushed a strand of hair out of her face, watching as her breathing changed for a second. Then it returned to normal. I tried to copy her breathing, sending myself to sleep in the process. When I woke up again, Akara had disappeared. But then I realized she was laying on my chest and I let out a quiet sigh of relief. She was still asleep, her head resting in the crook of my neck. I kissed the top of her head, then wrapped my arms around her. Her eyes fluttered open, she wrapped her arms around my chest--moving from their original position of resting on my chest--, then she closed her eyes again. I chuckled, stroking her hair gently.

When she finally woke up, I was just about to doze off again. I had been slipping in and out of sleep, over and over again.
"Nagi...?" Akara said softly, sitting up and yawning. Her knees straddling my hips and her hands on my chest.
"Yeah, Sugar?"
"Just checking if you were awake or not..." She said, before locking our lips together. My eyes widened in surprise, but then closed gradually. Her hands slid down to the hem of my shirt, easily pulling it over my head. Then I pulled away from her, blushing madly when I realized she wasn't planning on stopping. I scrambled away, only to be pulled back by one of the belt loops on my jeans. I struggled to try and get away from her, but instead I just managed to land on a heap on the floor. With my pants still in Akara's hands. I shrieked, crawling on my hands and knees to get away. Akara was laughing so hard she was holding her sides. She flopped down on the bed, while I disappeared into the bathroom. I sat on the floor, my breathing was ragged and labored. I'm surprised I didn't have a heart-attack. I quickly scrambled to grab another pair of pants, pulling them on before Akara could get any bright ideas. I went back into the bedroom cautiously, to find Akara still laughing her head off. I rolled my eyes, but seeing her laughing so hard was pretty funny. She finally stopped after about 5 minutes of laughing, crawling to sit by me.
"Are you done now?" I said playfully.
"Yeah. " She said, wiping away a stray tear.
"Good. Because it wasn't that funny. "
"From my perspective, it was HILARIOUS."
"God, I hate you sometimes. "
"Aw, no you don't. " She crawled into my lap, letting me rest my chin on her head. She took my hands in hers, then began intertwining them in tons of different ways.
"Was it really that funny?"
"Yeah. I wish I could've caught it on tape, so I could show you. And watch it over and over and over again. "
I snorted, closing my eyes.
"Tomorrow we have to leave, don't we?" She said quietly.
"Yeah. But, not much will change. Except, we can actually take baths in private. "
"Aw, but I kinda-"
"No. No bath in the bedroom. That's where I draw the line."
She let out a sharp breath.
"Fine. "
"Good. We'll also have our own bed back. "
"Yeah, that'll be nice. "
She kissed my shoulder, since she couldn't reach anywhere else in the position we were in. Then she spun around and wrapped her legs around my waist.
"What are you doing?" I said, watching as she walked up my arm with two of her fingers.
"Akara, don't--"
She cut me off by kissing me, her fingers easily pulling out the hair bands in my hair. Her fingers easily slid through my hair, while mine slid up her back. I could feel the ragged scars and I forced myself not to cringe. I still blamed myself for that incident. My hands slid up and down, until Akara's hands fell from my hair and were at my waistband. I pulled away, then pulled her off me. She looked hurt for a second then returned to normal. I caressed her cheek in my hand, smiling at her. She was like a little cat, pressing her cheek into my hand and closing her eyes. I shook my head and rolled my eyes playfully, ruffling her hair. It had been a crazy week. So much for a vacation.
((837 words. Sorry for such a short chapter, but I'm out of ideas. I've gotta think of an ending... ))

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