Amazingly Be- I mean...

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((That's Akara ^^^ BTW))
~Akara's POV~
I had gradually gotten colder as we played the video-game, I was beating Nagisa by 1 point. Finally the game ended, after what felt like an hour of playing. "Are you cold?" He asked, because I was shivering. I nodded, and a battle seemed to go on in his eyes before he said," I'll grab you a sweatshirt. " He disappeared, before I could protest. When he came back, he threw a sweatshirt at me while putting his on. The sweatshirt was much too big for me, but it warmed me plenty. I sighed and he sent me a glance. "What's wrong?" "Nothing. " Honestly, I didn't know why he was so worried about me all of the sudden. Unless I was just noticing it... No! I would've noticed that! Right...?

~Nagisa's POV~
I was mentally screaming. I don't know why, though. It confused me, which made the screaming intensify. "Nagisa? Helloooo?" Akara said, waving her hand in front of my face. "Oh! Sorry!" I said, embarrassed I had zoned out. She snickered, "It's okay. "

"You know, that sweater looks huge on you. " "It must be just as big on you. " "It is. My father bought it for me, but he was a bunch of sizes off. My mom decided to keep it so I could grow into it. That's when I was 10. " I chuckled. "Oh, I see you haven't grown into it. " "I probably never will. " "You're such a pessimist!" "ME?!" "Yeah, you!" I smiled. She was so easy to be around. I honestly could feel something in my stomach every time she came near me, something odd. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. But it was jealousy the other day. I know it. But why was I jealous? It's not like she liked me the way... Oh. Ooh. OH MY GOD. The realization hit me hard. I looked at her. She was hunched over, controller in hand. She was mashing the buttons furiously, aggravation showing clearly when I beat her the first few times. Finally I just started letting her win, but not by much. She seemed pleased with herself. She looked over at me. "You're letting me win aren't you?" She whined, noticing the score start to get further and further apart. "Nah. " "You are!" I giggled. G-I-G-G-L-E-D! Who am I and what have I done with the REAL Nagisa Shiota?
That's when I leaned forward, closing my eyes softly.

~Akara's POV~
He got closer. And closer. And closer. And closer. And closer. I could hear his heartbeat in my ears he was so close. Wait, is that MY heart doing that? It was racing, and I didn't know why. Confusion. Why can't I go one day without this happening?!

Our lips collided, I went rigid and frozen in place. I could feel my heart trying to burst right out of my chest. That's when I started kissing back, which took Nagisa by surprise.

Finally, after what felt like DAYS, he pulled away from me and I opened my eyes. He grinned at me, face flushed. "I see you're pleased with yourself. " I said, getting a hum as a response. I felt a smile spread across my face. "Do you mind giving me a warning next time?" Another hum. I laughed.

-------MONDAY MORNING--------
I forgot to go home all weekend, but I didn't really mind. Nagisa and I had stayed up really late Saturday, and I told him I would sleep on the couch.

But, somehow, I ended up waking up in Nagisa's bed this morning. I pressed my face into his warm back, still foggy from just waking up. "Akara?!" Nagisa's voice sounded embarrassed, not really scared or uncomfortable. "Yeah?" "W-What are you doing?" "I don't know. You're warm. " "O-Oh. "
He looked over his shoulder at me, though I couldn't see him. Eventually he said," We've got to go to school, Akara. " "Can we please skip?" "No. " "Why?" "Stop whining. Karma would figure we're together and make fun of us for the rest of eternity. " "Pleaaasseeee?" "No. " "You're no fun. " He shrugged me off, which made me whine even more.

~Nagisa's POV~
Akara was acting like a little kid. "Nagisaaaaa! Come back! I'm cold!" She called from my bedroom, I rolled my eyes.

"Akara! Time for breakfast!" I called from the kitchen. Akara whined, but she came into the kitchen. I tried not to laugh at her appearance. "Do you need a uniform? Even though you live next door, I don't think yours is clean yet. " I asked her, and she nodded while eating silently. She was still in my sweatshirt, having only taken it off once to take a shower. I disappeared into my room again, coming out with one of my extra uniforms. "I can't wear pants! Then they will be suspicious! " Akara whined, while I rolled my eyes again. "You're really whiny this morning, aren't you? But you can go over to your apartment to grab a skirt, if you're going to be picky. " Akara started to pout, but she didn't protest any further.

Finally, we were headed to school. She was wearing a gray skirt, with my white undershirt and blue vest. I don't see why she wore it, since she went into her apartment to grab the skirt but I wasn't going to tick her off. She started perking up, in a way I had never seen her before. Maybe this was the Akara before becoming an End Class student. We reached the school, everyone giving Akara and me funny looks. I sat down in my usual place, Akara retreating to the back. I knew she would get grief from Karma all during class.

~Akara's POV~
Karma was already grinning mischievously, but for once it didn't bother me. I smiled at him, and I felt like I was walking on air. It was an odd feeling. I had never been this happy since I came to the E-Class, but I must've changed back to my normal self. "You're wearing Nagisa's uniform. Why?" "Because I can. " "That's a bad answer. " "Because I stayed over in his apartment all weekend. Happy now? " The grin got wider on his face. "So where'd you get the skirt? Did you rip a pair of his pants?" "No, it's my skirt, Moron. " "Ooh. Sure. " "It is. " That's when the conversation ended. And I had the last say, which made me even happier.

--------Lunch Period---------
~Nagisa's POV~
Akara sat next to me at lunch, chattering happily. She was DEFINITELY in a good mood, if not a fantastic one. "Nagisa, do you want to get ice cream after school today?" "Yeah, sure. " "OOH! Nagisa's got himself a girlfriend!" Karma said from above us. I jumped then growled," Karma! That wasn't needed!" Karma bust into laughter. Akara glared up at him until we heard someone clear their throat in front of us. "Asano?" Akara's voice was soft.

~Akara's POV~
Asano was standing in front of us, looking highly uncomfortable. "Hey, Akara. " "What are you doing here?" Karma spat. "I came to see Akara, red-head. " Asano spat back. I didn't like to see my friends fight, even if Karma was an on-off friendship. "Stop! Asano, do you need to ask me something?" "Yeah. "

Asano and I stood away from everyone, out of earshot of the whole class. "Akara, are you okay? I can move you back. I convinced my father to take you back! You can join me in the A-class again!" Asano looked excited, his eyes full of happiness. "A-Asano, I can't. " My voice cracked in the middle of the sentence. "Why?" I glanced at Nagisa and Karma, who were wrestling again. "I've got new friends that I can't leave behind. I'm sorry. " "But what about me? I'm your friend, too, Akara. Those two mangy mutts of children can't give you the friendship you need. " He grabbed my chin. I resisted the urge not to scream. His fingers were gentle as he leaned down towards my face. My eyes widened. I couldn't move. I couldn't pull away. His lips met mine and I froze. I could feel Nagisa and Karma's stares on me as they stopped wrestling. I couldn't do this. I pushed Asano away. "Go away! I can't believe you just did that! " He hesitated. "I said GO AWAY!" I pushed him away from me, his hurt look not penetrating the shield I had up. I wasn't  going to let Asano hurt Nagisa, or let myself hurt Nagisa. He didn't deserve that. I stomped back over to Nagisa, as he stood up. I knew I had to show Asano who I 'belonged' to. I mashed my lips with Nagisa's, who seemed slightly surprised. He eventually began kissing back, his hands holding me close to him. He realized my game, and he was definitely going to win it.

((SO GUYS ENJOYING SO FAR?! Asano is so full of himself. He is so much like his father. I wonder why they have the same freaking name. Like why? It just confuses everyone. :3 But it's all okay. TTYL GUYSSSSS))

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