Another One

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~Akara's POV~
My stomach was killing me. It hurt so bad. I wanted to tell Nagisa, but I was scared. I didn't want him to worry...
"Sugar, are you alright?" I heard Nagisa said suddenly. His voice was soft, his eyes gentle. I quickly diverted my gaze.
"Yes, I'm--" I started to say before I clutched my stomach as unexpected pain shot through me. Tears welled in my eyes.
"RAINY! GET MY CELL PHONE!" Nagisa said, eyes widening in fear and shock. He immediately put me in his lap and started rocking me gently. The tears flowed easily now, although they burned like hell.
"Here, Daddy!" Rainy said, eyes wide as she handed the phone to Nagisa.
"You and Ryo go upstairs, I'll come and get you in a moment. " Nagisa ordered, his gaze never leaving my face.
Rainy darted away. My head was pounding.
What's wrong with me? Why can't I just be strong...? Why can't I do something right for once? I thought, crying harder. I made everything hard on Nagisa. He was always there... Helping me every step of the way.
"Akara... Look at me..." Nagisa said softly, coaxing me to stare at his beautiful face. He caressed my cheek, my eyes starting to droop.
"Stay awake, please... Please..." He was crying as well, but it was so hard to keep my eyes open. I forced them to stay open, although I was slowly slipping further and further away from Nagisa.
"Akara, Akara, please... Sugar... My love... Please..." He was pleading, pain covering his features. I heard his phone ring. He quickly picked it up, already knowing who it was.
"Kayano, please, you've got to get to the penthouse! It's Akara... Please!" He begged into the phone, his giant eyes never leaving mine.
"It's going to be alright now... Don't worry, Sugar..." He said softly, hanging up the phone and placing it back on the couch. He kissed me, slowly closing his eyes. My hand immediately reacted, moving behind his head. My eyes closed, but I was no where near falling asleep now. It was like someone shot lightning through my body.
Then I heard the front door open and Kayano said," I'm here! I'm here!"
Then everything fell away. I couldn't feel Nagisa anymore. My lips were cold.
Am I dead?

~Nagisa's POV~
Akara went limp under me.
I frantically sat up," Kayano! Fix her! Please! I don't know what's wrong!" I could tell there was tears in my eyes, but I couldn't feel them. I felt numb.
"Nagisa, first you need to calm down. What happened?"
"I don't know! She just suddenly clutched her stomach and started acting weird!"
"And where is Rainy?"
"Upstairs! She has someone with her!" I sobbed, clutching Akara close to my chest as I started to loose it. Without Akara, I felt empty. I felt like I had nothing else to live for.
"Nagisa, calm down." Kayano said," It won't do any good to freak out. "
Kayano was in front of me, carefully checking Akara's pulse before saying," She's still alive. I need you to place her on the couch, so that she is laying on her back. "
I reluctantly did as I was told, my heart pounding rapidly in my chest.
"Now, you go upstairs and sit with Rainy. I will take care of Akara, I promise. " Kayano said, staring at me with a stubborn expression. I knew I should listen, but I really didn't want to leave Akara.
I took a deep breath before carefully-- and reluctantly-- making my way upstairs.

Once Nagisa had gone upstairs, I sighed.
"Akara, what have you done now...?" I looked sadly at Akara. She was in a fitful sleep, her face contorting in pain every so often.
I sighed again then got to work, trying to figure out what was wrong with her.

An hour passed.
I found out what was wrong.
But it was too late.
Akara had another miscarriage. The pain in her stomach had been from the baby... ((We shall not go into details with that because it will be highly disturbing. :) ))
Luckily, Akara was still alive. She was still out cold, but as long as the baby was taken out before she died as well.
The pain would knock her out again, but she probably wouldn't wake up again.
I called an ambulance, then got Nagisa to come back down stairs.

~Nagisa's POV~
"Is she alright?! Is my wife alright?!" I demanded, anxiety creating a pit in my stomach.
"Yes, Nagisa. But she needs immediate surgery. I called an ambulance. It should get here in a minute or so. " Kayano said, trying to calm me down.
"WHAT?!" I said, furious. Surgery?! Why the HELL did she need--
"The baby..." I said, dread filling my veins.
"Yes... Sadly, the baby didn't make it... But Akara is fine. " Kayano said, sadly.
I ran my hand over my face.
"Akara is going to be devastated. "

((Don't you guys just love how whenever things are all hunky-dory I ruin it? ^3^ Love you guys!!

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