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~Akara's POV~
I opened my eyes groggily.
"Nagi...?" I said softly, expecting to be in bed next to my lover. Instead, I was strapped to a bunch of machines with Nagisa asleep in a chair-- propped up in the corner of he room. He looked really uncomfortable.
"Nagi!" I whisper screamed, hoping to wake him up.
"Akara? Akara!" He opened his eyes, basically flying over to me and showering me with kisses all over my face.
"Thank god... Thank god..." He murmured, extremely happy.
I smiled and hugged him, overjoyed to see him.
"What happened?" I asked, after a while.
"You had another miscarriage... I'm sorry, Sugar... I'm just so happy you're okay..." Nagisa said, gently caressing my face in his hands and kissing me. I was in shock.
The baby? Dead?
"Is Rainy here? Is she alright?"
"She's not here at the moment, I left her with Karma. But she's fine. I promise. " He explained, looking at me worriedly," Is something wrong?"
"No... I just wanted to make sure she was okay... I don't want all of my babies to die, Nagisa... I couldn't live with myself if something happened to Rainy..." I said, with a shaky breath as I started crying.
Nagisa looked at me with a heartbroken expression, then kissed my forehead.
"I promise to you, I won't ever let anything happen to Rainy. You just have to make sure that you spend time with her and cherish her, since she survived. She's a fighter, and we should appreciate what God gave us... Alright?" Nagisa said, smiling at me and wiping away my tears.
"Alright..." I said softly.
Suddenly, someone burst into the room-- a happy grin on their face.
"Rainy!" I said happily, my daughter ran to me-- wrapping her arms around my neck as I hugged her.
Karma stood in the doorway, smiling.
"I'm glad Akara is okay." Karma said, glancing at Nagisa.
Nagisa nodded," Me too. "

--A couple months later--
~Nagisa's POV~
"Man! Do I have to go to work?" Akara whined.
"Yes, if you want us to keep this house. "
"But I'm tired!" Akara continued whining.
She had a job later tonight and she had just finished one from this morning.
"But you're going to get over it. "
"You're mean, Nagi!" She whined," I don't wanna go!"
She was acting like a little kid, but that was fine with me. It made me laugh.
"Where is Rainy?" I asked her and she shrugged," Check upstairs. Who knows, she's probably with her boyfriend."
I almost bolted up the stairs at the last part. I busted open Rainy's door-- ready to beat the pulp out of her boyfriend if he was doing anything weird.
But, they were sitting on the floor playing video games. It reminded me of how Akara and I used to play all the time-- both of us laughing happily.
I sighed.
"Oh! Hey dad!" Rainy said-- more focused on the game than me.
"Hey. I was just coming to check on you. "
Ryo smiled happily," Don't worry! We're just playing some games!"
I shrugged," Alright, alright, but if I catch you doing anything else, we're gonna have a problem. "
"Yes sir!" Ryo said, nodding.
I walked out of the room and shut the door-- returning downstairs.

~Rainy's POV~
"He's so overprotective..." I groaned. Ryo leaned over and kissed me, giggling.
"It could be worse. He could he mean to you."
"I heard my mom's mother was like that..." I said softly. Truthfully, I had heard rumors about both of my parents being beaten when they were in middle school. But that wasn't a problem for me, since my parents were so laid back and usually very absorbed in each other. It was nice knowing my parents loved each other-- even if it was still gross when they kissed.

~Akara's POV~
"Nagi!" I whined," Please don't make me!"
"You can't call in sick once you've accepted a job. This one is on you for trying to do too much in one day. " Nagisa scolded gently, but there was amusement in his eyes.
I'm glad he was getting a kick out of this, because I sure wasn't.
"But I'm so sleepy!" I whined," Can't we get Karma to fill in for me? I'll give him the money, just please!" I begged, I cried, I offered, and I threatened, but in the end, Nagisa said no.

So I dragged myself off the couch and went to my newest location, ready to kill so I could go home.
When I arrived, I was astonished. It was a preschool! Why the hell am I at a preschool?!
I pulled out my phone, calling my boss," Why the hell did you send me to a preschool?!"
"A child murder has been hiding in there. Don't worry, there aren't any kids inside."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. "
I hung up the phone and went inside.

(( ;))))
Ooh, cliff hanger
I totally don't do that a lot

Falling in Love With a Killer- Shiota NagisaWhere stories live. Discover now