Getting Hitched

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--Time Skip--
Akara and Nagisa had gotten out of college and a few weeks after they decided to have the wedding.

~Akara's POV~
I was so nervous. My stomach was going to BURST, my heart was going to explode. All of my insides were going to erupt and turn me into mush. All of the E-class girls and Hayo came to help with the wedding, not to mention Luke and all of the end-class boys.

"You look beautiful, Akara-chan!" Rio said, almost breathlessly. I blushed slightly and smiled sheepishly. Hayo and the girls had bought the dress as a surprise, but they choose a glamorous dress. I would've chosen it myself. It was a ice-like blue, to the point of almost being white. It sparkled in the light, it was strapless. It had a heart-shaped top then had a low back. That was the only feature I couldn't stand. My scars were visible and it made me insecure and even more nervous. The bottom of the dress was like a ball-gown, but tapered upwards at a certain point in the front.
"Here! We bought a garter!" Hayo said, throwing a silk ribbon at me while giggling.
"YOU DID WHAT?!" I said, catching the ribbon easily.
"Put it on! Put it on!" All of the girls said, resist to pounce on me at any moment.
"Okay! Okay! But I didn't agree to this!" I said in defeat, tying the garter around my thigh reluctantly.
"This is going to be amazing Akara! I promise, this is a day you'll never forget!" Kayano said. Her and I had started to get along ever since High School was over. She got over her crush and had a boyfriend now, luckily.
But, besides that, this day would go into my vault of days never to forget. I would replay the days in my mind over and over.

As I walked down the isle, my heart was pounding loudly in my chest. I could see Nagisa and nothing else. I could feel the garter slipping down my leg, but I ignored it. I could feel everyone's gaze on me. I finally made it to the altar, fighting the urge to jump into Nagisa's arms so he could protect me from this feeling.
The priest said our vows and he said," Do you, Akara Diamond, take Nagisa Shiota to be your husband for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." I said as loud as I could, which wasn't very loud because I was nervous.
"And do you, Nagisa Shiota, take Akara Diamond to be your wife for as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." Nagisa said it a little louder than me.
"I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife. "
Nagisa immediately took this as his chance, then pulled me closer and leaned down, kissing me passionately. I had to push him away, since everyone was clearing their throats. I smiled at him, taking his hand in mine. Everyone cheered loudly, Karma came up and patted Nagisa on the back. Nagisa had finally forgiven him and became Nagisa's best man.
"Congrats, kid." He said, ruffling Nagisa's hair.
"Karma!" Nagisa said, jumping on him while everyone laughed. It was just like olds times. Well, almost. Nagisa ended up triumphant while Karma said," I let you win." Or "This suit held me back. "
Nagisa grabbed my hand again, then said," So, Mrs. Shiota, how do you like your new name?"
"I love it. It's got a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
"Akara Shiota... I think it's lovely. " Someone said behind me. I turned around to find my brother, Lergo, standing there.
"Thank you, brother. "
"No problem, little sis. Sorry dad couldn't make it. "
"It's alright. He can't speak Japanese very well anyways. "
"True. " Lergo said, shrugging. "Well, enjoy your new-found husband. "
Nagisa and I blushed but didn't say anything. He pulled me along, over the the huge wedding cake. I had actually made it myself, so I could take credit for at least one part of the wedding. We cut the cake, but not before Nagisa and I started smearing cake all over each other. Everyone laughed, especially Nagisa and me. He managed to get some in my mouth, making me sputter and try shoving cake in his mouth. I didn't succeed though, but managed to pin him down. All of the former end class students cheered me on, while everyone else just watched with confused expressions.

Then it was time for the garter. I was forced to sit in a chair while Nagisa was blindfolded, both of us protesting a LOT. Finally we gave up and let them do what they wanted to. Nagisa kneeled down in front of me and started nosing his way up my leg. I forced myself not to shiver or shudder, then he made it to my knee and I couldn't contain it anymore. I shivered and he finally reached the garter. He pulled it off with his teeth, as he was told. When he sat up with the garter in his hand, I leaned down at kissed him. He didn't move, just let me kiss him. When I pulled away, he took off the blindfold and grinned at me.

~Nagisa's POV~
Today was amazing... I loved every second of it. My favorite part... You know... Had to be watching Akara walking down the aisle towards me. She looked amazing. She sparkled, glittered, glimmered, and shone like a diamond.
I couldn't believe we were finally married. It was a dream come true.

Karma came up behind me, patting me on the head.
"What do you want?" I said scornfully, pushing him away.
"I want to say, you're lucky. I'm glad you got to marry Akara. I should've realized sooner that she would never accept me as anything other than a friend. "
I raised my eyebrows. It wasn't like Karma to apologize.
"Anyways, go dance with your wife. You're going to be going on a honeymoon tonight." Karma said smirking. I felt blood rush to my cheeks.
"Who planned that?"
"Me and the boys. And that girl... Uh... Hayo. " He winked at me.
"It's okay, Nagisa. Everyone has one eventually. "
He chuckled," You two seriously need to relax. You're too innocent sometimes. "
He ruffled my hair and walked off, leaving me to be embarrassed by myself.

~Akara's POV~
This day was amazing. Nagisa and I danced until it was time to leave, then we got on a plane to a surprise place for us both.

I fell asleep on the plane, leaning against Nagisa's shoulder.

((1112 words! ;) ;) ;)
OMG I FORGOT TO MAKE THEM EXCHANGE RINGS! OH MY GOD! It's going to be okay. *tries to calm down*
. . . .
Lergo: *sighs*
Lergo: Grrr.

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