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~Akara's POV~
"Akara..." Nagisa whispered in my ear, tickling my ear and sending shivers down my body. "Wake up, sugar..." He whispered, creating a perfect replica of my original reaction. I turned my head slightly, kissing him. His chest was warm against my back, his arms wrapped around me lovingly. "I see you're awake now..." He murmured. I smiled, turning myself so that our noses were touching. "Yeah..." I whispered. "No school today." He said, his hot breath soothing on my face. "Oh... It's Saturday, isn't it?"
"Yes, Sugar. "
"Please don't ruin this morning with that nickname. "
"Aw... Alright. "
"Thank you..."
I buried my face in his neck, listening to his breathing.
"My mom is out running errands. So we can stay here as long as you want."
I smiled then nuzzled his neck gently. He kissed the top of my head, his hands running through my hair to untangle it.

Eventually I fell back asleep, somehow.

~Nagisa's POV~
When Akara fell back asleep, I felt myself slipping back into the darkness of sleep.

"Nagisa." I heard a voice say, someone shaking me gently. I opened my eyes and turning my head slightly to find my mother shaking me. "Yes?" I whispered, knowing Akara was sleeping partially on top of me.
"It's lunchtime. I need you to get up. I don't need you two staying up until 4 A.M. tonight. " My mom whispered, gesturing to Akara. I nodded then quietly said," I'll wake her up. Give me about five minutes. " Mom nodded, walking out and leaving Akara and me alone again.
"Akara..." I whispered in her ear again. This time she groaned. "It's time to get up. " I said, sitting  up with her gently snug in my arms. "Nagisa... Please don't make me. It's so warm..." She said, tracing invisible lines on my chest with her finger. I felt heat creep into my cheeks but I ignored it.
"I know. But you have to get up. My mom said so. "
I picked her up, bridal style, and she squeaked in surprise. It was the cutest thing ever. I smiled.
"You're so adorable. " I said, nosing her neck. She blushed then said," If you say so. "

After about an hour of being awake, we had eaten lunch and played video games. This was going to be a very unproductive Saturday.

~Akara's POV~
I kissed Nagisa on the cheek, after winning the round again. He cursed under his breath, but didn't try to excuse his loss.

Somehow we managed to play video games all day, laughing and smiling the whole time. "Akara! Nagisa! Time for dinner!" Ms. Shiota called, Nagisa and I raced into the dining room while laughing our heads off. Ms. Shiota smiled at us, while we stole glances at each other during dinner.

"Nagisa, I'm cold!" I complained, since he wasn't in bed with me yet. I was freezing. It has gotten really cold in the room after Nagisa left to put on some sweatpants. I shivered. He came back in, just wearing sweatpants. I swear my nose almost started bleeding. Although I had seen him without a shirt on before, it felt like this was the first time. I put a hand over my nose and mouth, feeling my face heat up and my heart rate quicken. I looked away, so much that I couldn't see him at all. He climbed under the covers, pulling me closer to him. My nose threatened to bleed if anything else happened.
Then he whispered," Are you still cold?" I swear my heart stopped. I felt blood start to run down my hand. I sat up and said," My nose is bleeding. " I pinched the bridge of my nose, not looking at Nagisa because I knew it would just make it worse. He calmly went and got me tissue-paper, so I could plug up my nose. I smiled and made sure my eyes stayed on his face. "Thanks..." I mumbled, while trying to shove the pieces up my nose. Luckily none of the blood got on my face-- I went to the bathroom and washed off my hand-- and I returned to lay with Nagisa.
He wrapped me in his arms gingerly, like I would break if he was anymore rough.
"You never answered my question." He whispered, sending shivers down my spine.
"I'm w-warm now. " I stumbled over my words. Hot was the word I should've used. I was burning up. My face was on fire. His arms rested right were my ribcage began, his hands positioned right under my arms.
"You feel like you have a fever. Are you okay?" He asked, burying his face in my neck. I felt my body immediately stiffen to the connection of our bare skin. It made me blush even more.
"Yeah... " I didn't want to admit I was blushing my face off.
"Your face is all flushed. "
Crap. He noticed.
"You caught me. "
"It's okay to be embarrassed, Akara. "
"But I don't like it. "
"I know..." He intertwined our fingers, my hands resting on top of his.
"I won't let anyone take you away from me..." He whispered into my neck, tightening his embrace. The blush faded from my cheeks. I had always known he cared about me. But just hearing these words made me more comfortable and relaxed.
I relaxed and he nosed my neck, kissing it gently. I felt my stiffen for a moment then I returned to normal. He kissed my jaw, sending shivers through my body. I closed my eyes, trying to go to sleep.
He kissed my neck again, getting a reaction out of me: I blushed profoundly. "Nagisa, quit it. I can't sleep with you kissing my neck. "
"Why not?"
"Because it tickles. "
"Oh, I see. "
He kissed the spot again and I scowled. "If you do it again, I'm going to move away from you. "
"You'd get cold and come right back. "
He had a point.
"Fine, just please don't kiss my neck. "
"Alrighty. "
He kissed my jawline, sending tremors through my body. It was an odd sensation.
Then he tilted my head towards him, with his index finger. He placed his lips against mine. They fit perfectly together. Like two puzzle pieces. I turned my whole body, until my hands were on his bare chest and his hands in the small of my back. He pulled me close enough for our stomachs to be touching. I took a deep breath, not being able to breathe for a while. I leaned back into the kiss, it deepening and turning into a sweet French kiss. I loved Nagisa so much. He was so gentle with me. And I knew he would kill anyone who tried to hurt me.

We fell asleep that way, Nagisa's hands in the small of my back and my hands wrapped around his torso. My face was pressed into his neck, so I could smell raspberries and cinnamon as I fell asleep.

((1166 WORDS!!  ;D Like it lovelies? Sorry for all these updates coming at like 2 A.M.  I've just been busy and have been writing at night instead.


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