Mom Trouble

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((You guys like the new cover?! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. :D ))

~Akara's POV~
"Its not your fault. I didn't see it coming either. " I said, shrugging. Nagisa had been apologizing to me the whole walk back. "Nagisa, give it a break. She gets it, you're sorry. " Karma said, flexing his knuckles. Nagisa scowled at him. He hadn't said one word to me the whole walk. They were so different, but so the same. I sighed. "Both of you quit it. I hate it when" "Boyfriends?" Karma put in. I forced myself not to flinch away. "I'm her only boyfriend, Karma. " "What does Akara think?" "I-I-I don't know. " "Aw, don't be like that. Show Nagisa you have enough heart for the both of us. " I could feel Nagisa bristling beside me. "Karma, I seriously don't know. I love you both. " I mumbled, Karma's face lighting up with happiness. I glanced at Nagisa, he seemed limp and distant. "N-Nagisa?" I said quietly," My little raspberry?" He jerked back to reality. "Hm? " He said, looking at me mournfully. I kissed him gently, getting a kiss back. "Ahem. I'm still here, ya' know. " Karma said, standing beside me again. Nagisa's mood instantly brightened. "I love you, Nagisa. " I whispered to him then said, louder," Karma is like my brother. Nagisa, I don't think you have any competition. " Nagisa smiled. Karma then looked upset. I can't keep them BOTH happy! This is so hard!

I hugged Karma, which earned me a smile. Nagisa didn't seem to be bothered by it, humming quietly beside me as we all walked with their hands in mine to my apartment.

When I arrived, with the two boys standing in my doorway, my mom almost chopped my head off. "What are TWO boys doing here?! I thought you were... Akara Diamond! Did you sleep with one of those boys?!" "MOM! No! I would never!" I said, my eyes wide with fear. My mom slapped me. Slapped me. "Why did you...?" I said, tears blossoming in my eyes. "Leave. I don't want to see you ever again. " My mother said, pointing at the door. "But!" "NOW! Grab your stuff and leave! You're a disgrace!" My mother yelled. The tears started overflowing now. I rushed out of the room, heading to my own. Karma and Nagisa looked up at me, eyes wide with shock. They heard the whole conversation and were shoving things in bags now. I didn't say anything, just kept shoving things into bags until I had everything. They helped me carry my stuff out of the apartment and into Nagisa's.

"I'm so sorry, Akara. " Nagisa said quietly, rubbing my back while trying to comfort me. I shook my head, my knees were tight against my chest. I was still crying, curled in a ball in Karma's lap. Nagisa didn't like the idea, but I didn't really care who was where as long as they were both there with me.
"It's late. I should be going. " Karma said, putting me gently on the bed. He looked reluctant to leave, like I would crumble to pieces and he would never see me again. "Ok. I can take over here. " Nagisa said, still rubbing my back gingerly. Karma nodded and left. Nagisa laid next to me, arm around my waist. He pulled me close to him, so I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

~Nagisa's POV~
I hated seeing Akara this way. I can't believe her mother would accuse her of that. That disgusting-- I didn't finish the thought. Instead I pulled Akara to my chest, hoping I could call her down so she could sleep. She stopped crying. I could tell by the way her breathing slowed to its usual pace and her body stilled. She relaxed after a while then I realized she had fallen asleep. I fell asleep soon after.

I woke up to the sound of the bed creaking slightly. I opened my eyes, to see Karma lay on the other side of Akara. "Karma! What are you doing?!" I whisper-screamed. "Trying to sleep, Moron. " "But it's 6:00!" "I know. " "Ugh. Get out of my bed, right now. " Then I felt Akara shift next to me. She had turned so she was facing me, wrapping her arms around my torso. I watched Karma's face go blank. Then anger shot through me as his arm wrapped around her stomach. Akara's eyes opened. Confusion was the first thing I saw in them. She pulled off Karma's arms, pulling herself closer to me. Her eyes were wide, with shock and confusion. "It's okay." I coooed, kissing her gently. She glanced over at Karma, eyes getting--somehow--even wider. "I won't let him get you. " I whispered, then pulled her even tighter in the embrace.

((802 words. Enjoying this so far? We've got some rivalry going on, don't we? Hehe.

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