Getting Ready For a New Obstacle

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..:---Time Skip---:..
It's the end of the year. Korosensei isn't dead yet. But the deadline was nearing. Nagisa and Karma got in a big fight over whether to kill or not to kill Korosensei. Nagisa won. Now the class is preparing for high school.

~Akara's POV~
Nagisa, Karma, Kayano, Rio, Sugino, and me stood in a loose circle, talking about which high schools we were going to. Nagisa and I already decided to go to the same high school. I, honestly, was scared of high school. Bad things happen. Stress tears people apart. I didn't want that to happen to Nagisa and me. Nagisa's voice brought me back to reality. "Akara and I are going there."
"Both of you? I knew this relationship wasn't going to end soon. " Rio said, smirking.
Both Nagisa and I blushed. It was still weird to talk about... Romantic stuff. No matter how long we'll be together. It'll still be embarrassing.
"Jeez, you two. Always blushing your faces off. " Karma teased, ruffling Nagisa and my hair.
"Karma quit!" I whined, ducking away from him. He pulled me in a headlock, running his knuckles repeatedly over my head.
"OW! OW! OW OW OW OW OWWW!" I cried out, trying to push Karma away. I could hear everyone laughing. Except for Nagisa, who said," Karma, quit it. Leave her alone. " Karma let me go, still chuckling. I tried straightening out my hair, pouting. "Karma, that hurt!" I whined.
"Do you want me to do it again?"
Karma laughed. Nagisa put an arm around my shoulder, protecting me from Karma.
"So I must be off. Got to help Okuda and Ristu with that cure for the octopus. "
Karma said, waving to us and walking away.
"We've got to go too. Bye, Nagisa. Bye, Akara. " Rio said, everyone waved and started walking away. Leaving Nagisa and me alone.

~Nagisa's POV~
It's been months since the accident, with the black haired boy. Akara jumps at the slightest of sounds. She's scared of the dark, it's almost impossible to get her to go to sleep. The scars on her back are a constant memory of the day I couldn't protect her. To this day I feel guilty about it. She doesn't blame me, though. She has nightmares, waking up sweating and screaming. I would try and comfort her, but she pushes me away. She tells me to go back to sleep. I can't stand it. It upsets me.

"Nagisa, let's go see Korosensei. "
Did I mention she became very anti-social with anyone other than our class?
"Alright, sugar. " I said, both of us walking hand in hand towards the classroom.

When we got there, Korosensei was grading papers.
"Hi, Korosensei!" Akara said joyfully.
"Hello, Akara-chan, Nagisa-kun. " He said, patting Akara on the head. I think Korosensei knew that Akara had been emotionally scarred. He was always very gentle and watched what he said around her. He cared a lot about his students.
"Hey. " I said, smiling at him. I looked up to my teacher. He inspired me, even if I would never be able to be what he was to me.

~Akara's POV~
I smiled at Korosensei. Being around him lightened my mood. Even though Nagisa was the only one who could truly make me happy, Korosensei was one of those people who could help calm me down. I will admit, it hurts. I always feel my scars throbbing. I refuse to wear shirts with low backs or that are cut off at my stomach. But the doctors said I was lucky I didn't have any broken bones or anything worse. How could 15 long, ragged scars be better? I cried myself to sleep the first nights. I tried to hide it from Nagisa. How much I was hurting. But he saw through it, trying to help me. But I didn't want him to get hurt... I didn't think he would love me anymore. But I couldn't have been more wrong. Nagisa wouldn't leave my side. He even got Korosensei to move him to the back of class so he could sit by me.

"Akara-chan?" Korosensei said, bringing me back to reality. "Hm? Oh sorry! I zoned out!" I said cheerfully. Nagisa was looking at me worriedly, reaching up to touch my face. Then I realized I was crying. I quickly wiped the tears away, acting like they never happened. "So, Korosensei, did I make a good grade on my test?"
"You always do!" He said cheerfully, he had started petting my head again. He always knew when I was upset. So did Nagisa. I could never hide anything around them. Nagisa embraced me from behind, wrapping his arms around my stomach. His touch didn't hurt anymore. Before I finished healing, any touch would hurt. So bad that I wanted to die.
"I'm glad I made a good grade!" I said, smiling.
"Like I said, you always do!"
Korosensei said, his grin widening.
Before you get the wrong idea, I'm not depressed. It's just sometimes, someone will say something that pokes at my mind or my back will start burning. Like excruciating pain. Then I get upset, but it doesn't usually take much to bring me back.
"Korosensei, I really hope we can save you. " I whispered,  smiling softly. Nagisa squeezed me gently. He wanted to save Korosensei, too.
"I hope I live to see all of you grow into wonderful men and women. " Korosensei said, winking at us. I blushed. I knew what he was hinting towards. Marriage. Great. Even Korosensei decided to take their side. "Korosensei!" I cried out, overly embarrassed.
"Nyhehehehe! Sorry! I couldn't help myself! You two are such a great couple!"
Then Nagisa caught on.
"KOROSENSEI!" He screamed, breaking away from me and lunging at Korosensei with a knife. Korosensei screeched, trying to dodge Nagisa's attacks.
"Do you two not want to get married?!"
"WE NEVER SAID THAT!" We screamed at the same time.
"Ooh! So you do!"
"EEP! Sorry you two!"
"Oh come on! You just admitted you want to get married!"
"So? You can make plans early!"
Nagisa stopped, scowling. "What do you take us as?"
"Two young lovers. "
"I'm done. " Nagisa said, dropping the knife and grabbing my hand. We walked out, Nagisa was still fuming. I didn't know why though. Korosensei stopped us.
"It was just a joke, Nagisa."
I said softly. Korosensei nodded at me. Nagisa's hands were balled in fists by his sides. "I don't want us to start hating each other. "
"Why would we do that?"
"Akara, both of us have lived with only one parent for most of our lives. I don't want to lose you. "
"Don't worry. I won't leave you. Ever. " I hugged him, my chin resting on his shoulder. He was crying. I couldn't stand to see him this way.
"Please stop crying. I won't leave you, Nagisa. "
"I know..." He said, but he was still crying.
"I just love you so much." He continued.
"I know. I love you, too. And it hurts me to see you cry. "
"I'm sorry. "
"Don't be. Everyone cries once and a while. "
He pulled away, sniffling but not crying. I smiled at him gently, taking both of his hands in mine.
"I'll never, ever leave you."
I said, kissing him on the cheek. I had totally forgotten Korosensei was there until he said," You two are so cute!"
"Korosensei, do you want to die?"
"No. "
"That's what I thought. Get lost. "
"I'm a lot older than you, Nagisa. "
"But who has a gun and a knife?" Nagisa countered, reaching to his back pocket.
Korosensei was gone in a matter of seconds. Nagisa chuckled and murmured," He's so gullible. "
"You don't have any weapons, do you?" I whispered.
"Nope!" He said cheerfully.
I giggled.
We started walking home, smiling at each other and cracking jokes the whole way there.

((1329 words!! ;D Anyways, do you guys want me to continue it from this point? Otherwise there would be another time skip to high school.
Please comment, vote, and follow!
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Akara: (giggles) What can I say? Nagisa has a bunch of features you'll never have.
Lergo: Like what? I won't look like a girl?!
Akara: (giggles again) No. But that's a funny one.
Lergo: (groans)

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