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~Nagisa's POV~
After Karma left, I said to Akara," Come on. I want to show you something. "
"Okay. "
I held out my hand and she took it in hers gingerly.
"Lead the way, Raspberry. "
"Alright, Sugar. "
I led her out of the apartment building, smiling.
"Close your eyes. " I commanded, squeezing her hand tightly.
"Don't let me run into anything. " She said, closing her eyes tightly. I led her towards the spot, making sure that she didn't run into or trip on something.
"Open your eyes. "
I heard Akara gasp.
The spot was a secluded beach, surrounded by woods. The sunset reflected off the water, creating a beautiful shimmer across the ocean. The waves lapped at the white sandy shore. It was a pristine beach, one that only a few or one person had found. I looked at her, her eyes sparkling. Nothing amounted to the beauty I saw before me. Not even the pristine beach and glimmering sea could beat it.

~Akara's POV~
I was at a loss for words. It was so beautiful.
"It's beautiful, Nagisa..."
"Not as beautiful as you. "
I didn't answer. His cheesy flirtations were growing on me. Plus I was a little taken aback by his words. He tilted my chin towards him, breaking my gaze from the glimmering sea to him.
"You're a breath-taking sight. I understand why Karma is jealous of me now. Well, I always did. But I really really understand. "
"Sh..." He put a finger to my lips, staring at them.
"I'll do all the talking so you don't move. " He mumbled, looking up at me. Our eyes locked together. My breath hitched and my heart skipped a beat.
He moved his hand to caress my cheek, his other hand resting on my waist. I stood still, like he said. I didn't want to ruin this moment. It was bliss.
He pulled me closer, but didn't kiss me. There was a yearning building in my stomach. He traced my lips with his finger, I couldn't tell if he was teasing me or just taking his time. It was aggravating though. ((So impatient))

~Nagisa's POV~
I could feel Akara start to fidget. I knew she wouldn't be able to stay still for long. I smiled slightly then took her hands in mine.
Then I pulled her closer to the shore, kicking off my shoes. Akara did the same, smiling along with me. We pulled off our socks then dropped them with our shoes and ran the rest of the way to the shore. Our feet splashed in the warm water, both of us laughing. I pulled off my shirt, throwing it with my shoes and rolled up the cuffs on my pants. I went deeper in the water, until I was up to my knees. "Come on, Akara!" I said, laughing. She rolled up her sleeves further, then she splashed her way over to me. I pulled her to my chest, holding her in an embrace. She wrapped her arms around my torso, looking at me.
"I love you. "
"I love you more, Nagisa. "
"Oh, I don't know about that."
Akara laughed, and it made me so happy on the inside. I touched our noses together. There was a huge yearning in my stomach to kiss her, and it was growing. But I had to wait for the perfect moment.

After about five minutes of splashing each other, we got out and laid down on the sand. I interlocked our fingers, turning my head to look at her. The sand was still warm from the setting sun. I sat up, watching the setting sun as it started to fully disappear behind the horizon. She sat up as well and I took this as my chance.
I caressed her cheek, and she leaned into my hand. I leaned forward, closing my eyes slowly. Our lips collided, her soft lips gingerly pressed against mine. My hands slid down to her hips, pulling her closer to me. I set her on my lap, her stomach pressed against my chest. She wrapped her legs around my waist, while I deepened the kiss. My tongue slid into her mouth, her tongue doing the same for my mouth. My hands slid up her shirt, tracing patterns on her bare skin. My heart raced and I could feel Akara's heart doing the same. She pulled away for a second, taking a in a deep breath then continuing the kiss.

The sun had set by the time we finished the kiss. We laid back, Akara's head on my chest. I sighed. "We better get back before my mom starts to worry. " I whispered, then realized Akara was asleep. I stood up, slinging her gently on my back then grabbed my shirt. I found she wasn't as heavy this time, but I could still feel the pressure on my back. I made sure I grabbed our shoes and socks then started walking home. I caught dark shadows moving in the corner of my eye. Not tonight. Oh please not tonight. I thought. I probably looked highly vulnerable, with a sleeping girl on my back and looking like a girl. I grit my teeth as I saw another moving shadow. Then a tall, dark figure appeared in front of me. "Nagisa, you look...look... Half-naked. " I heard Karma said and I almost fainted in relief. It was just Karma in front of me. Then I realized what he said. "Hey! Akara and I went swimming. And it's not weird for guys to not be wearing a shirt. " I said, accidentally repeating something Akara had said to me. "Just you two?" Karma teased," Nagisa! You've gotten very... Brave. "
I felt my face heat up.
"Karma! It's not like that!"
"Sure, Nagisa. Sureee. " Karma said, chuckling then ruffling my hair.
"It's not!"
"Stop screaming. You'll wake up sleeping beauty. "
"Only I can call her that. "
"Since when have you ever called her that?"
"I'll take that as never. "
"Grr. " I growled.
"Do you want me to carry her?" He asked.
"No. I've got it. " I growled, continuing to walk towards my house. I felt Akara's weight start being pulled off my back. "Karma, quit it. " I said, hoisting her further up on my back. I heard him curse under his breath. We reached the apartment and Karma walked off, still muttering under his breath.

I fell onto my bed, having already set Akara down next to me. She was heavy. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit my pillow.

((1093 words!! ;D I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! I'm thinking about finishing this fanfiction soon. But not before I give it a proper ending. If you guys have any ideas for me, I will gladly take them and use them! I want this to continue this for as long as I can! And I know you guys like it! But when I finish this fanfiction, there will be a book of one-shots. ;D TTYL LOVELIES AND DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT, VOTE, AND FOLLOW!!

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