Raspberries, Cinnamon, and... Flowers?

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~Nagisa's POV~
When I woke up, Akara's arms were tight around my waist and we were in a tight embrace. I smiled slightly, kissing the top of her head. "Akara, it's time to wake up." I whispered, leaning into her ear. She started slightly then mumbled," But I don't wanna. " "Too bad. " "Aw..." She opened her eyes then buried her face in my neck. "Akara, come on. " "Pleeeassse?" She mumbled into my shoulder. I sighed," We can't miss more school. " "Okay..." She responded, pulling away from me. I smiled again, she was such a sleepy-head in the morning. It was super cute.

"Akara~!" I called as I finished cooking breakfast for us. She came out of the bathroom, wearing my unif--MY UNIFORM?! "I decided to borrow your uniform again. " She giggled at my expression. I quickly shook the expression off my face then said," It's fine. " Honestly, I didn't care. It's just I didn't want her to get in trouble.

----AT SCHOOL----
Akara sat in my lap, making me blush. She pressed her back against my stomach, taking my hands and wrapping them around her waist. She intertwined our fingers happily, smiling the whole time.

~Akara's POV~
I enjoyed Nagisa's warmth, which was radiating off him in waves. I glanced at Kayano. She didn't look like she cared, but I knew this was bothering her. Badly. He's mine and mine only. I thought triumphantly.

Finally class started and I had to move to my seat. "I see you're perfectly comfortable sitting in Nagisa's lap now?" Karma inquired. "Yeah. " I responded. "What would you do if someone else sat in his lap?" "I would be very angry." "Ooh~ I see. What would he do if you sat in someone else's lap?" "I dunno. " "How about we test that?" "No way. " "Aw, you can tell him it was all my fault. " "Karma Akabane..." "Do I have to force you?" "Yes. As a matter of fact, you will have to. " He easily slid me out of my chair and into his lap. He rested his chin on my head. My eyes just about popped out my head. I didn't want to cause a commotion and Nagisa look in this direction, so I just sat rigidly. "Oh calm down, Akara-chan. " "I don't like this at all. " "I know you don't. But I don't really mind it. " "Karma!" I whisper-screamed. He chuckled. I was whining now," Put me back in my chair. " "No. " "Pleeeasseee?" That usually worked with Nagisa. "No. " "Aw come-on.... Pweeaasseeee?" "Fine. " Karma said, his jaw stiff. "Sorry..." "It's fine, Akara-chan. " He said, placing a kiss on my head. My eyes about popped out of my head again and my face heated up. "Why did you...?" "You're like a little sister to me. " "Oh. " "Yeah. I like to mess with Nagisa, too. " He said, cocking a grin and sending a look at Nagisa. He was turned around in his seat, eyes wide. His eyes were glassy. He looked like he was about to cry. "Why did you do that?! He looks like he is going to MELT into tears!" "Don't worry. You can tell him the whole story later. " "Wha--?" "Pay attention. " Karma ordered, pointing at the board. I started pouring again.

-----LUNCH TIME------
~Nagisa's POV~
I couldn't believe what I saw in class. Karma kissed Akara on the head and had her in his lap. Why was Akara so popular with all the flirtatious boys?! Other than me, of course. "Why did she pick me? Over Asano and Karma? " Then I realized I said that last part out loud. I blushed a deep red, because Akara was standing close enough to hear it. "Because you're more heartfelt and sweet, Nagisa. " She said, sitting down next to me. "Oh, and Karma was messing with you and me earlier. He said he thought of me as a little sister.... But he just liked messing with you. " "Oh. " "Yeah. Don't worry, I would never cheat on you. " She said, turning my chin in her direction with her finger. "I believe you..." I mumbled, my heart rate was quickening. One of these days, I was going to end up having a heart attack. "Don't worry, little raspberry. " She whispered, pressing her lips to mine. It was a sweet kiss, but no where near as passionate as yesterday. I pressed harder, for a more fulfilling kiss. Then the French kiss started. I ended up on top of her, my hands holding down her own. When I pulled away, I saw Karma, Rio, and Korosensei grinning. Akara saw them, too, and we both blushed crimson. They had been taking pictures of us... I sighed, rolled off of Akara and said," Delete those pictures, right now. " "You can't tell me what to do!" Korosensei said then I countered with," I can kill you and take your phone instead. " Korosensei immediately started deleting the pictures. He didn't want to die just yet. Karma and Rio rolled their eyes at him. "Did you not hear me?" I asked them. "We don't apply to the 'kill you' threat, Nagisa. " Rio said. "I'll kill you instead then. " Akara said, holding an actual knife. I saw Karma smirk and Rio go a little pale. They both deleted the pictures and Akara slid the knife into her shoe. "I've carried it around ever since..." "I know. " I said, taking her hand in mine. She smiled then pecked me on the cheek. I smiled. "Now that we got rid of these... Guys..." Akara scowled, crumbling up her pretty face. "Let's go inside. " I nodded in agreement. When we got inside, we were alone. I took this to my advantage and started kissing Akara. She kissed right back, but was reluctant. I pulled her close to me, our stomachs pressed together. That's when she went all out, her hands in my hair and our kiss deepened. My hands slid up her shirt, rubbing up and down her back. She had me pressed up against a desk, her warmth was soothing. I wanted there to be nothing between us. Nothing. Then I realized where my thoughts were leading. I pulled away.

~Akara's POV~
I was confused when Nagisa pulled away. I pulled him right back. This time he was the one with his shields up. I slid my hands up his shirt, pulling him as close as I could. Then I heard giggling behind us. I turned around, both Nagisa and me blushing for what felt like the millionth time today. It was Bitch-Sensei. "Ah~ Young love. " That made me and Nagisa blush harder. "Sorry for interrupting. I didn't know you two were in here. " She said, backing out of the room. Nagisa and I glanced at each other.

----BACK AT HOME(cuz the rest of class wasn't very eventful)---
I sat down in Nagisa's lap, arms wrapped around his waist. I buried my face in his chest. He pulled me into an embrace. He smelled sweet, like raspberries. I smiled. Raspberries and cinnamon. He ran his fingers through my hair. We were sitting on his bed, originally we started out playing video games... Then this happened. "You smell like raspberries and cinnamon. " I mumbled into his chest. "You smell like flowers... " He said, taking a deep breath while pulling me closer to his chest. "I'm sorry I almost made you cry earlier. " I said, hugging him tightly. "It's really not your fault. It was Karma's. " "I'm still sorry. " "It's fine. "

I sighed and wrapped my legs around his waist.

((1259 WORDS!! I think that's a new record...? Whatever! I hope you guys like it!))

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