Killing Ash

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(( just a nice song. It doesn't really have much to do with the chapter. ))

~Nagisa's POV~
So, it was 5:30 and Akara seemed antsy. "Akara, do you want to take a bath? I can leave... If you want to. "
I offered, though she shook her head.
"Nah, I'm good. Do you want to take a bath? I'm not leaving, though. " She said, looking at me.
I felt heat rush into my cheeks. Even if we were married, we still were weird about those kinds of things.
"No thanks..."
She chuckled.

"Fine, I'll take a bath. But you have to go in the bathroom while I take a bath."
"Aw... Okay. " Akara whined, going into the bathroom.
I quickly stripped and jumped into the bathtub. I closed my eyes, leaning down and blowing bubbles in the water. After a few minutes of silence, I hear a quiet "splunk" next to me. I open one eye, thinking something had fallen into the water off the side of the tub. Instead, I saw Akara, sitting next to me in the big tub. I felt my face get hot and I quickly shut my eyes again, covering my face with my hands.
"Akara, what are you doing?" I said nervously.
"Taking a bath. "
"Why now...?"
"Because I was thinking about what Karma said earlier. "
"Karma said a lot earlier. "
"The childish part. " She scooted closer to me, then I tried to bolt. She grabbed my hand, keeping me from moving away. She was almost on top of me, then there was a knock on the door. Akara groaned and rolled her eyes, then said," One second!" She was out of the tub and dressed in an instant, opening the door.
I wasn't in sight from the door, but I heard it open.
"Hey Karma, is it 6 already?!"
"Yeah. Where's Nagisa?"
"You see.... I haven't told him yet. "
"He's taking a bath. Give it a break."
"Then where were you?"
There was a pause.
"In the bathroom. "
"Surreeeee, Akara. Surrreeeeee. "
Then he yelled," Nagisa, get dressed. You have five minutes!"
I jumped out of the bath, pulling on my clothes clumsily. I walked out into the view of Akara and Karma.
"I see Akara didn't give you anytime to bathe. " Karma winked at me, which made the heat come to my cheeks again.
Karma laughed, Akara glaring at him.
"Anyways, Akara and I have a mission. And your assistance is needed. "
"What do you want me to do?"

Karma roared with laughter. Akara smiled at me sadly,"Sorry, raspberry. This won't happen again. Hopefully. "
I sighed. They had made me put on a dress, a bright. Pink. One.
"Did you have to pick this one?" I said, Karma nodding and grinning at me. I will admit, Akara did a good job with the makeup.

"So, who am I picking up?"
"A 6 year old boy. Almost splitting image of Akara's brother. "
"So, I just grab the kid and leave?"
"Basically. "
Karma was answering any questions I had, while Akara drove us to the airport.

I got out of the car, heading towards the airplane gate.
I didn't like this plan, but it would keep Akara out of jail.
I scanned the area for the small boy I was picking up. For some reason, they let him fly alone. I guess it was so everyone could look for Akara. I spotted the red-headed boy, him also looking around nervously. He spotted me and cautiously walked over, hands tight to his sides.
"Are you Mrs. Kori?" He said quietly and I nodded, reaching out my hand for him to take it. He grabbed it gratefully, relaxing. I felt bad, knowing what was going to happen to this kid. We made it to the car and I said, trying to make my voice seem a little more like in middle school--though it hadn't changed much," Ash, I have some friends in the front and back seats. You'll be sitting next to my friend, Karma. " Ash nodded, sliding into the car next to Karma. I saw Akara stiffen in the front seat, keeping her face hidden from the boy.
"That's my friend A- Ashlynn." I caught myself from saying Akara, knowing the kid would link it back to his aunt.
"Pretty name." Ash said, smiling at Akara.
"T-Thank you. " Akara caught herself, almost speaking in Japanese instead of English.
Ash then said," You speak Japanese?"
"Yes. So does Karma-Kun. "
"Yeah, kid. " Karma said, winking at Ash. Ash smiled and said," My father loved learning the different languages. "
Akara stiffened again, but I didn't know why.
"Cool. " Karma said, while I jumped in the front seat.
"Mrs. Kori, did they tell you how my parents died?"
"H-She doesn't speak Japanese. " Akara said, staring out the window still tense.
"Oh, sorry about that. Mrs. Kori, did they tell you how my parents died?"
"No. " I said coolly.
"Well, my aunt, Akara Shiota, killed them. I was in the house. I had just gotten back from camp and my dad was coming home from work. She dragged my mom outside, putting a gun to her head. My dad drove up and Akara shot my mom. She was in all black clothes, I remember them clearly. I was so scared. Then she killed father by slitting his throat. I knew it was her because I heard her say something to my father with 'brother' in it."
My eyes darted to Akara, alarm clear in them. She had closed her eyes, her head resting against the window.
"Oh my. I'm sorry you had to experience that. "
Ash nodded, but didn't seem disturbed by the story he had just told.
We arrived at the area where Karma and Akara were going to take out the kid. I stopped the car and Akara said,"We're here. We have a small walk to get to the house. "
"Alright!" Ash said quietly. Akara got out of the car, slamming the door shut. She had a gun in her hand, pressed against her thigh.
Ash jumped out of the car, Karma getting out after him. Ash started walking, Akara raised her gun. Her hands were shaking. I lowered her gun with my hand, shaking my head sadly. There was a loud bang from behind us, Ash crumpling to the ground. Blood was pooling out of his neck, a large gaping hole in the back of his neck.
Akara broke down into tears and I pulled her to my chest, closing my eyes. Karma went over to the kid, picking him up and cleaning up the blood.
I didn't pay attention to anything else he did, just cooed to Akara softly and tried to calm her down.

We were back at the hotel room, I had changed back into regular clothes and thrown away the pink dress.
Akara had finally stopped crying when we got to the hotel, her eyes puffy and red.
"Akara, take a bath. " I said softly, hoping that would make her feel better. She just shook her head, clinging onto my chest. She hadn't left my side since she started crying.
"Not unless you get in with me. "
"No, Akara. "
"Then I'm not taking a bath."
"Akara. "
"Nope. "
"You need a bath. "
"Then get in with me. "
"No. "
"Then I'm not taking a bath."
"Fine. Fine. Get in. "
Akara's face lit up, she scampered away and into the bathroom.

I hopped into the bath, knowing this was the only way to make my stubborn wife take a bath. Akara came out, which I quickly closed my eyes. Even if we were married, I didn't like this. I heard a splunk and Akara scooted next to me, finding my hand and interlocking our fingers.
"Nagisa, you can open your eyes. "
"No. That wasn't part of the deal. "
"I'll force you to. "
"I don't know... There's many ways..."
I felt my face heat up and I opened my eyes, to find her almost on top of me. I tried to jump out of the bath, but she hand my hand and pulled me back down. She locked our lips, my face turning the color of a tomato. I squirmed, trying to get her off me. Finally she pulled away, smiling at me. I said,
"Never again. Nope. "
"Not happening. I'm getting out right now. "
"Turn around. " I ordered. She obeyed, sulking silently.
I jumped out of the bath and wrapped a towel around my waist.
"Nagi..." She whined, after I started pulling on my shirt.
"No. Finish your bath. "
"But Nagiiiiii..."
"No. "
"No. "
"You're mean. "
"Yeah, yeah. Okay. "
I went into the bathroom, pulling on the rest of my clothes. When I went back into the room, Akara was dressed and sitting on the bed. I sat down next to her, not expecting her to get on top of me. She wrapped her legs around my waist, her lips against mine and her eyes closed. My hands slid up her shirt, my eyes closing slowly. I could feel her heartbeat against my chest, her warm embrace and her fingers sliding up my sides.
She had her body pressed against mine, just like when we were in middle school.
Her tongue slid into my mouth, making me try and press her closer to me.

((1554 words! ;D Interesting twist, am I right?

Falling in Love With a Killer- Shiota NagisaWhere stories live. Discover now