The Final Chapter

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~Nagisa's POV~
I almost dropped my phone.
"N-No..." I said weakly.
Raku had just broke the news to me about Akara.
"Nagisa, I'm so sorry. I will get your wife back, I promise. I swear my life on it. I'm sending Karma to go get her. " Raku said, a sort of desperation in his voice.
"I-I'll go too." I said sternly into the phone.
"Alright. I'll get Karma to stop by your house to drop off some supplies. I'm so sorry about Akara..." Then he hung up.
I took a shaky breath before saying to myself," I'm never letting Akara go again. This has gotten too dangerous. I don't want her ever getting away again. " I buried my face in my hands, crying.
"Daddy?" Rainy asked softly, coming down the stairs.
She looked so much like Akara now, she sounded like her too. Enough to make me look up hopefully when I heard her voice. I sighed in disappointment.
"Yes?" I said, looking at her.
"Where's Momma?" She asked softly. "Why are you crying?"
"She..." I started to figure out a lie, but couldn't think of one. "She's being held captive by a crazy killer. You're going to stay here, out of harms way. "
"But I need to help you get Momma back!"
"No." I said, more stern than I meant to.
She flinched back at my voice, then said," I'm going. Because I can't just watch when my family is in danger."
"You're just as stubborn as your mother. But you can't go! I refuse to let you!" I snapped, frowning," It's dangerous!"
Rainy frowned, looking so much like her mother it made me want to cry.
"I have to help Momma!" She protested.
"And I have to protect both of you! You have to stay here!" I said, loudly.
Then I heard the door open, Karma coming in to find out what was causing me to scream like that.
My hands were shaking with anger and sadness.
"Nagisa!" Karma said, rushing over and grabbing my wrists. My vision blurred. My breathing was shallow and Karma looked at me sternly.
"Get a hold of yourself!" He said, frowning.
I could feel my blood pressure rising from anger.
"Let go of me!" I snapped.
"Nagisa, calm down. I want to get Akara back, too, but you can't get so worked up and do something you'll regret!"
I ripped my hands away before pushing him down angrily.
"Leave me alone!" I cried, tears streaming down my face," You don't know what it's like! To have guilt every time you look at your wife's back, the one time you couldn't protect her! You don't know what it feels like to sit up at night, not able to do anything, as your wife cries in the dark! You just don't understand! I worry every single time she leaves the damn house!"
"Nagisa..." He said weakly," Look, I know I've never been through that. But you have to calm down. Think about Rainy! Akara wouldn't want you hitting your daughter, would she?!"
I sent him a glare," I'm not like my mother. " Then I stormed upstairs.

~Karma's POV~
"I'm sorry, Rainy. " I sighed," I don't really know if he was actually going to hit you or not..."
Rainy nodded weakly," What was he talking about?"
"Which part?" I said, sitting down on the couch and sighing. Nagisa could be such a mess sometimes.
"The scars part..." She murmured softly, eyes wide as she looked at me.
Damn, she looks so much like her mom.
"That. " I grumbled," Of all the things... But anyways, you might not know this, but your mother has lots of scars on her back. When your father, your mother, and I were in middle school, Akara had been staying with Nagisa since her mother disowned her. But that's beside the point. One day, Akara and Nagisa were going to school, and they were attacked. We still don't know why, but we believe that the people that kidnapped them were child rapists... But don't worry, they didn't do anything like... That, to your mom or dad. But they hurt Akara, whipping her and beating her. We also believe they were trying to get information out of her about our old teacher."
"Wait! Why would they need information about your old teacher?"
"Our old teacher was a government weapon. He was a weird, yellow octopus. But he was the nicest person I've ever met... You remember when you met the whole E-3 class? Well he's the one who taught us. He taught all of us to be assassins. "
"Oh... "
"But back to the story. Nagisa had been kidnapped as well, but had need out cold the whole time. When he awoke, it was too late to protect Akara. He still blames himself for it. She used to be terrified of the dark and cry herself to sleep out of fear. Akara only got over a couple of years before they got married, but she never blamed Nagisa. Not once. She still won't tell us exactly what happened though."
"That's horrible..." Rainy mumbled softly, eyes wide with sorrow.
"I know. That's what Nagisa was talking about. He was scarred by that day, but he manages to push it to the back of his mind. I envy your father. He has everything he could ever need... A beautiful family, a loving wife, an amazing house... A gorgeous daughter..." I murmured softly, chuckling at the last part.
"Uncle Karma, why don't you have a wife and kids?"
"I used to have a wife. But we got divorced because she didn't love me, and I loved your mother instead. "
"Wait... You love my mother?"
"Yeah. Nagisa and I used to be love rivals. Even after they were married. I still love her, but I don't want to cause your family to break up. They are my best friends, I can't just ruin their lives like that. " I chuckled nervously," But don't you worry about that. " I Ruffles her hair gently and she smiled at me.
"You're a lot like your mom, you know that?"
"Yeah, Daddy tells me all the time. " She giggled.
"Well, as much as I like talking to you, I have to go get Akara back. " I stood up, then quickly started up the stairs to get Nagisa.

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