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~Akara's POV~
When I woke up, Nagisa was climbing back in bed with me. I didn't move, just closed my eyes again and tried to go back to sleep.
"Akara..." He mumbled, kissing below my ear.
"Hm..?" I murmured, not moving at all.
"Time to get up. "
"Ugh... But it's Saturday..."
"I know, Sugar."
"Nagi, let me go back to sleep."
"I don't think you want to. "
"Why?" I said, opening my eyes and turning to look at him. Then I realized why he had been up before. Rose petals were laid out, on the floor, the bed, and into the hallway. I looked at him quizzically, he looked very proud of himself. I grabbed his collar, pulling him down so I could kiss him. He let out a squeak in surprise, but didn't protest. Our lips met, my tongue immediately sliding into his mouth. My hands slid up his shirt, while he pulled me on top of him. Then his hands slid up the back of my shirt, tickling my back with his soft touch. Then he started to actually tickle me, making me pull away and squirm to get away.

~Nagisa's POV~
I hated to ruin the moment, but I couldn't help myself.
She was squirming and trying to push me away, while giggling. I chuckled, flipping us around so I was on top of her. I sat on her stomach, still tickling her. She starting flailing around, pushing at me furiously. "Get off!" She said breathlessly.
"No can do, Sugar. "
"No can do, Sugar. "
I laughed, leaning down so our noses were about to touch. I stopped tickling her and caressed her cheek in my hand, while she leaned into my hand. I kissed her on the lips softly, then flipped her over again. She sat on top of my stomach, my hands on her hips. Her hands were in fists, resting on my chest.
"Why are you so adorable when you're angry?"
"I don't know. It's your opinion. "
"Aw, don't be so cold with your soon to be fiancée. "
She glared at me, but kept her mouth shut. I smiled at her aggressive stance.
"Come on, I want to show you something. " I said, sitting up and carrying her into the kitchen. I heard her gasp.
I had made her a huge breakfast, put candles on the table, and anything romantic I could think of.
"Nagisa... Did you do this for me?"
"Yeah. " I said, embarrassed.
"It's amazing!" She said, kissing me. She dropped from my arms, quickly sitting down and shoving food in her mouth. I smiled, happy she liked it. I started laughing when she chugged a whole gallon of milk, straight from the carton. I wrapped my arms around her, her back pressed against my chest. I could feel her scars under her thin pajama shirt. I kissed her neck, as she continued to eat her breakfast.
"This is so good!" She mumbled through a piece of toast that she was eating.
"I'm glad you like it."
"Like it?! I LOVE IT! I love it a little less than I love you!"
"It's that good?"
"DUH! I love you more than infinity. "
"Oh, alright. "
"Nagisa, don't get all monotone. It makes me worry that you're upset. "
"Sorry, Sugar!"
"There we go! Now eat some of this toast. " She said, shoving the rest of her toast in my mouth. I glared at her for a second but finished the toast without complaining. She giggled, grinning at me. She was in a good mood. That's good.

~Akara's POV~
I loved this so much, being with Nagisa...and just knowing he cared about me.
I kissed him, although it really didn't change anything. He had my face between his hands, gingerly kissing me. I hated how gentle he was with me.
"Alright, on to the next thing!" He said, pulling me back into the bedroom and throwing a set of clothes at me. I caught them, confused. When had he gotten the time to plan all this?
I went into the bathroom, and he followed me. "What are you doing?"
"I have to zip up the dress when you're done. "
"Then you can wait outside. "
"I'm staying right here. "
"Gah..." I muttered," Then turn around. "
He obeyed, while I darted into the smaller room that separated the toilet from the main bathroom. I locked the door, so he couldn't get any ideas.
I pulled on the dress, finding it was strapless and covered in bright, colorful flowers on a blue background.
"Oh wow..." I said breathlessly. He must've bought this when I was asleep. I had never seen it in my life, but it was amazing. I stepped out of the bathroom, throwing my pajamas in the laundry basket.
Nagisa whistled at me, taking my hand in his and pulling me closer. He quickly zipped up the zipper on the back of my dress. I smiled sheepishly.
"Spin around, so I can make sure it looks right. "
I did as I was told, spinning in a circle.
"As I thought, you're perfect. " He murmured, pulling me even closer to him. I blushed, my arms tight to my chest.
"Come on, time to go!" He said, pulling me along and out the door.
"Woah! Slow down!" I said, then he stopped and picked me up bridal-style.
"Eek! Nagisa!" I screeched, wrapping my arms around his neck.
He laughed, carrying me down the stairs and out the door. He set me down outside, taking my hand in his. He pulled me to the park, sitting down on one of the swings and patting his lap so I would climb on. I sat down, while he wrapped his arms around me.
I heard a kid behind us say," Mommy, why are those girls on the swing together?"
"Come on, sweetie. Hey! You two! Go somewhere else, you scum!"
I felt anger rise in my throat. I jumped off of Nagisa's lap, and retorted with,"First of all, he is a guy. Second of all, mind your own business and no one gets hurt! " I glared at her while Nagisa tugged on my arm.
The woman looked surprised for a moment, then nodded weakly. She walked off, holding her son's hand and pulling him along violently.
I sat back down with Nagisa, who looked at me sadly.
"Sorry, that wasn't supposed to happen..."
"You couldn't have done anything about it. She shouldn't have said that. It was uncalled for. "
"Let's go to the next place!" He said, his cheerfulness back. I hadn't realized we had been there for a hour and a half already. He pulled me along, back to our apartment building. But to my surprise, he lead me to our car instead. We had bought a car when we moved away from Ms. Shiota, since she was too far away for us to walk. He opened the passenger door for me and I looked at him, confused. "Get in. " He commanded me, so I got in the car without asking. He shut the door and jumped in the driver side. After he started driving, I said," Where are we going?"
"You'll see. "
"I'll give you a hint. "
"Hit me with it. "
"You've been there before. "
"Wow. Great hint. " I said sarcastically and slumped down in my seat. He chuckled, not taking his eyes off the road.

~Nagisa's POV~
Today was going to be one of the best days of Akara's life. I was going to make sure of it.

~Akara's POV~
When we finally made it, Nagisa told me to close my eyes. I reluctantly did, and I heard doors opening and one close. Nagisa helped me out of the car, shutting the door behind me and leading me somewhere.
"Open your eyes. "
I opened my eyes, to find the pristine beach that Nagisa and I had spent so many moments together.
"I know this has been the place I've asked you many, many amazing things. But I have one more thing to do. " He said, going down on one knee and pulling out a little, velvet black box.
I felt tears spring to my eyes, pounding the back of them and trying to escape.
"Akara Diamond, will you marry me?" He said, looking at me hopefully. Tears ran down my face. Joy. Tears of joy.
"Yes. Yes! Yes, Nagisa, I will!" I said, smiling at him. He slid the ring onto my finger, then stood up and kissed me.

This will forever be one of the best days of my life.

. . . .
Me: What? (Says innocently)
Akara: Leave Author-Chan alone.
Me: Well, we have one thing in common.
Lergo: What do you mean?
Me: You aggravate the crap out of me, too.

Falling in Love With a Killer- Shiota NagisaWhere stories live. Discover now