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~Akara's POV~
I woke up, Nagisa cuddled next to me. He was like a cat, curled up in a tight ball while his back was pressed into my stomach. "Nagi..." I whispered, feeling him stir beside me.
"Sugar?" He said bleakly, sitting up and looking at me.
"Yeah? "
"I'm tired. "
"Now you know how I feel every morning. "
He groaned and laid back down with a soft thud.
"Nagisa... " I mumbled, stroking his hair gently. I swear he would've purred if he was a cat. He leaned into my hand, closing his eyes again. "You're like an overgrown cat. " I murmured, kissing the top of his head. He made a low purring noise in his throat and I smiled.
He sat up, his previous tiredness disappearing, and started meowing. He pounced on me, nuzzling my neck and jawline. I giggled, petting his head. "Nagisa, we have to get ready for school. " I said, trying to stop giggling. His hair was tickling my nose and face.
"Meow?" He cocked his head to the side, acting like he didn't understand.
"Quit that. You know what I'm saying. "
"Sorry, sugar. "
"Meow. "
"Oh not you too! I'll lick you. "
"EKK! Not that!" I said sarcastically.
He smirked and nuzzled my collarbone.
"Quit that!" I said, trying to push him off. He just smirked and pinned my arms down, nosing my collarbone again. It sent shudders through my body, which made Nagisa just smirk more. He kissed my collarbone then made his way up to my jawline. He kissed my cheek, taking me in his arms, then made his way to my lips. I gasped slightly, not meaning to. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until his lips collided with mine.

~Nagisa's POV~
Akara was rigid in my arms. I pulled away, getting out of the bed. Akara got up after me, both of us stretching. I heard multiple of my bones 'pop'. Akara giggled. I smiled and walked out of the room, starting to cook breakfast. Akara came up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and burying her face in my neck. I smiled softly, continuing to cook the scrambled eggs.
"Yes, Nagisa?"
"Go get dressed. "
"Alright. " She said, pulling away from me and walking off to my room. I smiled slightly.

---On the way to school---
Akara and I walked hand in hand and I was smiling the whole time. Then, out of no where, a rag was pressed to my mouth. I quickly held my breath. I felt Akara's hand go limp in mine, then I couldn't hold my breath any longer. I sucked in air, against my will, then was light-headed. My eyes closed and everything went dark.

I opened my eyes, the light almost blinding me. I blinked until I could see again, and my heart skipped a beat. Akara was strapped up in front of me, her eyes drooping. Her uniform was cut up and her arms, legs, and stomach was bruised and bloody. Cuts lined her skin. I almost couldn't bear to look at her face. She had a black eye and she had multiple cuts on her face. "A-Akara..." I managed to choke out. My throat was extremely dry and it hurt to breathe. She looked up, tears filling her eyes.
"Nagisa... It hurts so bad... He whipped me. He slapped me. He punched me. He tried to kill me. " She said, tears running down her face.
"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. "
"Nagisa, it's not your fault."
"But it is. "
"I see someone is awake!" A light voice said, it was almost crazed. The sound of an assassin's voice. I narrowed my eyes. I was going to kill whoever did this to Akara.
Akara's eyes dropped to the ground, the tears still falling. Then I saw the source of the voice. A black-haired boy stepped out of the shadows. "Father said you would awaken soon. " The boy said, walking over to me. His red eyes were focused on me, watching as I struggled to get out of my bindings. "Did you do this to her?!" I screamed, trying to wrench my arms out of the tight rope. "Yes. "
"I will kill you for this!"
"I don't think so. "
"I will! Even if it kills me! I will kill you!"
I struggled to get out of the ropes. The chair moved an inch. Finally I wrenched my hands free, running at him in outraged. I let out a raged screech, trying to punch him. It's like fighting Karma. I thought, I landed a few blows. I managed to break his nose, making blood run down his lips. He laughed. Laughed. I kept punching him, sitting on his stomach so he couldn't get away. He was younger than me and most definitely wasn't being trained to be an assassin. Finally, after I beat him silly, I got up and went over to Akara. She had watched the whole thing, her eyes as wide as the moon. I swear she was more beat up the closer I got. I untied her hands, which were tied to the ceiling and holding her almost 3 feet off the ground. I caught her before she fell and I felt her sobbing into my shoulder. "It's okay now, Akara. I'm so sorry you had to endure that..." I said, rubbing her back gingerly. I could feel the large gashes from the whip hitting her back. It made me want to cry. But I had to be strong for Akara. "Let's get out of here. " I whispered, glancing around for the exit. I carried Akara, whom was clinging onto my back. Her grip was weak and it made me feel even worse. I should've been able to protect her.
We got out of the room, finding it led to a hallway with stairs at the end. I almost ran. We had to get out of there. Then I heard a familiar voice coming from upstairs:
"Where are they?" Korosensei.
"I don't know who you are talking about. " I don't know that voice.
I tried to scream but no sound came out. I ran up the stairs, making sure I had a firm grip on Akara. I banged on the door at the top of the stairs. "That must be my son. He probably locked himself down there on accident. "
"I don't believe that. " Korosensei said, then I heard a soft thud and the door opened. "Korosensei...!" I said, on the verge of tears I was so relieved. Akara lifted up her head to look at Korosensei and she started crying again. "You two are safe now. Karma saw the whole kidnapping. But he was too far away to get to you in time. " Korosensei explained, gently taking Akara from me. I closed my eyes, rubbing my face. "She'll be okay, Nagisa. " Korosensei reassured me, looking down at Akara. She had fallen asleep, hanging limply in Korosensei's tentacles. I leaned against him, exhausted. "Come on. " Korosensei said softly, leading us out. Not before I caught sight of a man, with black hair, slumped against the wall with blood running out of his mouth. We walked outside, to find our whole class waiting. It was dark outside, what happened to this morning? I thought with a sigh. Karma came up to us, immediately going to Akara. "What happened to her? Nagisa, you said you could protect her! What is this?! Explain!" Karma's voice was full of anger and sorrow.
"I know. " I said softly.
Karma raised his fist, ready to slug me right in the face.
Korosenei put a tentacle on his shoulder. Karma glanced at Korosensei, who said,
"Karma. This isn't the time for fighting. I know you are upset but there was nothing Nagisa could do. Neither could've you in his shoes. Akara is going to be fine. "
Karma calmed down a little at the last sentence. He backed off but didn't leave Akara's side. I stood by her head as we walked, rubbing her head gently.

We made it to the hospital, all of us sitting in the waiting room. Korosensei had on his stupid disguise, that honestly, I'm surprise works.
He said he was Akara's father, since her mother disowned her and her father was in the U.S. I don't know what he used as a story for Akara's injuries. I had my face in my hands and cried silently. Karma was sitting beside me, rubbing my back. I think it finally kicked in that I was mad at myself and he didn't need to say anything about it. Korosensei came out of the room, but he didn't look upset. "She's fine. She's awake, if you want to go see her. " He said and I almost ran into the room. I burst in, kneeling next to Akara. "I'm so sorry!" I said, crying. "Nagisa...?" Akara whispered, looking at me. I swear she didn't blame me at all. Her eyes were full of something else. Something I wouldn't trade the world for. Love.

~Akara's POV~
My drug was all I needed. Nagisa. "Nagisa...!" I said, tears forming in my eyes.
"Sugar... " He said, taking my hand in his. "Nagisa! I'm so glad you're here... I was so scared..." I cried, wanting him to hold me close to him and make me feel safe again. I reached out to him, although it hurt to move. "Nagisa..." It seemed like that was the only word I could say. He stood up, sitting down next to me. I wanted him to hold me close to him. Not just sit there. I tried scooting over but a sharp squeak of pain escaped my lips as pain shot through my back. "Don't move, Akara." He ordered, but he laid down next to me. He was on his side and his arms wrapped around my stomach. He kissed my cheek gingerly. "I don't want to be here. I want to be at home. With you. " I murmured, looking at him. "I know. " He said, touching our foreheads. He sat up suddenly when a nurse came in. "Young lady, you can't be in bed with the patient. " The nurse said and I could feel Nagisa tense beside me. "They are married. Leave them alone. " Korosensei said coming in the room. Our faces lit up in embarrassment and we looked at the ceiling. "Just kidding. That's her boyfriend. " Korosensei said, laughing. Nagisa and I looked at each other, smiling. "She's a guy?" The nurse asked, pointing at Nagisa. "Yes. I am most definitely a guy. " Nagisa said, chuckling.
"I apologize, sir!"
"It's alright. It happens a lot. " Nagisa said, shrugging. The nurse checked my pulse, my temperature, and the IV that was stuck in my arm. "You're all good. We may be able to send you home in about an hour or so. " The nurse informed me, which made me grin. She walked out. Korosensei winked at us, following her. Nagisa kissed my bruised lips gingerly. But I wanted more than just a gentle kiss. I found myself pulling him closer, although it hurt. His eyes widened, though he didn't try to pull away. I slid my tongue into his mouth, his arms wrapping around me and resting below all of the long gashes that took up my back. I still couldn't believe it was just yesterday when Nagisa and me went swimming. "Ahem. " I heard a voice say, Nagisa pulled away and turned to look at the newcomer. Ms. Shiota. "Hello, Akara, Nagisa. " She said, coming to the edge of the bed. "Hey, Mom. " Nagisa said, sitting up all the way. "Hello, Ms. Shiota. " I said, interlocking Nagisa's fingers with mine.
"I see you are healing up well. " She said, ruffling my hair gingerly. Everyone was being so gentle with me. I hated it. "Yes mam'. " I said, trying to sit up.
"Akara!" Nagisa said, holding me down," Stay down, so you can go home today. "
"Alright..." I laid back down, sighing.
"Well, I'll be back in an hour to come get you two. The doctor said you would be out by then. Goodbye. " She said, walking out.
"Bye. " Nagisa and I said at the same time. After she left, he took my chin in between his fingers and kissed me passionately but still gently.

---An Hour Later---
Nagisa and I were in his mom's car, headed home. I had bandages all over my body, except for my face. Nagisa kissed me gently, smiling at me. "You're going to always be beautiful to me. No matter what. " Nagisa whispered, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and letting me lay my head on his shoulder. "I'm flattered." I whispered, grinning. "It's true. " He mumbled in my ear, kissing the top of my head. I giggled. Ms. Shiota glanced in her rear-view mirror, smiling when she saw us.

((2146 WORDS! Bam. Enjoy. Plot twist for you guys. I'm going to stretch this story as long as I can. And if I finally run out of ideas, I will end it. ;3 Simple as that. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!
. . . .
Lergo: Okay, we have to stop this.
Akara: You're just jealous! Plus, I'll be fine.
Lergo: (growls)
Akara: (sigh) This is why no one is reading our original story.


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