Chapter Three

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Picture of Keith

Junior high

Four years later

It's Friday, the day before Saturday and  the day before Filicity and I traditional sleep over weekend. This week it would be by her house and I was excited because it's always fun there.

Her mom was way cooler than mines, she was an adult but she acted like one of us and we could talk about anything with her, even boys.

Filicity and I were still boyfriend less but it didn't stop us from dreaming. Boys never looked our way, we were still outcasts but over years the desperation to fit in wasn't so pressuring and we started being happy as we were.

I had just gotten out the shower and was blow drying my long red hair, it was beautiful, I was beautiful.... I think but without the hype clothes and money Filicity and I were just another pretty face in a crowd.

I was humming Gloria Gaynor's " I will survive" ... which over the years has become my anthem when there was a knock at my door.

Zahara: "come in"!!!.... I yelled.

Mom head peeped in.

Melissa: " I am heading off for work now, have a good day honey; Keith is making breakfast ".

I rolled my eyes.

Zahara: " mom you know he hates me".

Melissa: " no he does good".

And I let out a desperate sigh as she closed the door and left.

Keith has become a father I never wanted. He is always annoying me and acting like he is in charge, he didn't move out after his graduation like he promised, he couldn't hold down a job so he became a permanent resident, its like mom can never say no to him while me on the other hand was like a every day prayer.

After I finished my hair, I put on a floral black loose skirt that went mid way to my thigh and a gray off the shoulder long sleeve sweater, I pulled my hair in a high pony tail and added my lip gloss and dark eye shadow, the only make up I wear, grabbing my bag pack I head downstairs.

Keith was indeed in the kitchen but he was having his breakfast, and a white plate was laid out which I presume was for me, but it was empty.

Zahara: "mom said you were doing breakfast "?

He bit into his sandwich.

Zahara: " is there a sandwich for me"?

He took another bite.

I stood waiting and watching him finish his sandwich, drank his orange juice and walked out the kitchen, leaving me alone.

Why does he hate me so much???  I wondered to myself.

Beep! beep!

Felicity knocked me back to reality as she car's  blow her horn outside. I sighed and grabbed a green apple from the refrigerator and head out.

At school

School was full of life it seemed today, Filicity and I lockers were side by side and we were grabbing our materials for the day when we heard someone cleared their throat.

We turned to find the three  most popular girls at the school behind us. To say we were shocked was an under statement,  they never  speak to us, they are in junior high like us but they don't even hang with their peers, they hang with the seniors which made them like gods in our juvenile minds.

Their names???.... Nyla Reid, Anushka Parker and Keeley Walker and they were breath taking beautiful.

Nyla: " we are looking for two new members for our crew, we think you two may be what we're looking for... the prodigal sons are having a party this weekend, you're both invited...if you prove to be mature enough to hang with them, then you can hang with there"

She flipped her long black hair off her shoulders and walked away. Anushka, the indian one of the group, handed us a note and did the same as Nyla then Keeley, the black american smiled sweetly and whispered: good luck.... then she did the same.

Like statues, Filicity and I turned stiffly to each other with our eyes widen and our mouths open.

Then we squealed and hug each other excitedly.


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