Chapter Eleven

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Picture of Roman

The weeks after that went by some what normally, except the fact that I would hang out mostly with the boys than the girls.

I had started laughing again and if it wasn't for the nightmares at nights I would've said that it never happened at all.

But it did. Night time has become some what scary for me all of a sudden. The dreams were constant and I would wake up in a Fright that remained with me throughout the night.

So Elijah would stay up with me on the phone and we would talk all night but that only left us both cranky and sleepy through the days so he started sneaking in the house.

In his arms was the only way I could sleep peacefully.

It was one of those nights now and we were cuddling in bed, his breath was tickling my ears and it made me start giggling.

He chuckled.

Zahara: " move, you're tickling me"... I whispered.

Elijah: " but I am comfy"... he moaned and started to rub his nose along my neck to my ear and that made me even more giggly.

I started laughing, trying desperately not to wake up the house.

I started wiggling against him but his body stiffen.

I was wondering what was wrong so I turned and faced him.

He was looking at me hungrily, his breathing was rapid and his eyes kept flicking from mines to my mouth.

I could tell he wanted to kiss me but he was unsure which was understandable because we haven't kissed since the incident.

I bit my lip as he watch my Every move and looked him in the eye, then a gave a slight nod but before I could finish, his lips were on mines.

He kissed and pulled my lips, it felt so good, I hadn't realized I had missed it so much until now and a soft moan escaped me that made him sink deeper into the kiss, he was now on top of me, right between my legs.

His hand was now under my head as he lift my face into the kiss, it was like we couldn't stop and soon my hands were on his back under his shirt.

Just then, the door flew open and in walked Keith with mom.

Elijah was so shocked he was off me in a split second.

Keith: " see! I told you there was a boy in here"!!!... he said.

The look on mom face was pure anger as she stared at Elijah.

Melissa: " get out".... she said darkly.

Elijah gave one final look at me and then left quickly.

Melissa: " Keith, get a board and hammer and seal that window shut"... she demanded.

I flew out of bed, Keith was already on his way for the tools when she gave me a disappointed look and turned to Leave.

I followed suit.

Zahara: " mom I promise it's not what it seems, please momma ".... I pleaded as I followed her down the stairs.

Suddenly she face me with a hard slap across the face that echoed through the house.

Melissa: " now you listen to me! You will not see that boy, you will not talk or even think! Of that boy...from hence forward you will go to school then straight home do you got that"???

My face was swollen and the tears were threatening to escape, I slowly nod my head and whispered... yes.

She turned away from me but before she stepped away she said: " haven't you embarrass this family enough Zahara "?.... then she left.

Broken hearted GirlWhere stories live. Discover now