Chapter Six

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Picture of Elijah

Couple weeks after, Elijah and I were inseparable and we quickly became the school hit couple but not because of how we looked together which I heard was extremely cute, but the things Elijah did for me everyday.

Whether it was walking me to classes while carrying my books or the flowers that would be delivered in class.

I was suddenly envied by everyone, I still saw Nyla frowning at times which was weird because she was with Brad but I also caught Filicity at times staring with a look I couldn't quite decipher, she was dating Royale, but he was the opposite of Elijah with her, the most time I saw them affectionate was when it was one of our visiting weekends and that's usually when they were about to go off privately.

Elijah, on the other hand would kiss me any and every where! With the constant text messages and late night phone calls Elijah made me feel like the most desired girl in the world, those were our moments and I loved it!

Later in that evening

Via text messages

Elijah: I wish I was kissing you right now.

Zahara: * blushing *

Elijah: lol!!! I love how I make you blush so easy ....but it's true though...I love kissing you.

Zahara: you'll get bored of me soon

Elijah: why is that?

Zahara: because you not getting any .... soon you will leave me for a girl that gives it up




Zahara: Eli?

Elijah: I hate when you say stuff like that... a real turn off Zahara, have I ever complained? Why can't you see I like you that much to wait for you??? .... good night Zahara.

I felt awful, I hate upsetting him but for some reason I just can't believe I land the hottest guy in school and we not even having sex.

Sigh...I should apologize, I thought to myself as I stared at the phone.

I smiled and snatch it up.

Zahara: I'm sorry ..... xoxo

Feeling satisfied I place my phone on my bed and picked up my History book, I loved reading about our country's history but soon enough my phone vibrated and I excitedly snatch it up, eager to see his love text.

But it wasn't from Elijah, it was from Filicity.

Filicity: Zahara please help me

Zahara: what's wrong???

Filicity: I am at a party with the girls and I think my drinks been spiked, I don't feel good and I can't find any of the girls.

Zahara: are you kidding me Filicity!!!!

Filicity: I know I'm sorry!!! Please... I can't stop crying, please help me!!!

Zahara: grrrr get to a safe place and stay there, I'm coming.... where is this party by the way?

Filicity: Dunking St... 1432 Dunking St...thank you Zahara

Zahara: yea...yea you owe me big time fillie

Frustratedly, I threw my phone on my bed. Lately I have been questioning Filicity judgemental skills ever since we started hanging with the girls, i should leave her there in the mess she created, serves her damn right!

Sigh....but i cant; it will be should be sleeping, I'll just sneak in, get the car keys, pick up Filicity and take her back here to sleep it off, then in the morning i will tell her exactly how disappointed in her i am....simple as one - two - three.

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