Chapter Sixteen

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Picture of Leanna

Couple months later

It was the senior's graduation day, today Elijah and the boys would no longer be apart of Garden Cree High and it was depressing.

I was at home under my blanket sulking and hiding away from the world.

Its been couple months and we still were not together. He hasn't called me and I haven't called him but it was his graduation day, I should be there for him but my ego wouldn't let me.

Knock knock

"Come in "... I groaned.

The door open and in walked Anushka, Keeley and Leanna with ice cream, chips and a DVD in hand.

Zahara: "guys"....I gushed.

Keeley: " we figured you wouldn't want to be alone"

They started setting up instantly.

Zahara: "thank you"... I whispered.

Anushka: "are you OK"?

Zahara: "no "....I sobbed as I broke into tears.

Leanna: "oh sweetie" ...she said and they all filed in my bed as we fitted in a group hug.

Zahara: "I miss him so much "... I cried.

Anushka: "I know honey and I am sure he misses you too"

Keeley: "if it helps Leanna and I both saw him as we were with Roman and Royale earlier today and he looked like crap, he is totally messed up without you"

Zahara: "it doesn't help but thanks".

Leanna had just started dating Royale and from what I heard they were both slowly replacing Elijah and I in the love birds category which is funny because Royale was never liked that with Felicity.

Zahara: "OK what movie you brought "?... I asked feeling a little better.

Anushka: "we figured you wouldn't want to see any love sappy movie "

Leanna: "and a scary movie or action movie is just too much for the mind".

Leanna: "so it's a spongebob squarepants marathon day "

Zahara: "what...are you serious "!?!... I exclaimed.

Anushka: "yes we are "

Zahara: "spongebob has no substance it's just a goofy cartoon "

Leanna: "exactly!!!  Its pointless, there won't be any Part to make you remember him"

Keeley: "or her"

Anushka:  "or they"

Leanna: " just a silly, funny, goofy pointless movie to make you laugh and forget "

I looked into it and said..."press play".

It was late in the evening when the girls started heading home, I had decided to see them out.

Keeley: "Leanna you're crazy "!!!

Anushka: "I can't believe you'd even consider going on a date with Squidward "

Leanna: "he's artistic... enough said"

And we all started laughing.

Anushka: "Zahara what's this"?... she asked suddenly and she bent to pick up a single white rose with a white envelope strategically placed at the foot of the steps that led to my deck.

She handed it to me as they all stared curiously.

Shakily I started to open the envelope for on the face was simply written Zahara.


Today was my graduation day, I was valedictorian and I got many certificate and awards. My family was there and so were my best friends, I was told congratulations and everyone seemed to be proud of my outstanding academical records.. yet, it meant nothing.

I feel empty, like my meaning for life is gone. Nothing is right without you Zahara,  I think of you every day, every second, every minute. I think of all the things I should have done different, all of my achievements means nothing if I can't go back in time to change the things I did to loose you.

So I 'm leaving, I can't stay here anymore, everything reminds me of you and it's killing me.

I am moving to England where my mom is, I will join the family business that will eventually be passed down to me. By the time you get this I will be gone but Zahara please know I am so sorry for everything...

I love you with all of my heart and I am sorry I failed in keeping you happy.

---- goodbye.

I didn't realize how hard I was crying till my teardrops that fell on the letter tore it in two.

Leanna:" what is it"?... she asked worriedly.

I looked at them and whispered..."he's gone ".

Broken hearted GirlWhere stories live. Discover now