Chapter Thirty Five

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Judah: "mommy"!!!! Judah shouted as he leaped into my arms and hugged me tightly.

Judah: " I miss you mommy ".

Zahara: "I miss you too Pepito" ... i responded, hugging him just as tight.

Then my eyes drifted to the man that stood before me. Gosh why does he have to be so god damn hot???? I swallowed deeply.

Zahara: "what are you doing here"?... I asked softly but he just kept staring at me so I continued.... "why are you not with your... wife "?.... I spat the last word because it tasted disgustingly.

Elijah: " I didn't get married Zahara".... he said wearily.

Zahara: "what"!!! ..... i shouted confusingly.... "Are you kidding me right now....the F---king church bell rang and everything "!!!.... I shouted angrily.

Elijah: "oh... so you were there"?... he asked sarcastically.

I was getting angry and I was not in the mood for this fucking game.

Just then he spoke to Judah:

"Hey Jude... why not give me and mommy some time to talk"?... he asked sweetly.

Judah: "OK.... mommy, be nice... I like this one"

Then he climbed from me and ran off down the hallway. Fear gripped me instantly and i began to call for him but he was gone.

Zahara: "are you insane? You just let my life ran off in a huge fucking hotel alone"!

I was angry at his irresponsibility but all he did was rub his temples.

Elijah: " gosh can you just shut the fuck up for once... I own this fucking hotel he is fine".

My mouth fell open like a fish grasping for air. Never before has he spoken to me like this, never!

Zahara: "how dare you--

--- how dare I? How dare I how dare you!!???!!... you keep hopping in and out of my fucking life and I am done with it so listen up and listen up good.... you are NEVER walking out of my life again for I am not letting you go ever ever "!... he shouted and I stood there stunned.

He then sighed and stepped closer to me.

Elijah: "you don't know what you do to me Z, you couldn't possibly and repeatedly hurt me. Every time you go you take a piece of me, I want to love you forever but I can't if you don't allow me to. I didn't marry Jenna, how could I after what we shared, those moments were the best of my life, I want them for the rest of it so this is it..... this is the final time I will be asking you to give us a chance, if you walk away again do me a favor and don't come back ".... he said broken hearted......"the choice is yours"

And then he walked away.

As I watched him go voices started screaming in my head:

Don't let him go stupid !

Go get your man!

You're literally standing here watching the love of your life walk out of it

But I just stood there as he disappeared around the corner.

What is wrong with me!!! Why am I so fucking scared???... and just like that it suddenly came to me.... i was scared, I didn't want to feel the hurt my mother felt when dad had walked out on her....but....but wasn't I still hurting now? Living without Elijah was torture...I have been trying not to hurt myself by hurting myself.... wait.... that don't even make sense. I graduated from school with the highest degrees yet I was still educational fool is what you'd call someone like me.... a person so smart that they become stupid.

And now I lost him again..... or did I?

Zahara: "Elijah".... i called softly at first as I slowly started walking down the hallway thinking: I can't loose him... not again. I started walking a bit faster, calling him a little stronger until I started running and shouting: Elijah!!!! Elijah!!! As tears streamed down my face.

Passer by were looking at me worriedly, but I no longer cared. I needed to find him and if I looked like a fool then so be it, I will gladly be a fool for you Elijah...I will be a fool for you.

I burst through the lobby screaming at the top of my lungs Elijah!!! And suddenly ran into everyone: Elijah, the girls, the guys, Jenna hugging some guy romantically and a pastor. Everyone had a broad smile on their faces as though they all knew something I didn't.

No one spoke but they were all looking at me lovingly.... especially Elijah.

Pastor: " now that you're here...who gives this woman to this man to marry "?

And everyone shouted happily: "we do"!!!

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