Chapter Ten

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Picture of Keeley

He placed me in his car and drove us away from school.

We drove silently, there is nothing I could think of to say and the silence thickened.

What is wrong with him? This boy is every girl's dream boy at school, everyone wants him...heck even Nyla seems to have some secret crush, why is he still here? Why isn't he running for the hills????

I was lost in thoughts when the car stopped and we were now parked at the edge of a cliff.

It was beautiful, it overlooked the entire city. The wind blew peacefully and for the first time in weeks, I felt at peace.

Zahara: " thank you "... I said, breaking the silence.

He felt him look at me so I looked at him too.

"I'm sorry".... we both spoke simultaneously and then we both smiled.

"Me first"... he said and I nod giving him the indication to proceed.

Elijah: " I'm sorry I didn't come visit you after everything, I left you alone and that was wrong... Its just that based off of what you told me with how your mom and brother was like, I just didn't think it was a good idea to go by your house, I didn't want to make things worst for you and then when I realize you weren't answering my calls I knew then that you definitely needed space, so I gave it to you but I shouldn't have, I should have fought to be by your side and I'm really sorry for that, I am a terrible boyfriend "

I looked at him dumbfounded.... OK this boy is insane.

Zahara: " you're not a terrible boyfriend Elijah, you're awesome! I have never felt so much love from one person as though you love me, you're freaking amazing! The best!!! I am unworthy of you"... I spoke sadly because to be honest, it's the truth, I am unworthy, I am damaged now, he deserves better.

Zahara: "Elijah .... I think we should bre--- "

"Don't you fucking say it"!!!... he warned me, cutting me off from my statement.

Zahara: " but it's for the bes---

Once again he interrupted me by suddenly opening the car door and getting out, he then slammed it shut making me jump a bit.

From inside the car I watched him paced frantically back and forth and mumbling to himself, he was pissed.

I sighed before opening the car door and going to him.

He didn't stop when he saw me, it's like I was invisible to him.

Zahara: "I'm sorry "!!... I said as I began to cry.... "I don't want to hurt you but you deserve better than me".

Suddenly he was in front of me, his face almost touching mines, it was so unexpected that I jolted and catch my breath.

Elijah: " says who???... since day one you've fought me, you fought this...why can't you just accept the fact that it's you I want "

Zahara: " because it doesn't make any sense"... I whispered.

Elijah: " IT DOESN'T HAVE to MAKE SENSE ZAHARA!!!!!.... FUCK!!!! what is wrong with you "????

He was shouting and Eli never shouts.

Elijah: " you're driving me fucking crazy!!! You infuriate me so much!!! I wanna slap and kiss you at the same time!!!.... look at me Zahara.... I am not perfect, no one is....why do you think we call ourselves the prodigal sons? Its because all if us, every -- single --- one of us has dirt, you're not the only one Zahara and I am not letting you go so get it through your thick head, I am gonna be there for you and I am gonna love you even if you refuse to love me back, I am not giving up and when you've learned to see you through my eyes, then you will know why I love you this much"

I was in awe, the love he has for me was very evident in his eyes and it was overwhelmingly beautiful.

My hands quickly flew around his neck as I pulled him in a tight embrace, he was shocked at first but then he hugged me too just as tight.

Elijah: " I love you Zahara... and I am not going anywhere ".

Author's note

The thing is....when you pray wholeheartedly for something.... God usually answers.

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