Chapter Twenty -Six

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We drove in complete utter silence, my eyes were locked to the passing scenery as I refuse to give them what they truly wanted which was to be glued on him.

The rain thundered outside which was cohesive with my emotions. I finally had him in my life only to be told that I will loose him forever, it hurts so much, I did my best not to envision Jenna's hands all over his body as they made love, not to envision him whispering her name as he kissed her softly or the day he will promise to love no other than her when my heart beats only for him.

I was dying, this must be how death feels and right now all I wanted to do was go home so I could cry the way I needed to.

I heard him cleared his throat to break the silence.

Elijah: "Judah is an awesome kid, I will take good care of him until he returns to you."

I nod, afraid that my voice would betray me.

Elijah: "Jenna can't have kids, she's barren so I guess no children for me of my own."

I looked to him then even more hurt and before I could stop myself I blurted:

"Wow, you really love her"!

His eyes snapped to mine and we became lost in each others, both of us not wanting to turn away, we remained like that forgetting we were in a moving vehicle in the middle of a rain storm until there was a piercing horn and a extremely bright light that broke our trance, he swerved the car quickly to the side of the road and stopped in order to avoid our deaths.

It was raining hard and it was no longer safe to drive but that was the least of my problems, he loves her.... well of course he does that a why he proposed but for him to give up something so sacred for someone speaks volumes, he probably loves her more than he does...... me.

There was the silence again, I had asked and he neither denied or confirmed and you know what they say about silence when it came to a question.

I couldn't take it anymore, the pain was ripping through my heart and the tears were about to win. Without thinking, I pushed the car door open and ran out in the rain.

I was getting a good distance when he gripped my arm and pulled me towards him turning me to face him.

Elijah: "what do you want from me...what do you want!!!! I loved you and you rejected me, I begged you and pushed me away, after all these years you still driving me fucking crazy... Zahara what... WANT"!!!!

He shouted as the rain gushed down on us.

I was crying hard as he stared at me confusingly. How do I tell him? How do I tell him he was all I ever wanted and need?

What's the point anyways, I played the game of love and I lost the prize, he was now Jenna's.

Zahara: "take me to the airport and go to who you love". I whispered as each word stabbed at my heart.

He looked at me stunned as his arms fell from my side. I stepped away from him and started back to the car, I have no idea how I will be even accepted on the plane when I am drenched in the rain but I will think of something, for now I just need to accept defeat and go home.

The second my hand touched the door handle of the car to open it I was slammed against the door as he spin me around and crushed his lips to mine.

He kissed me so hungrily and deeply that I had no choice but to surrender. My hands flew around his neck as I crushed my body to his and he moaned and did the same.

His hands went beneath the short white dress I was wearing and found my treasure, I almost melted as his fingers invaded me and he had to use his body to stop me from slipping to the ground.

Without thinking, right in the rain against the car door my hands fumbled to unbuckle his pants and as soon as I did I grabbed his shaft, he moaned my name the instant my hand made contact and I looked in his eyes and panted while we both massage each other simultaneously.

Elijah: "I want you... I want you now, it's all I want "

His voice was hoarse as he tried to speak through his emotions.

Elijah: "do not deny or I fucking swear Zahara I might die, I have waited so long"

And he was right, he was the most patient, the most deserving yet he never got the prize. Life can be so cruel and unfair.....but not this time....this time I will dance, even if it's for tonight only, this time I will choose my happiness and be selfish.... I smiled wickedly and leaned to whisper in his ears:

"Fuck me then".

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