Chapter Twenty - Five

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Picture of Jenna

I could hear the whispers behind the door as I jammed pack Judah's and I clothes in our suitcases.

I was so embarrassed, I was so angry, I was so......................hurt?

I stopped then.

Why was I hurt? Am I not over him?
Its been so long, why am I not over him!!!! I screamed frustratedly in my head.

Then everything started replaying in my head:

I'm Jenna, Elijah's fiance

What are you doing this weekend?

I'm Jenna, Elijah's fiance

We're going to a friend' s wedding

I'm Jenna, Elijah's fiance

The ache was evident in my heart, it was breaking and the way we behaved in the kitchen before proved that neither one of us was over each other.

There was a soft knock on the door that I chose to ignore but they came in anyways: Keeley, Leanna and Anushka.

I started packing again.

They entered hesitantly.

Keeley: "Zahara ".... she called softly, but I snapped instead.

Zahara: "don't you dare apologize"!.... "I promise he wont be there"... I mimicked...."you lied to me"!!!!

She dropped her head instantly.

Zahara: "what was this, a sick joke?... I thought you guys were my friends! That you were better than Nyla and Felicity "

Her eyes were instantly on mines.

Keeley: "we are Zahara, I swear we are"!!!

Zahara: "then how could you do this? You guys knew more than anyone how much I him".... I whispered.

Anushka: " we had to Zahara, believe it or not we did it because we love you"

Keeley: "he's getting married this weekend and it's wrong, he still loves you and you still love him, this is the only chance for you both to reconcile, I had to take it. I knew you would hate me when you knew the truth but I was willing to risk our friendship for the chance of you reuniting with your true love and he is Zahara, Elijah is your true love, we saw it the moment he saw you"

In an act of betrayal, my mind went back in time and I smiled in memory at the time I first saw him at the house.

Anushka: "and if it turns out you both go your separate ways then you will at least both get the closure you need".

Leanna: "and I just don't like that bitch".

We all stared at her shockingly.

Leanna:"I ain't taking it back, that débutante bitch needs to go".

And they all started laughing but I sighed heavily and flopped myself on the bed.

Zahara: "guys, I can see your heart was in a good place but I can't stay, I can't watch him marry her, I just can't.... I am not strong enough, I am going home"

Leanna:"but Judah is having so much fun"... she whined.

He was having a lot of fun, Its been awhile since I have seen him so happy. Its like every break up I went through Judah went through it with me, It felt wrong to take him away from his new found friends.

Zahara: "then I will leave him here with you guys for the weekend but I have to go home" ... I spoke and they sighed defeated.

Elijah: "then I will drive you to the airport"

He suddenly appeared in the room and all of our eyes averted to him, my heart started racing again as his eyes burned into mines and before I knew it, I heard myself whispered: "OK".

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