Chapter Seven

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Picture of Royale

When I got to the party there were drunk teenagers everywhere! Puking and kissing and kissing and drinking with loud music blasting in my ear.

There was no need for pleasantries, I just pushed the door and entered, not that anyone notice me, they were too busy making out and groping on each other.

I need to find Filicity and fast.

I sent her a text asking for her location but no reply came, I sighed heavily and started looking around.

Many guys tried to sway me to either dance or make out with them but I Dodge them all and started climbing the steps.

The house was huge and it was filled with many rooms, gosh this was gonna take me forever, mom is gonna kill me.

I started knocking on each door, most rooms were empty but some....let's just say I'd rather not say.

I got to the final one, I pray to God she had enough sense to hide away here, I didn't bother knocking this time I just pushed and entered.

Just as I did a girl rushed passed me crying... what the hell! I thought to myself.

The room was filled with a bunch of guys, what was she doing in a room full of guys?

I didn't like how they were looking at me and it was obvious Filicity was not there so I knew it was definitely my cue to go.

Zahara: " sorry!... wrong Room"... I said then quickly turning on my heel to leave but suddenly one of the men stepped forward blocking me from the entrance.

Zahara: " excuse me please "

They all started laughing.

Guy#1 : " why you rushing?... come party with us".

I was getting nervous, I don't like this, I need to leave and now.

Zahara: " and I would if I could but I am trying to find my friend so would you please excuse me"?... I asked politely but all he did was stepped closer to me which caused me to step back as well.

The more he stepped towards me the more steps I took back.

Zahara: " please... I don't want any trouble "... I pleaded, evident now that I am in complete danger.

Guy# 2 : " neither do we"

And they started laughing again.

I decided to take my chances, I suddenly broke into a sprint for the door but I was pulled back by my hair and thrown on the bed.

I started screaming and fighting as they tried to pin me down, I was doing the best I can but it was six of them and one of me.

When I saw the first guy pulled his pants down I lost it, I was fighting for my life, my sanity, my dignity and they were having a hard time holding me down, until i saw the fist that connected to my face that sent me into a cloud of darkness.

I drifted in and moment someone was kissing my neck, then darkness, someone ripped my shirt off then darkness, i felt intense pain in my mid section then darkness, there were laughter and talking then darkness.





"Is she coming to"?..... female voice.

"I think'am can you hear me? ... ma'am?.... ma'am"!.... male voice.

" she needs to get to a hospital, they did her real bad"... female.

" agreed, lets take her and someone find out who she is!!!".... male.

" you are safe now love, this is the police, we will find who did this to you if it's the last thing I do "... female.

And darkness....

Broken hearted GirlWhere stories live. Discover now