Chapter Thirty - Two

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It was the day of the wedding; all night till the morning I cried. I cried until I suddenly stopped, not a single drop flowed. It was like I had become numb, or maybe my pupils finally ran dry but either way I just stopped, one final sob and that was it.

I haven't heard from anyone, I assumed they were all preoccupied with aiding the love of my life to move on with his.

Elijah....from this day forward...was no longer mine, the love we've made throughout the years will be only stories and I will be just a old memory.

It is with her he will spend the rest of his days, she will be the one to see him laugh, to see that sexy look in his eyes or hear him say: I love you.

She will be the one he tells his troubles to, the one who will hold his secrets and his dreams / aspirations.

She will be the one he will grow old with and possibly the last persons he'll see when he dies.

After this I am gonna stay clear from relationship, perhaps not everyone was meant for love, maybe some of us was meant yearn for it but never find it for themselves.

All of my friends have found it except I, it must be a sign that it wasn't meant for me.

I sighed and put on my white ankle jeans and white long sleeve fuzzy sweater, I grabbed my scarf and stylishly wrapped it around my neck with my white puma sneakers and went out the hotel.

I needed to go for a walk...with these depressing thoughts I had to, it wasn't safe for me to be locked up in room with them.

The love of my life was getting married today and all of my friends, even my son, was at the wedding.

I Snorted amusingly.... even my own son was there, how ironic!

I kept walking as a cool breeze went through my hair and I ended up at a park.

I sat on a bench lost in thoughts.

Hours has passed, by now the wedding is almost over and so is my life.

Just then my tears returned and I started crying again.

"Are you OK miss"?

Through my tears I looked across and saw an old lady sitting on another bench looking at me worriedly.

How embarrassing!!! This woman must think I have gone crazy!!!

I quickly wiped my tears and answered:

"Ye--- yes I am OK, thanks for asking".

"No you're not, I might be old but I am not stupid... come over here and sit with me "... she demanded.

After the shock of her abrasiveness subside, i slowly went and sat next to her.

"Now from the look of things you're heart is broken.... must be man troubles".

I looked at her again astonishingly.

Zahara: "why does it have to be a man?!!!.... maybe I'm crying because my nail broke".... I said with my nose pointed in the air.

"Ha"!.... she said sarcastically ... "you can fool yourself but you aint goin fool me"

I smiled... "how could you tell it was due to a man"?

"Please....half the troubles of the world is cause by em but I know because forty five years ago that was me, I sat in on that very bench and cried like no body's business when my Charlie was about to get married in that church right over there".

I followed where she pointed to, the church that was called: Faith Cathedral.

I started hyper ventilating and the tears burst through my eyes.

"Uh oh... OK lemme assume... you're man is in that church right now getting married to someone else"?

I nod and fell in her lap crying... why is faith so cruel to me????

She gently ran her fingers through my hair and listened to me cry in her lap.

"I remember when it was I, life seemed to over then for me too but I have been around long enough to know God has a purpose for all he does. Charlie went to marry that cunt Mary that day out of loyalty to his family desires, they never liked me but who cares, we were in love, they had no right to interfere...but they did, giving him a harsh ultimatum.... my poor sweet Charlie was always a people pleaser, he would rather break his own heart than break yours ....but when he decided to say I do to that witch ...he didn't just broke his heart.... he broke mines too".

I looked at her then and asked: "he married her"?

"Yep.... in that same church"

I looked down on my palms and we were silent for a while.

Zahara: "how did you move on"?

"I had kept happening and my bills didn't care that I was heart broken and didn't want to work, no one gave a fuck".

I looked at her shockingly... did she just curse?

"Don't look at me like that"!!! ...she snapped and my eyes quickly shot away from hers.

She chuckled.

"There was an happy ending though "..
She hinted gleefully.

I looked at her again with hope in my eyes: "he left her for you "!!!

"Nope... the bitch died "

I couldn't help the laughter that burst from my lips.

"I went to the funeral, Mary of course didn't want me to come but I went. I was gonna say my final goodbyes. Right there in the church, one of his grand kids read a letter, his final letter before he went and in it he said his final goodbyes.... but what touch me was when he wrote: Emma, I know you here at my funeral you old hag... i know I did you wrong girly but let it be known you were the only one who had my heart and I am sorry, I am sorry I never showed you but I love you woman....and you best believe I will be in heaven.... waiting on see life don't always go like we plan, as a matter of fact it usually don't but God knows what he's doing"

She looked at me and smile and I smiled back.

"Its not a coincidence I met you today, it's not a coincidence you met him and it's not a coincidence he met your life, what's yours is yours. Stop stressing about tomorrow, let tomorrow take care of it's self... live for today ".

Suddenly i threw my arms around her, giving her a hug that startled her at first but then she hugged me back gently and I whispered:

"Thank you Emma, I am glad I met you ".

Just then the church bell rang and we both looked at the church instantly but instead of feeling heart broken..I felt empowered and I stood with a smile on my face.

Emma looked at me with a board grim her face.

Emma: "that's the spirit".

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