Chapter Fourteen

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I knew he had soccer practice so I knew exactly where to find him. The thoughts of him with Filicity made my blood boil and I felt angry and betrayed.

I spotted him doing warm ups and I storm across the field like a hurricane not to be messed with.

Elijah: "hey bab----" he had started but he quickly realized that this wasn't one of those visit.

Elijah: "what's wrong "?..... he asked, quickly changing course.

Tears were at the border line of my eyelids begging to escape but instead through clenched teeth I spoke:

"How could you?.... I trusted you"!! I said as I shoved in his chest.

He was completely baffled.

Just then Mohammed ran up to us.

Mohammed: "hey man, is everything OK"?

It took him awhile as he continue to stare at me as though trying to decipher whats happening but then he shook away what ever thoughts were playing in his head and said: " yea, yea... go back to practice, cover for me".

Mohammed: " OK cool, see you later Z"

Then Elijah pulled me off the field and away from the public eye.

Elijah: "OK... now please tell me what I did"

Zahara: "don't play with me Eli...
You and Felicity, texting and phone calls ring.... any bells"?

He chuckled which infuriate me more to the core and before I knew it I had slapped him across the face and walked away but he quickly grabbed my waist and pull me back to him.

Zahara: "leave me alone"

Elijah: "baby I'm sorry but it's not what it looks like"

Zahara: " not according to her, she ensure that she enlighten me in front of everyone in the cafeteria just now "

His eyes darkened..."she messed with you"????

Ignoring him I asked.

Zahara: "why were you texting her"?

He sighed..." OK let me explain "

And he walked us over to a bench and we sat.

Elijah: "Filicity isn't a friend, she is a two timing cunt"

Zahara: "found that out today "

Elijah: "exactly.... you are so pure and innocent you never saw it and if you did you'd refused to think your best friend was capable of such back stabbing.... but she was. I noted she kept staring at me when she thought no one was looking, even when Royale was around, but I also noted that after the incident she started coming by the house when Royale wasn't even there, she would have lots of excuses as to why: book troubles etc. But I knew why, during these sessions she would flirt shamelessly and such in my head I was fuming....I decided to tell Royale, who said he saw it too so we came up with a plan: I started flirting back giving her false hope, the guys and I would laugh at her stupidity... the plan was to lure her to the house, record her doing something like maybe kissing and let Royale walk in with a tape recorder, letting her know she was busted and then showed it to you as well, we know you wouldn't have believed us without strong evidence "

I Sat there for maybe minutes before I spoke, I just sat there mulling over every word, each sentence, each breath he took and every hand gesture.

He must had realize I was null because he started calling me: " Zahara... Zahara say something "

I slowly turned and face him:

"My best friend is trying to get with my boyfriend.... my boyfriend realizes this and told his best friend who is also her boyfriend first.... you both came up with an elaborate plan to humiliate her....which after and only after you would have enlighten me, not coming to me first, not seeing how I feel first"!!!!

I was shaking with anger.

Elijah: "OK I'm sorry, the guys just thought it was be hilarious but you're right, the right thing to do first was come talk to you but it's the truth though, I swear it is".

It was like someone shot me with a tranquilizer. I slowly stood and started walking away, he tried to grab me but I shook his off.

Elijah: "Zahara please don't do this "...he was begging and it halted me.

I turned to look at him with tears streaming down my face.

Elijah: "I admit it was stupid but ---

---I can't do this anymore ".... I interrupted.

I literally saw the color drained from his face.

"What"???.... he whispered.

"I ca--".... I whispered as the tears choked my voice.

"But I love you".... he said sadly.

"Too much, it's all too much....I rather be by myself "... I said as realization hit me, the party, being raped, loosing my best friend, being betrayed by my was all too much.

"Tell me what to do, i dont know what to do...please tell me, please let me fix this".... he pleaded.

I slowly walked up to him and kissed his lips tenderly as my hand caresses the side of his face.

Zahara: "let me go".... I whispered.

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