Chapter Eight

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Picture of Nyla

Couple weeks later


The weeks after went by in a blur, I felt like a zombie trapped in someone else's body. I was no longer me, I don't know who I am anymore, it's like they took more from me than my virginity, they took my life.

My virginity ---- they stole it, like a thief they crept in my life, blind sighted me and stole it. It was the most precious thing a girl could have, a gift she would give to the man that was most honor to those who received it..

But that opportunity was taken from me.

Elijah ---- by now he must have heard, everyone probably knows. I am sure he won't want anything to do with me further, now I am damage. A baggage not worth carrying, it's best I forget about him, it's best I let him matter how much I really don't want to.

I was in my bedroom lying in bed, crying. This was how I had spent my weeks since.

I haven't bothered to get out of the bed, what's the point? I was dead anyways.

After the incident, I spent some time at the hospital, many tests were done, counselling was schedule and I was dragged to every one of them by mom, but I would just sat there and cry..... cry, cry, cry.

No words were spoken in my household, everyone was numb, dad came home but even he was lost for words.

I would hear them, arguing again and doors slamming. He had blamed her for failing to protect me, for failing as my parent and she would scream at him that maybe if he hadn't left then this wouldn't had happen....I heard all this from my room.

And I would just cry and cry and cry.

Keith visit me too, I didn't turn to greet him but it didn't stop him from saying his piece:

Keith: look, look at what you've caused! Dad is finally home and because of you!!! They fighting again.

You always fuck things up, always in the fucking way....little miss perfect but look at you know.

You are an embarrassment to the family, mom can't even hold her head up in public anymore because of you!!!

You're nothing but a whore! I bet you went willingly, I bet you went to open your fucking legs and took all of them and now you're crying victim, you're disgusting.

Why don't you kill yourself! Just do it...fucking die.... I can't fucking stand you!!! You're lucky mom and dad are alive because if they die and it's just me and you I'd kill you myself, you're a waste of space...

Ugly fucking cunt!!!!

Then he left.

I was numb throughout the whole thing, every word he spoke cuts like a knife, he hated me.... my own brother hated me.

I didn't realize I was shaking violently until minutes after and I suddenly felt like puking so I ran to the toilet barely making it and puked my heart out....then I lay on the bathroom floor and wept.

I was brought to the doctor for a pregnancy test, the result was negative, STDs...... negative, broken.....positive.

Couple more weeks passed since then until I heard a knock on my door.

Once again I didn't greet the visitor but they came in anyways, the person slowly sat on my bed and remain still for what felt like a lifetime until they spoke:

Melissa: " you can't stay like this forever, it's not healthy, I know you're broken right now but you got to ge---
*sob* up!! You've got to fight this Zahara, (her voice heavy with emotion) if you don't then they have won.

God never gives us more than we can bare, and if he chose this burden then it's obvious he believes you're strong enough to endure it and that's what you'll do....endure it!

So tomorrow, you'll return to school."

Broken hearted GirlWhere stories live. Discover now