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"Only a few more months, dad," I told him as I took his hand, "just a few more months, and you're back home again."

"Yeah, I know sunbeam," he gave me a tired smile and gently squeezed my hand through the cold metal bars, "thanks for this, you two. You don't have to visit me as often as you do,"

"Of course we do, darling," my mother smiled at him and reached through the bars to stroke his hair tenderly, "we love you, and we can't wait for you to come home."

"I'm just sorry it had to come to this," he sighed, "I just...I'd do anything in my power to protect you two. You know that, right?"

"Yeah, dad. We know. We definitely know."

"Number 63!" A loud voice boomed through the halls of the prison, "Dominic van Raay! Number 63!"

I heard my dad sigh. "Yeah, what is it, warden?"

"Say your goodbyes. You're being sent off tonight," the police officer banged his nightstick on dad's cell; making both me and mum jump back and yank our hands away from where we were holding him.

"Sent off?" Dad frowned, "Where?"

"You're too much of a troublemaker to be kept here," the warden used his nightstick to tilt dad's chin up towards him, "so we're transferring you to another place until the end of your sentence. The Ironbridge Correction Facility, in Northbarrow, Cheshire. They'll lock you up nice & tight in there,"

"W-Wait – Ch-Cheshire?!" My jaw dropped, "Th-That's miles away!"

"Not our problem," the warden shrugged, "it's this seedy brute here," he prodded my father in the chest with his nightstick.

"Th-That's so not fair!" I protested.

"You can't do this!" My mother cried; nearing tears.

"Hey, it's OK," my dad gave us a warm smile, "don't worry, girls. It's going to be OK,"

"Y-You c-can't do this," I whimpered, "y-you can't...you can't!"

"Angélique," my mother whispered warningly, "please. Now is not the time."


She shot a glare at me, and my mouth snapped shut. Satisfied, she turned back to the warden.

"Officer, surely you can-"

"No," he hissed, "he's had all his chances. Now we're forced to take more drastic measures. Now, if I could please ask you & your daughter to leave. We need to prepare your...husband for his departure," he spat out the word 'husband' like it was poison.

I could tell my mother was fuming inside, but she was keeping her cool. She was in front of a police officer, after all.

"Of course," she cleared her throat and began to usher me away from dad's cell, "bonsoir, officer. Have a good evening,"

I couldn't hold my anger as she pushed me out.

"What the hell, mum?!" I snapped, "What was that?! How could you let them send dad away?!"

"There was nothing we could do, darling," she whispered to me, "but do not worry. This is not the last we'll see of your father."

A/N: So yeah, I know there is no such place as Northbarrow or Ironbridge Correction Facility in Cheshire, but like I always say I SUCK AT GEOGRAPHY SO I MAKE THINGS UP OKAY.

Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this little intro to this exciting new fic :D

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