~Chapter Forty-One~

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A/N: Sorry guys, I kinda ran out of ideas for this chapter, because I only wanted pretty much just one specific thing to happen here. The rest is literally just filler :p so unfortunately it's a bit shorter than usual. I hope you don't mind <3

"Are you using a new shampoo?" The way Harry's lips moved against the top of my head as he spoke tickled a little – and I couldn't help letting out a quiet giggle.

"Yeah. How could you tell?" I looked up at him from where I'd been lying in his arms with my head resting against his chest.

"I can always tell when you've changed your shampoo, excuse you," he scoffed – pretending to sound offended – and I giggled again.

"Well, yes, I have changed my shampoo. There was a sale on Herbal Essences, so I decided to give it a go," I said.

"Mm...I love Herbal Essences," he said with a chuckle, "Gemma used to use it a lot, and when I first smelled it on her I was so tempted to use some of it myself."

I laughed. "Why didn't you?"

"Because she would've smelled it on me and then probably hit me in the balls with the shampoo bottle," he chuckled again.

"What? No!" I fake-gasped, "Not the balls!"

"I know, right?"

"I guess it's just as well you didn't use it then," I then smiled up at him, "but you can always borrow mine if you're still interested."

"Nah...I think it suits you much more than it would suit me," he rubbed my shoulder and took a few whiffs of my hair – and I immediately felt my smile grow, "much, much more."

"Wow. I guess I'd better buy it more often, then," I said with a chuckle.

"Please do," he wrapped his arms a little tighter around me, "by the way, I forgot to ask: when Ethan asked you why you randomly just bolted out of Starbucks all of a sudden yesterday, what did you tell him? I really doubt that you told the truth and said that you were trying to save your ex from getting beaten up by two crazy guys."

"Well, you're right to doubt that," I said, "I instead told him that I got a text from my mum saying that Peaches needed to be taken to the vet because we were noticing sudden losses in her appetite – and I freaked out," I chuckled, "but the reality is that the day that fat little baby would ever lose her appetite would be the day that pigs fly."

Harry chuckled as well. "That's very true. And I suppose you didn't tell him that you were coming over today either?"

"Duh. But let's face it, Haz – you're glad that I didn't," I told him with a knowing smile.

I felt him smiling against my hair as well. "Definitely," he then looked at me, "but he really didn't see me in Starbucks yesterday at all?"

"Nope. Too busy checking his Facebook feed," I replied.

Harry looked taken aback. "While he was on a date with you? Is he insane?"

"Don't be like that," I cheekily poked his chin, "sometimes some people can't help checking their social media every five minutes."

"But while he was supposed to be spending time with you?"

I only shrugged. "I...didn't really care, to be honest. In fact, I myself was actually having an inward debate on whether or not I should send you a text inviting you to – well – what we did today, pretty much. Just minus the sex. I wasn't expecting the sex," I giggled.

"Neither was I. But I regret nothing," he said with another deep chuckle.

"Same here," I giggled again.

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