~Chapter Forty~

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A/N: So, this chapter didn't exactly turn out how I wanted it to. I feel like it's kinda weird. And yes, there is smut in this chapter, but before you rejoice I don't really like it. I feel like it's not my best work. But see what you think. 

Theme song for this chapter is Reignite by Knox Brown ft. Gallant. I think it's perfect for Harry and Angie here :)

"H-Harry..." I stammered as he slowly pulled away, "what...w-what are you doing..?"

"I'm sorry, Angel. I'm so sorry," he murmured, "but I've tried, Ange...I've tried so fucking hard to move on, and I've tried even harder to let you move on. But I...I can't..." he took a deep breath and gently touched his forehead to mine, "I love you too much, Angélique van Raay...too much to ever let you go. I can't let anyone else take you away from me...b-because I can't handle anyone else taking you away from me..." he gently rested his thumbs against my neck, "I know I don't deserve you...not in the least, Angélique...but that doesn't mean I don't still want you to be mine..."

"Oh, gosh..." I let out shaky breath, "Harry...I..." my voice trailed away as I was too overwhelmed to even think of a response.

"I know I'm selfish, Angélique. I'm so fucking selfish for feeling this way...but I can't help it..." his voice was low and quiet, "we belong together, Angel. We've always belonged together. You know we have."

"I..." my mouth was opening and closing like a fish's, "I...I know, Harry..." I said before I could stop myself, "I-I know we belong together..."

I heard a soft sigh of relief fall from Harry's lips as he began to break out a warm smile.

"Angel..." he whispered, "you have no idea how much I've wanted to hold you again...just like this..." he intertwined his fingers lovingly with mine, "all this time...all I've ever wanted to do is hold your hands and kiss your lips...and the only thing I've been wanting to see is you smiling at me again..."

My heart was instantly warmed by his words, and, hoping to make him happy, I flashed him a small, shy smile – and his whole face immediately lit up upon seeing it. But, without another word, he took my hands and pulled me back towards the couch – making my eyes widen.

"H-Harry...are you going to-"

"No, Angel. Of course not. Never without your consent," he told me, "I just want to be close to you again...i-it's all I want..."

I felt myself starting to smile again as we sunk down on the couch together – our hands still joined and our knees touching.

"Harry..." I began slowly, "I don't get it...why? W-Why do you still want me..?" I looked up at him, "You know everything that's happened with me & Ethan...d-doesn't that hurt..?"

"Of course it hurts, Angélique. But I hurt you, too. And what I did to you...was so horrible, that I...I'm actually almost glad to be feeling hurt right now, too," he chuckled softly, "but Angel...even if you'd slept with hundreds of other guys, it still wouldn't change a thing. Because no matter what...I'm always going to love you, Ange, and I'm always going to want you. Because frankly, Angélique, I think I need you like I need air," he released one of my hands only so he could give my knee a gentle rub, "although...I have to admit that...you were right. Hearing that you hated what you did with him was consoling," he broke out a cheeky smile – and I couldn't help breaking out a giggle at his words.

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