~Chapter Seventeen~

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It's funny how that in life...you think everything is perfect one minute, and there's absolutely nothing that can ruin it. And then the next minute...everything that made you happy just suddenly crumbles right before your eyes until you're left with nothing but the heavy feeling of your own heart sinking.

"You're...what..?" My breathing began to turn shaky as I looked at Gardiner in disbelief.

"I'm expelling you, Styles," the principal repeated curtly, "I've had enough of you, and your disgraceful behaviour. I would rather rot than think that someone like you is a part of my school."

I shook my head vigorously. "No...y-you can't," I looked at him pleadingly, "Principal Gardiner...please. You can't expel me,"

"Why not? Scared it'll hurt your pride?" He snapped.

I couldn't believe this. I didn't want to believe this. I was being expelled...just because I've been trying to protect and look after the most precious person in my life?

She's not safe.

You can't let him do this. She's not safe.

"I can expel whoever I want. It's my school," Gardiner gritted his teeth.

"Sir, I'm begging you," I was on the verge of getting down on my knees and pleading with him, "please don't do this."

"And why not? You think you can make up for your behaviour?" Gardiner scoffed.

"Yes!" I nodded vigorously, "I'll do anything, I-I'll clean your office...clean your car...whatever. Please, Mr Gardiner."

He didn't say anything and instead looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I have to say I'm quite astonished as to how you're reacting," he laced his fingers together on his desk, "I thought you'd be dying to get out of here. Why the sudden change of heart?"

I bit my lip as I debated on whether or not to tell him what had really been going on. Angélique had never said anything...and I didn't know whether or not she wanted me to do the same.

I have to.

It's my only chance.

I have to protect her.

"My girlfriend," I lowered my eyes, "she's...she's been bullied, sir. Assaulted and harassed and mocked...practically ever since her first day. She's suffered through some terrible things, and...I've been trying to look out for her,"

"By beating up half your cohort?" Gardiner seemed unconvinced.

Only because half the cohort is on Jackson Morris' side, dumbass.

"I've been doing everything it takes," I said truthfully, "the bullying has taken its toll on her already, sir. She needs me," I looked right at him, "please."

Mr Gardiner was silent for several moments.

"Who is your girlfriend?" He spoke up finally.

"A-" I hesitated, "Angélique van Raay."

"Angélique van Raay?" Gardiner's eyebrows rose, "The same Angélique van Raay who arrived at the beginning of the year?"

"Yes sir," I nodded.

"She's never reported any bullying,"

"Of course not. She suffers from anxiety, sir."

"Oh?" He seemed surprised at first, but slowly began to nod, "Yes, I...I suppose I noticed it whenever she came into my office..." he thought for a little while before looking back at me, "do you have any inkling of her core bullies?"

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