~Chapter Fifteen~

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After Harry had left that night, I spent so long trying to register the fact that my dad was actually back. He's been gone for so long...and all of a sudden he's back.

I'm not saying that it's a bad thing. It's not a bad thing at all - but it's just such a surprise. I mean - he's a week early too. It made me feel kinda bad. Me & mum would've planned this huge surprise party or something, but since he was early the first thing he comes home to is his daughter cuddling with some guy he hasn't even seen before. I know he didn't mind, but...it was so embarrassing.

I'm just so glad that he's approved of Harry so quickly. I mean, I kind of expected (as well as hoped) that it would happen - after all Harry is very charming. But I've always thought he'd be the kind of dad to grill any boy who gets close to his little girl. Unless he was too happy to be out of the slammer to properly register that I had a boyfriend. It would be so confusing for poor Harry if my dad's all jolly & kind around him one minute, and then he's suddenly all suspicious & interrogating the next. Which is why I'm hoping that isn't the case. But I'm quite confident that it isn't. After all - I thought mum would be exactly the same - but the fact that Harry was practically fluent in French won her over immediately.


I'm also still trying to register the fact that Harry is my boyfriend now. It just happened so quickly - not that I was complaining. It was just that everything that he did...the way he kissed me, held me, confessed that he loved me...it just all seemed so surreal.


Because Harry could easily get any girl he wanted.

But he wanted me.


Again, why?

I always thought that I was the paragon of the expression 'Plain Jane'. Nothing special...just a random girl who easily blended in with the crowd. I mean, I suppose I was lucky enough to grow into a good body, but it barely made a difference. At my old school I was always labelled as the little high school nerd who was always overlooked by everyone (except Aisha). And it's the exact same thing here at Crystalgate High.

Practically every girl in Crystalgate was prettier than me. And the 'popular' girls were gorgeous for sure. Every single one of them just made me so insecure.

A popular boy like Harry belongs with a popular girl. That's the way it works.

Everyone's gonna wonder why he chose me. I can already hear the interrogation: "Harry, why the fuck would you want to date someone like Angélique?"

And the girls. Oh my God, the girls. "You don't deserve Harry, you little bitch! Harry is 100 times prettier than you!"

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm pretty sure it's true.

What the hell have I done to deserve Harry? Look what I just tried to do. I tried to drown myself. And that hurt him. I hurt him. I made him think he wasn't doing enough to make me feel safe. I felt like a piece of shit after he thought I tried to do that because he wasn't there to keep me safe from Jackson fucking Morris.

He's too compassionate...his kindness & care is way more than I deserve. And he's so gorgeous...he deserves only the best to match his perfection.

And I'm pretty sure that's not me.

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of my phone going off echoed in my ears. Seeing that it was a text from Harry, I immediately opened it. And even though it was only three little words that had flashed on the screen - they still made all my worries fade almost instantly.

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