~Chapter Eleven~

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A/N: Before you read this, please make sure you have a fair amount of time on your hands, because this chapter ended up being 5,633 words long :3 Oops :)

The week seemed to go by so slowly, but Friday night was finally here – and I'd been preparing for me & Harry's movie night for at least an hour & a half.

"Darling, I'm leaving for my shift shortly after you leave, so I won't be home when Harry drops you off after the film," My mum called to me from outside my room.

"Yeah. OK," I called back as I rolled the last strand of my hair around my curler.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" I could see her poke her head around my door from my mirror, and she suddenly gasped, "Oh my...Angélique..." she breathed.

I turned towards her. "Is...something wrong?"

She shook her head and smiled. "You look so beautiful, darling. Aisha definitely knows what suits you,"

"You think so?" I nervously straightened my glasses, "The glasses don't...spoil it, or anything?"

She shook her head again. "Everything looks perfect. But, er...what's the occasion? Since when do you make an effort to dress up when you're seeing a movie with Harry?"

"Oh," I bit my lip, "er...well...it's been a while...since we've gone to a movie together, y'know? I just thought I'd give dressing up a go for once," I shrugged.

Mum gave me a knowing smile. "Are you sure, Angélique?"

"Yes..." I frowned slightly in confusion, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Dear, if this is a date, you don't have to hide it from me," her smile grew a little, "I do like Harry, you know. I think he's a very nice boy. It's not like I'd disapprove."

I rolled my eyes. "It's not a date, mum."

My mother shrugged. "If you say so," she then chuckled, "have fun. But, er...not too much fun," her face then changed into a sterner expression, "I mean that."

"Mum!" I felt myself blush, "Can you not?"

"I'm sorry," she laughed, "but I'm your mother, Angélique. I have a right to warn you about these things,"

"I know," I groaned, "can you stop talking about it now, please?"

"OK, OK," she rolled her eyes and chuckled, "I'll keep an eye on the door."

She winked at me and disappeared behind my bedroom door, and I let out a quiet "ugh" before adding a bit more curl to my hair with the curling iron and then putting it down; shaking my head a little so that the waves bounced around my face, and I smiled at myself in the mirror.

"You don't brush up too bad, Angie," I chuckled. However, my smile then quickly faded as the nerves suddenly took over again, "let's just hope Harry will think the same thing..." I bit my lip anxiously.

"Harry's here, Angélique!" I heard my mother call from the living room, "Come on! He's waiting!"

My breath hitched; and I had to take a few seconds to re-gather my confidence.

"Coming!" I called back before consciously fixing my hair again. I then dusted myself off even though there was absolutely no sign of any dust anywhere on my outfit.

I looked in the mirror one more time and took a deep breath – closing my eyes and taking a moment of silence to get myself together.

"It's just a movie. It's just a movie," I whispered to myself, "it's not a date. It's just a movie,"

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