~Chapter Twenty-Nine~

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A/N: Hello, I actually have to go to bed now so this chapter will remain unedited for a few hours. I'll edit it tomorrow :p 


"You really can't get me anything?" I asked desperately, "Come on, Gem, I...I'll even be happy washing the dishes!"

"I already told you, Haz. There's already plenty of staff at the Alluvia," my sister replied impatiently, "why don't you try somewhere else?"

"I've already tried everywhere else!" I told her exasperatedly, "Nobody wants anyone with my reputation working for them," I sighed.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have gotten yourself expelled from school, dipshit," Gemma rolled her eyes, "why are you even trying to find a job, anyway? You can just chill here at home, dude! I'd leap at the chance to do that. And now that mum doesn't have to pay for your school fees anymore...she'll save dosh a lot faster. And I am itching to get into university, so it'll help for that, too."

"No," I shook my head, "I already promised Angélique that I'd find a job."

"Uh...what?" Gemma frowned, "Why the fuck would you make such a promise like that?"

"I'm never gonna feel good enough for her if I just blob around at home all day," I replied curtly, "I want her to feel like she's dating someone worthy of her time...someone who can still find something to do with himself even if school isn't exactly an option anymore. And besides...saving up some extra money will allow me to take her out to nice places...and maybe even buy her some gifts or something."

"Right..." Gemma nodded slowly, "look, Hazzo, I see what you're trying to do, but it doesn't change anything. I still can't help you, baby bro."

I let out a sigh. "Well...I still had to ask," I lowered my eyes, "thanks anyway, Gem. You keep reading your magazine. I'm going for a walk."


"Still nothing?" Angélique asked me.

I shook my head. "Not even Gemma could get me a job," I said with a sigh.

"Oh, H..." she said sympathetically, "look, it doesn't matter, OK? You don't have to get a job now. Especially with this stupid idea that I'll be 'ashamed' of you if you stay an unemployed, expelled student," she sounded like she was rolling her eyes, "honestly, Harry, it's ridiculous," she said with a giggle.

"No, it's not just that, Ange," I said, "I mean...our first anniversary is already next month, you know? And I just...I don't know...wanted to save up some cash so that we could do something special."

"Aw, Harry..." she sounded like she was blushing, "that's so sweet, babe, but I'm perfectly happy with keeping it simple," she assured me warmly, "and besides...we can do other things to make our anniversary special," she let out a giggle, "I mean, after all...I may or may not have already figured out that our anniversary falls very conveniently on a Thursday – when both my parents work until late," she told me playfully.

"Oh, really?" I began to smirk at her, "And what do you propose, sweetheart, that we do on the night of our first anniversary?"

"Oh...I don't know..." she giggled again, "I mean...I'm already pretty sure that things will...perhaps...play out by themselves?"

"Maybe they will," I let out a chuckle, "oh baby, you're making me far too excited for something that's still a month away."

"Whoopsie," I could immediately tell that she was smirking, "my bad, Haz. Sorry."

"Yeah, you'd better be," I rolled my eyes and chuckled again.

"Oh, shit," Angélique cursed under her breath all of a sudden, "great. The school bell's gonna ring any damn minute," she let out a groan, "God, I hate school now. It's so boring without you, Harry."

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