~Chapter Thirty-Six~

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A/N: Hellooo, sorry for the wait. I didn't quite reach my usual word count here but it was close enough :p I hope you enjoy it x

"Hey, Ange," Ethan greeted me with a smile as he opened up his lockers, "or should I say, 'assignment partner'?"

I didn't say anything and only gave him a soft smile back before continuing to sort through my own locker. It's not that I wasn't happy to see him, I was just always tense when I opened my locker these days – because my mum's photo of me & Harry on prom night was still plastered on the inside of my locker door – tormenting me and hurting me all over whenever I looked at it. I knew I needed to take it down...but I just couldn't find the heart to do it. I hated the idea of the photo stuck to my locker door, but I what I hated even more was the thought of accidentally tearing it when taking it down. If that ever happened...I'm pretty sure I'd die.

"So hey, how do you wanna work on this thing?" Ethan spoke up again, "Like, I know we already work on it during class...but Ms Silva already said we'd have to put more time into the assessment than the time we get during our English period if we wanna get it done by the due date."

"I know," I replied quietly, "I don't mind. We can meet up places after school and do it, or go to the library during lunch to work on it then. It doesn't matter to me."

"OK...how does after school today sound? We can meet up at Starbucks or something, maybe? They have free WiFi there, so...it should work out, right?"

"I don't like doing assignments in cafés," I told him with a sigh, "the atmosphere distracts me."

"Alright..." Ethan bit his lip, "a nearby park, maybe?"

"Too windy. No WiFi," I grumbled.

"O...K," He took a deep breath, "alright, well...d'you wanna come over to mine or something, maybe?"

"Me? At your house?" I turned my head towards him, "Uh...I dunno...how far is it?"

"About 10 minutes' drive, 20 minutes' walk. Or 30 if you're a slow walker."

"Uh..." My eyebrows furrowed slightly, "look, why don't we just go to my place? It's way closer. It's a 10-minute walk, and a 5-minute drive – even about 2 minutes on a motor-" I cut myself off immediately as I realized what I was about to say, "nevermind. You get my drift."

"Yeah. I do," he nodded, "OK, so...your place. Straight after school, or do you want me to come over later?"

"What's the point in that?" I frowned, "We'll go together straight after school. It's as easy as that. Or is that going to be a problem for you?" I rose an eyebrow at him.

He seemed slightly astonished at how brash I was sounding. "N...No. Not at all. That's fine with me, Angélique."

"OK then," I gave him a nod, "we'll meet at the student parking lot after school, and then we'll go to my place together, yeah?" I folded my arms.

"Yeah. Alright," he nodded slowly, "sounds like a plan."

"Good," I shut my locker and swung my school bag over my back, "see you then."


I seem to be snapping at everyone lately.

First there was Lola the other day – and then I got impatient with my mum this morning, and now I just snapped at Ethan this afternoon.

I don't mean to do it. I really don't. I'm not that type of person at all. But I've been in such horrible moods over the past few weeks. All I've been feeling ever since Harry & I broke up is anger, depression, and hurt. These days I just want to squeeze myself in dark corners so I can simmer and stew and cry my eyes out to my heart's content.

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