~Chapter Seven~

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A/N: Btw, Angélique's best friend is now named Aisha instead of Tiffany. I just felt like changing it, 'kay?? 😝😝

~A few months later~

"Next month?" Harry asked as he caught the grape I'd tossed to him in his mouth.

"Mhmm," I felt myself smiling as I picked my own grape out of the bunch I was holding and popped it into my mouth, "I can't wait. Me & mum are absolutely ecstatic."

"I can imagine," he smiled back at me, "I'm so happy for you, Angel. For you & your mum. I'm sure your dad is stoked to see you too."

I felt myself blush as I coyly nodded towards the ground. His favourite nickname for me has been 'Angel' for at least a month now, and I thought it was very sweet – especially since my dad calls me the exact same thing.

"I still find it so hard to believe they're letting him out," I sighed happily, "I mean, he's been locked up for nearly two years. I kinda got used to thinking that I was never gonna see him free from handcuffs or jail cells ever again."

"I don't blame you," Harry chuckled as he caught another grape in his mouth.

As soon as he found out where I lived, Harry got into this habit of taking me back home after school on his Ducati. Even though it literally took like two minutes to drive me from the school to me & my mum's flat, he still insisted on it.

I have to admit I was reluctant at first. Motorbikes scared the shit out of me, especially since they were so damn loud. But Harry drove his Ducati like a boss – it was almost as if he'd been riding them since he was a baby. All the same though – I'm still surprised I haven't suffocated him to death due to how tightly I hold on to him every time he takes me for a ride.

What? I can't help it! I'm still scared of motorbikes!

Anyway, so here we were – walking towards the back of the school where the student parking lot was – and I was holding a bunch of grapes left over from my lunch box and tossing them in Harry's mouth as we walked.

Harry's taken such good care of me over these past few months. He's been such a good and kind friend – always looking out for me by defending me from Jackson's creepy remarks or Lola's insults, or even just by speaking out for me when I was feeling really nervous. It still confused me a little, though. Despite how close we are, I still have no idea what motivated him to befriend me. I know I could just ask him, but I guess I never really got around to it. I was kinda too nervous, anyway.

"Can you please ride your motorbike slowly today?" I asked him as we entered the parking lot.

He laughed. "Ange, I already go as slow as I can do whenever I take you home."

"That is a big fat lie," I cocked an eyebrow at him, "you are way too fast."

"Motorbikes are naturally fast, love. That's just the way they made 'em."

I let out an exaggerated groan. "Why couldn't you have just bought a car like a normal person?"

"Because that Ducati was calling my name the very minute I laid eyes on her," he chuckled, "it was love at first sight."

I rolled my eyes. "Why are so many boys obsessed with having a sweet set of wheels?"

"Most guys buy them to impress girls. I bought mine to make my friends jealous," he said with a laugh.

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