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Since y'all shits wanted another one, this is the last one this week, k? Then I'll upload two more next week.

Your shoes changed into black knee high lace up boots with tight leather pants. Your shirt changed into a f/c and black crop top with a jacket-cape. (Like Black⭐️Rock Shooter) Your nails elongated while turning f/c, as well as your teeth. Your hair grew down to your butt while turning a darker shade of red. Your eyes went from red and e/c, to red and s/f/c. Black and f/c feathered wings sprouted from your back.

"Sorry, I guess I should've told ya about this Jutsu, hehe." You said while staring at their shocked faces.

"Anyways." You said puting your hands out. You faced your palms down towards the ground and slowly raised your hands.

'Demon Style: Ressurection.' You thought while your eyes started to glow red and s/f/c. Black ooze started coming through the ground while starting to form deceased wolves that were once legendary familiars to the strongest Akuma clan members. However, since they're dead, their fur is black with pure red eyes, and blood leaking out through their mouth.

"Hide in every hiding spot on this training ground. If you smell him, howl." You ordered while pointing towards Kakashi. They let out a powerful bark before dispersing in different directions.

"You're probably confused, right? Well, let me break it down. Basically, since I'm in my 'true form', I can resurrect, and or summon living or deceased wolves, or people." You explained.

'W-woah... Y/n-chan sure has gotten stronger! ... and a little scarier...' Naruto thought.

'Cha! Now we have two absolute females on the team!' Sakura thought. You spun the scythe in your hand before throwing it at Kakashi. He narrowly missed it as it imbedded itself inside the ground.


"GAHHHHH!!!! HOW COULD HE HAVE DODGED THAT?!?!" You screamed while rolling on the ground over and over again.

"Well, no matter." You said while standing up dramatically.

"Naruto, Sakura! Lead him to the forest!" You said. They both nodded, determined. You took off of the ground and into the sky after grabbing your scythe.

'Flying is amazing! It's almost like 3dmg!' You thought while doing various flips.

Except wings don't run on gas, and you can use them on any terrain -_-


'Did you just diss 3dmg?'

You landed on a branch while your wings folded into your back.

Pffft, no.


You scanned the terrain with your red and s/f/c eyes.


Your head snapped towards the left as a large smirk appeared.

'Here I come, Kakabaka!' You thought while taking off and flying high into the sky.

Don't you think you're a little too old to be calling him that now?

'I don't know, aren't you a little too old to be living?'


Hmph... Fine you win...

'Yes!' You thought while landing on a branch, right above where Kakashi was hiding. You quietly leaned your head towards his ear.


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