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I just noticed all of my titles are in caps lock... oh well...

"Ugh, why did I decide to break off?!" You grumbled angrily while stomping around.

"GAH!!! I CAN'T SEE SHIT!!! THAT'S IT!!!!!! DEMON STYLE: RAGING WINDS!!!!" You screamed. Strong gusts of wind came swirling down, blowing all of the sand away into two huge piles of sand, creating a tunnel-like pathway.

And there you saw the entrance to the Sand Village!!!

"THANK HEAVENS!!!" You screamed while literally running towards your goal. In front of you were the four of them, calmly walking to their destination while you were like a bunny on steroids. There, right in your pathway, is none other than Naruto.

"NNNAAAAARRRRUUUUUUTTTTOOOOOOO!!!" You screamed. He turned around, as the pure look of horror appeared on his face.

"W-w-wait!! Y-Y/n!! AHHHHHAHAAAAAA!!!!" He screamed as you showed him no mercy and crashed into him while violently rolling like a tumbleweed while the others were just like O.O. You both stopped rolling with Naruto face-planted into the ground with his ass in the air, and you laying on your back below him. So you were like in a cross position. ➕.

Ruby-Chan: That's a plus sign, I KNOW, I couldn't find a cross in emoji's...*grumbles.*

"Y-Y/n! Why did you do that~?" He whined while rubbing his head as he failed to noticed he was still on top of you.

"Well excuse me if you didn't move fast enough." You retorted while sitting up.

"-sigh- Naruto, can you get off of me?" You asked. He looked down before his face turned red and scrambled off of you.

"S-sorry." He mumbled, embarrassed.

"Yeah yeah, it's fine." You said, completely unfazed and waving him off.

The five of you were running towards the infirmary where Kankuro was. He was poisoned, and was slipping away.


When you got to the entrance, an old lady spontaneously jumped towards Kakashi, but you were in front of him, so you literally just pushed her out of the way in mid air, and ran towards Kankuro.

"How dare you treat your elder like that you brat!" The woman yelled.

"Sorry, you were so pale you looked translucent." You said, waving dismissively over your shoulder. Once you got over to Kankuro, his breathing was shallow and quick and his heartbeat wasn't regular.

"Tch. Give me his records." You ordered. The doctors, or male nurses, or whatever nodded and handed you a clip board.

"This also has the list of ingredients in the toxin." One of them said.

"That's fine." You replied, taking the board. You scanned through it quickly, but thoroughly.

"It seems as though we're dealing with a heavily based metal toxin. I doubt we'd be able to make an antidote in time. His heart could stop beating at any minute." You said.

"What?! There must be another way!" Temari exclaimed.

"I can remove the poison, but Sakura, I'll need you. The rest of you please wait outside. I need you all to hold him down. He's going to feel pain, but it's the only option we have." You ordered. They all nodded and did as they were told. They held down Kankuro's legs, arms, and shoulders, while Kakashi, Naruto, Chiyo, and Ebizo were outside. Sakura was stationed next to you.

"I need you to keep healing the spot where I place my hands." You ordered. She nodded.

"Yes!" She replied. You nodded.

Scroll 2: Fearless |Naruto Shippuden| |Reader Insert|Where stories live. Discover now