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Right now, you were throwing kunai's towards targets with Itachi watching you. You threw a kunai in the center of a target that was hanging next to him.

"You've gotten better. Maybe even better than me." He stated.

"Stop with the flattery." You replied while rolling your eyes.

"It's not flattery. It's the truth. You're extremely strong for being only 16." He defended while walking towards you.

"The only reason I am is because of Cerberus. Without him I wouldn't be as strong as I am now." You replied.

"No, that's not true. Even without a demon sealed inside of you you still would be strong. You have a special power inside of you." He replied, stopping in front of you.

"Well... I guess, but there are still a lot of things I need to control." You said quietly while scratching the back of your neck.

"Azula correct? The 12 tailed Phoenix?" He asked. You stared at him with narrowed eyes. You almost looked like Yuri trying to read the scoreboard.

"Alright, how the hell did you find that out? Did Tobi tell you? I'll kill that clementine... actually I didn't even tell him..." You muttered. Itachi let out a small, almost inaudible chuckle.

"Trust me, I know you have Loki Laevatein inside of you. Your parents trusted me with everything." He said.

"OhhHhHhhHhhHhhHHHH I see, my parents trusted you, but didn't tell their own flesh and fucking blood... and I didn't know for 13 years!! O-fucking-kay..." You muttered, clearly annoyed.

"Listen Y/n, you'll need her power in the future. I want you to control her." He said, putting his hand on your shoulder.

"Why? And how?" You asked.

"Before you parents died they figured you wouldn't be able to figure out how to control her with your IQ—" He started. Your eye twitched.

"Thanks you two..." You muttered annoyed.

"— so they asked me to help you." He finished.

"But why so soon?" You asked. He was silent for a minute, contemplating whether or not he should answer you. Taking his silence as a 'don't argue with me' type of thing, you sighed.

"Fine." You gave in while sitting on the ground. He sat in front of you and stared into your e/c and red hues with his Sharingan ones.

"Alright, let's do this." You muttered while closing your eyes.

'Why is he doing this so soon?' You thought. As soon as light faded from your vision you heard Itachi's voice.

"Just focus your fire chakra. Not your demon chakra." He said. You steadily and calmly exhaled, feeling unfamiliar chakra flow through you. Once you opened your eyes, your conscious was standing in a white atmosphere and in front of you, you saw chains. Lots of them. Once you looked up you saw a beautiful Phoenix that was chained down.

'Azula...' You thought. Her wings were chained down, her legs had cuffs around her ankles, as well as around her neck and each of her tails.

"Hello?" You called out.

'WHAT DO YOU WANT?!' Her strong voice bellowed, almost knocking you off your feet.

"Hey, calm down will ya? I ain't gonna hurt you." You said while slowly walking towards her.


"Woahhhhhh let's not go assuming, k? I didn't even know you, or Loki, were sealed inside of me until two years ago." You defended. She growled in return, obviously not buying what you're saying.

"Listen, Loki has told me before that you're his familiar and you two got along quite well. Well Loki and I are pretty good friends ourselves, sooooo." You trailed off.

'THAT DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACT YOU CHAINED ME UP YOU PUNY HUMAN!' She screamed, flapping her wings, rattling the chains.

"Demon." You corrected. She seemed confused by what you said, but didn't say anything.

"I'm a demon. I'm a part of the Akuma clan." You said. She then chuckled, making you confused.

'Ahhhh the 'demon clan' huh? I should've know by the red hair, but it's been so long. Heh, yes I remember them clearly. They were the ones who sealed me and Loki inside of our first Jinchuuriki.' She said with a chuckle.

"My clan did? Who was your first Jinchuuriki?" You asked. Azula chuckled, almost excited at the memory.

"Hachirou Akuma." She replied. You tilted your head.

"Hachirou?" You replied.

"Hachirou was said to be the most powerful Akuma member. Rivaling almost all of the Bijuu in strength and chakra amount. Well, except me of course. He was the only Akuma in a century to be able to use all nine circles." She explained.

"Woah. He was that powerful?" You asked, completely awe struck. She nodded.

'However, he was selfish and only used Loki and I for power to destroy anyone in his way. Akuma or not. So Loki ordered me to go on a rampage. He couldn't control me and ended up burning.' She explained.

"Huh? Loki ordered you to burn him? And if Hachirou was so powerful how could he not of controlled you?" You asked, confused. Azula rolled her eyes.

''Because it's hard to control something that's stronger than you." She replied.

"Ohhhh great..." You muttered.

'Anyways, my second Jinchuuriki was Ryuu Akuma. He was the grandson of Hachirou. Except he didn't the possess the power or strength of his grandfather.' She explained.

"So are they all related?" You asked.

'Yes, don't interrupt me anymore.' She hissed. You rolled your eyes.

'She reminds me of Aquarius... poor Lucy...' You thought.

'Ryuu was the opposite of Hachirou. He didn't possess the intelligence, nor power. He used our power foolishly. Using it when he didn't need to and ignoring it when he needed it the most. Loki was fed up. He made me burn him too. Not only that, he was good friends with Madara Uchiha." She explained.

"Madara? You mean THE Madara Uchiha?" You asked. She nodded.

"Alright, but who's the third Jinchuuriki? Are they powerful too?!" You asked, excitement swirling in your eyes.

'Yes, she was very powerful. In fact, she was Ryuu's niece.' She replied. You tilted your head.

"She?" You asked.

'Yes, M/n Akuma, your mother...'

Sooooooo filler, I guess? I just wanted Reader-chan to talk to Azula sooner or later. I also wanted Itachi to help her, since he was apart of her childhood and all. There's still a lot to know and figure out when it comes to your past, but don't worry! Y'all will find out.

Lol, what if I completed the series and you still didn't know the reason why your parents died? Y'all would hate me and I would lose all of my followings...

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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