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So bascially I want this story to speed up a bit, so while you're getting the Yonbi, Deidara and Tobi are fighting Sasuke, k? K.

"Y/n." Pein called, walking up to you. You, Deidara, and Tobi just got back from retrieving the three tails.

"I need you to go out at track down the four tails."





"What?" You replied.

"We're dwindling in members and we can't afford to let anyone else die. I plan on sealing the three and four tails simultaneously." He replied.

This damn man...

"-sigh- fine." You said while rubbing your face.

"Let's just get this shit done with already." You muttered, turning around and walking away from him. He stared at you for a moment before turning around.

"You're surely working her hard." Tobi's voice said.

"With the information Zetsu gave me I need to make sure she's not smuggling information to the leaf village." He replied.

"Or maybe it's for a different reason." Tobi said. Pein looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Tobi shrugged.

"I don't mean anything." Tobi avoided. Pein slowly turned his head away before walking down the hall.

"My, what a stubborn man." Tobi muttered.

With you~

You were stomping around the forest like an angry child, grumbling to yourself for various reasons.

"That damned pierced man, demanding me to retrieve the four tails, he's basically kicking me out of the damn hideout! Fuck Zetsu and his mole powers, he should go dig into some acid if you ask me." You kept grumbling under your breath. You came out of the forest to this end cliff thingie. You walked over towards the edge and sat down, dangling your legs over the edge.

Shouldn't you be hunting down the four tails, Hime?

'Nah. Besides, I set a couple of trees on fire to attract its attention.'

'Its?' He's still a human.


You heard rustling behind you so you turned your head and saw Rōshi, the four tails Jinchuuriki. 

"Bout time you showed up." You said while getting up.

"A kid?" He asked, truly shocked. Your eyebrow twitched.

"Shut it old man!" You exclaimed annoyed.

Be careful brat. This one can use lava style and is in control of his Bijuu for the most part.

'I realize that, thanks Azula.'

A long cut made its way down your forearm as blood slowly trickled out, forming whips.

Scroll 2: Fearless |Naruto Shippuden| |Reader Insert|Where stories live. Discover now