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"WHAT?!" You blurted out. Who could blame you? Getting kicked out of your own village?! Bullshit!

"Are you crazy?! Have you gone nuts?! Did you drink too much?! You can't just—"

"That's an order!" She interrupted. You stopped your ranting and just looked at her for a couple of seconds.

'She's not serious... is she...?' You thought. But the look on Tsunade's face showed she wasn't joking at all.

She was dead serious.

"Are you seriously going to believe them and not me?" You asked with a scoff.

"You burned several houses. On purpose, or not, that already caused a severe crack in our alliance. And, if you stay here after that, the Sand is surely going to attack." She replied.

Your face immediately went into a slight glare.

"And where am I suppose to go? The Akuma village?!" You screamed.

"Akuma village? What are you talking about?" Tsunade asked. Your mouth immediately clamped shut.

'Fuck me, I shouldn't of said that...' You thought.

"You found the village? And didn't report it to me?" She asked.

"I was, but I got busy with Gaara's rescue and stuff." You muttered the last part.

"The Akuma clan is an enemy to the Hidden Leaf. They could attack us or any village and win. You've raised the changes of us being attacked by them. No one in any of the great nations can beat them." Tsunade stated.

"I can." You stated boldly. Her eyes narrowed.

"Alright then you have a new mission. Leave the village and don't come back until you've gotten rid of them." She ordered.

"Tch. Fine. Challenge accepted." You said quietly, but venomously. You turned around and walked out of the office, slamming the door with a scowl on your face. Once you were outside, you saw Naruto, Sakura, and another boy who you didn't care to meet. (PLAY MUSIC)

"Oi! Y/n! I didn't know you were back! This is Sai. He's our new team member." He said with slight disgust. You ignored him and passed him without a glance, heading towards the gates.

"H-hey! Wait!" He called up, running to you.

"Where are you going?"


"Away from where?"


"Here?! For how long?"

"A while."



"Because why?" At this point, you already passed the gates and were outside of Konoha. You stopped as the other three were behind you.

"Why are you leaving, Y/n?" Sakura asked.

"... because I was ordered to." You replied. The other two gasped, while Sai just stared blankly.

"Ordered?! Why?!" Sakura asked.

"I caused some trouble in Suna that could ruin the alliance between us. I was ordered to leave so Tsunade could fix this up." You replied, turning around to face them. Naruto's eyes were wide and he looked like he was on the verge of bursting out in tears. You walked towards Naruto, taking off the f/c headband that was wrapped around your (Body part). You grabbed a hold of his wrist and brought his arm up. You gently placed your headband in his hand and backed away.

Scroll 2: Fearless |Naruto Shippuden| |Reader Insert|Where stories live. Discover now