What? No!

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Cerberus Bijuu eyes: Black with a red slit pupil, dark red with a black crossed pupil. (Like Shukaku's.)

Loki's eyes: Silver with orange hue and black slit pupils.

Azula's Bijuu eyes: Orange with flames emitting from it, blue with flames emitting from it.


"Dear loooooooord that was tiring!!" You screamed while flopping to the floor. You'd just finished sealing the three and four tails.

"What can you expect? We sealed two tailed beasts." Kisame said.

"Who's going to capture the five, six, and seven tails?" You asked.

"Don't worry about that, we've got that covered. You don't have to do anything for now." Pein replied in his hologram form.

"I will be going after the six tails." He added.

"Oh? Good luck." You said.

"Y/n, I'll be leaving the hideout and I wish for you to join me." Itachi said suddenly.

"Hm? Okay." You said. Itachi jumped down from the statue and began walking towards the exit.

"Ohoh? Seems like it's time." Zetsu said. Once you and Itachi left the hideout it was silent between the two of you.

"Why did you want to bring me and not Kisame?" You asked.

"I wanted your company with me instead. Nothing more nothing less." He replied.

"Oh come onnnnnnnnnn~ don't give me that~" You whined. Itachi's lips twitched, but his face remained blank. You pouted.

"Alright, I got the message." You let it go. A little while later you two were walking along a trail, but Itachi was slightly walking ahead of you.

He seems to be focused on something.

'I know, but I can't seem to figure out what. I never was able to read his facial expressions.'

Itachi all of a sudden stopped, causing you to almost bump into him.

"What's wrong?" You asked curiously. Itachi turned around, his usual stoic expression was now replaced with sadness. You tilted your head, confused.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"Y/n. It's time that Sasuke and I fight." He replied.

"It is?" You asked. He nodded.

"Y/n. Sasuke will kill me. I'm not at full strength with my sickness—"

"Sickness?" You interrupted.

"You never told me you were sick." You said while furrowing your brows. He sighed.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but I didn't want you to worry about me." He replied.

"Worry about you? I'm worrying about you right now! Itachi, I know Sasuke needs this, but are you sure him killing you is the answer?" You asked, distraught. 

"Yes. I know I'm leaving you and Sasuke behind, but it's for the best." He replied. He was adamant on his answer and you knew you wouldn't be able to change his mind, but you could try.

"Are you shitting me? Is death the only answer for Ninja? Is death really the only way out to tell the truth? To get out of despair and sadness?" You asked. He was silent for a moment.

"I don't know." He replied truthfully.

Hime, you know he needs to do this...

Y/n, you care for the Uchiha, but you have to let him do this. It's only thing we have left to get Sasuke on the right path.

Y/n, let him do this. You know he cares for you and Sasuke.

Let him go.

You were silent for a minute, taking in their suggestions.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but fine. However the next time we see each other, I'm gonna kick your ass!" You exclaimed, but that still didn't erase your twisting stomach. Itachi's lips curled upwards for the first time in forever.

"Thank you Y/n." He said. You walked forward and wrapped your arms around his waist.

"Good luck. Love ya, Itachi." You mumbled. He returned the hug, squeezing you a little.

"Thank you. Love you too." He replied before his body dispersed in a flock of crows. You closed your eyes, savoring the feelings of their wings against your skin before they completely vanished. Your eyes dropped to the ground before you covered them with your hand.

"Death, huh?" You muttered. Suddenly, Zetsu popped up from the ground and grabbed your ankle.

"Sorry Y/n, but Tobi requested to see you." He said, already pulling you into the ground.

"Wait what the fuck?! Oi!" You shouted.

"Tobi, here she is." Zetsu said while throwing you to his feet.

"Y/n!" Naruto called out.

"Zetsu I'll kill you!!" You hissed at him.

"Ahh yay!!! Y/n senpai, you're here!!" Tobi cheerfully said while hugging you tightly, swinging you around like a rag doll.

"Get off of her, you bastard!" Kiba called out.

"But Y/n senpai is so cute!!" He whined while hugging you tighter.

"GOOOOOOOD LET GO OF ME YOU DIMWITTED PIECE OF SHIT!!!" You shouted while struggling to free yourself.

"No!" He defied like a three year old. Your body relaxed, but you slowly turned your head around towards him.

"Go fuck a shoe, you prepubescent lemur." You hissed, your eyes red and black.

"Eek!" He squealed while releasing his hold on you. You stood up and huffed, not amused by him at all. Your eyes changed back to your normal colors.

"Y'all are looking for Sasuke, right?" You asked the search team.

"How did you know?" Kakashi asked.

"He's fighting Itachi right now." You replied.

"Fighting?" Shino repeated.

"Yamato." Kakashi called.

"Right." He replied while making the snake sign. Wood sprung up from the tree and wrapped around you. It then formed a cage where there was a 'seal' placed on it.

"Oyaoya, Y/n senpai got captured again!" Tobi said shocked. You glared at him, making him shriek and take cover behind a tree.

"Fuck you Yamato." You hissed.

No, no way am I going to be kept confined in here!!!

Your mouth snapped open and blue fire shot out of it, burning the wood away.

"Impossible!" Yamato exclaimed.

'Y-Y/n is on a whole other level than us...' Hinata thought.

"I don't like small spaces." You said while shrugging. You then looked at Tobi.

"Are you just going to continue fucking around or are you actually going to fight to your full strength?" You asked Tobi who was hiding behind a tree.

"Hm? What do you mean?" He asked. An irk mark appeared on your head.

"You know exactly what I'm saying, dumbass!!" You screamed, annoyed.

"Hm? Oh, heh heh heh, um, I was! But you showed up!" He stuttered.

"Didn't you ask Zetsu to get me?" You asked dangerously low.

"Huh? O-oh! Yes I did! Ha ha ha..." He trailed off awkwardly. You growled.

"I swear I'll kill you..." You muttered. Tobi was about to retort, but you and him heard someone scream.


Errrrrrr, yo!

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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