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Later that day, you met up with Temari in front of a Dango shop near the middle of the village.

"Geez! Where were you?" She asked, half heartedly glaring at you.

"Sorry, I was looking around." You replied. She sighed. Then her eyes landed on the necklace.

"Where'd you get that?" She asked, pointing to your neck.

"Oh, I bought it from a shop." You replied, touching it. She eyed it, before shrugging.

"Alright. Let's go eat. I'm starving." She said.

"Same, you're lucky I don't eat this whole damn shop!" You exclaimed while sitting down.

"Wouldn't surprise me." She replied with a chuckle. Once the dango came, you and Temari just really talked about everything.

"What did you train?" She asked. You shrugged.

"Meh. Everything really. At least everything in the scrolls I had." You replied.

"Hm. I see." She replied. Your dango soon came and you happily munched away.

"So how've you been Temari? Are you busy being Gaara's sister and all? Since he's the Kazekage?" You asked.

"It's been interesting. I've been busy, but it's been fun for the most part." She replied.

"Fun?" You asked.

"Well, you know what I mean." She said with a smile. When you two were done, you guys left the shop and walked down some streets with Temari pointing out some of the new additions to the village.

"So nothing's really changed huh?" You asked.

"No not really, I mean, a few buildings and a few modifications, but nothing much." Temari replied while shaking her head. As you were turning a corner, you stubbed your toe on a corner stone, and MAN DID THAT HURT LIKE A BITCH

"The fUCK!" You screamed. However, the eyes of the necklace flashed red and the building closest to you suddenly went up in black flames.

Your black flames.

Your eyes widened at the sudden shriek of a villager.

"Y/n! Why did you do that?!" Temari asked, shock evident in her voice.

"I didn't do it on purpose!!" You protested. Screams resonated through your ears as more buildings went up in flames.

"Stop Y/n!!!" Temari shouted.

"I can't!" You yelled back. You quickly did handsigns and teleported back in your bedroom. You closed and locked your door and window, pulling the shades down as well. You ran to the bathroom, and saw yourself in the mirror. You had horns sticking out of your head while your eyes were different colors from your Bijuu eyes. The sclera of your eyes were still white, but the irises of your eyes were an incomplete yin yang.

Your breathing became heavier once you saw yourself in the mirror.

'Cer! What's going on?! Cer! Cer!'

Y/N! Calm down! It's that necklace you're wearing! You have to take it off! It channels darkness that's inside of your heart and because of your demon ancestry, it'll form your ultimate form!

You did as Cerberus said and unclipped the necklace. You immediately threw it to the ground, shattering it. You looked back towards the mirror, and saw your eye color going back to normal and the horns retracting back into your head. Your breathing slowed down once you saw yourself again. You peeked out through the window and saw the black flames slowly extinguishing.

Scroll 2: Fearless |Naruto Shippuden| |Reader Insert|Where stories live. Discover now