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"WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN GENJUTSU DOESN'T WORK ON YOU?!" Naruto screamed in your ear while flapping his arms like a chicken getting ready to be cooked. You cringed from the loudness, but unfortunately you said nothing despite your conscience telling you—


You just sighed and decided to explain.

"The reason is: The Akuma clan are descendants from full blooded demons. Meaning every Akuma has demon blood flowing through them. Since we are part 'demon', illusions, or Genjutsu doesn't work on any of us— no matter how strong the Genjutsu or the user may be." You explained.

"You're... that child!" Chiyo suddenly exclaimed.

"NooOoOoOoOOOoooOOoooo reaaaaaaaaaaally? OBVIOUSLY I'm an Uchiha with onyx hair and eyes! No offense Itachi." You said quickly.

"Huh? How do you know Y/n?" Naruto asked. You tch'd at Chiyo before replying through gritted teeth.


"-sigh- anyways, we're unaffected by Genjutsu casted by other people besides ourselves, but Akuma clan members can use Genjutsu against other clan members. Get it?" You asked. Sakura, Kakashi, and Chiyo nodded while Naruto had his hand to his chin, and was making the -.- face at you.

"Ehhh? I don't get it— AH!"

"OF COURSE YOU DON'T GET IT, FUCKTARD!!" You screamed while punching him to the ground.

"But wait! Doesn't that mean you're stronger than him? If Genjutsu doesn't work on you then you have a higher chance of beating him!" Sakura stated. You sighed.

"You have a point Sakura." You said, making her smile.

"But." You started, her smile instantly dropping. You lifted up your hands, and slowly did hand signs.

"I decide on what techniques to use. He isn't one to let himself get caught in a Jutsu recklessly. He isn't a dumbass ya know." You said as you finished your hand signs.

Dog, boar, rat.

"Demon Style: Death Melody." You said. A beautiful black and red violin appeared in your hand, basically made out of your chakra and blood.

(Picture ain't mine, I got it from eBay

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(Picture ain't mine, I got it from eBay... don't judge...)

"Even you won't be able to avoid this, Itachi." You said while positioning the bow.

'I'm sorry Itachi. I'll try to go easy.' You thought. (Skip to 1:20)

You exhaled before quickly zooming your fingers over the strings, creating a quick-paced melody. As soon as you started playing, black shadows popped from the ground and held him in place with an iron grip. You could see him slightly struggle, but the stronger you played, the stronger the grip gets.

The shadows slowly crept up his body the more you played. Once he was fully encased in shadows, the song abruptly ended, making the shadows flick him back, making him crash into the ground. The violin disappeared, as did the shadows.

"Well, good luck!!." You exclaimed before disappearing in black flames.

"H-hey!!! Wait!" Sakura shouted. You appeared in the trees next to where Itachi landed. Once he stood up, Kakashi started fighting him. You were watching from the sidelines. It's not that you were being lazy like you always are—


Anyways... It's because you were observing the fight. Analyzing Itachi's movements one by one. However, he and Kakashi were moving so fast you had to activate your trap card. You did a bunch of hand signs in a combination no one would remember. It even took you about a month to remember it yourself.

Ram, rabbit, rat, bird, horse, snake, boar, monkey, tiger, dog, ox, dragon, rabbit, monkey, bird, tiger, snake, boar, horse, dragon, monkey, ram, dog, ox, snake, horse, bird, rat, boar, dragon, tiger, dog, ram, monkey, ox, horse, snake, rat, boar, dragon.

"Shisha no me.
(Eyes of the dead)" You whispered. The sclera of your eyes turned black while your irises changed to white. Your pupils staying black. You scanned over Itachi, and were able to see his skeletal and muscular system. You could see how the bones and muscles moved. Even if it was only an inch, you would still catch it.

'He's not moving right. I know his eyesight is bad, but he would've been able to finish him off. Not only that, why can he use water style? Did he copy it?' You thought. Then an idea came to mind.

'What if this 'Itachi' was just a decoy?To slow us down?! Oh just shit me a brick already!' You thought frantically. You put your hand in the Jutsu formation.

'Release!' You thought. Your eyes changed back to your normal red and e/c ones. You jumped out from the trees over Kakashi and 'Itachi'.

"Kakashi sensei! Get back, NOW!" You screamed from the air. He looked up and saw you, and quickly jumped away. You landed in front of him and did more hand signs.

"Demon Style: Giant Flame Titlewave!!" You screamed. A huge wave of black fire came shooting out behind you, and immediately traveled towards him. Before he could react, he was caught in the flames, his robe burning away. You then did the Jutsu formation.

"Katsu!!" You screamed. The black flames exploded and you and him were caught up in the blast. Once you got a close look at his face, you noticed a smile appearing on is lips, making your eyes widen slightly before the explosion reached its climax and he was pushed away with immense power and force.

Once the dust settled, the others came running up to you.

"Are you okay, Y/n?!" Naruto asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." You replied. The five of you turned your attention to where 'Itachi' was laying. When the five of you walked up to the crater he was laying in the four of them gasped as their eyes widened and yours narrow.

'I knew it...' You thought.

"That is...! Yura!!" Chiyo exclaimed. (OKAY, NO IDEA IF THAT'S THE BITCHES NAME, BUT WHATEVER.!)

"We have no time to waste guys. This is all a setup to keep us from getting there quickly. Ignore him, we have to move." You said, still staring at the ground. The four of them look at you and you heard Naruto mutter your name.

"Y/n's right, let's go." Kakashi said. The others including you nodded. You all began to run, but you all saw two lightning strikes to the west of you, about 80 kilometers away. (50 miles)

"Someone's coming." You quickly said.

"How do you know that?" Chiyo asked, surprised.

"That's Byakko's way of telling me.
One lightning strike means no one's there.

Two lightning strikes means there's someone coming. Not necessarily meaning the target.

And three strikes mean he found his target." You explained.

"Is it an Akatsuki member?" Kakashi asked. You calm expression turned into a snarl.

"No..." You replied.

"Then, who is it?" Naruto asked. Your snarl deepened as you replied,


Another chapter done!!! Yay!!!!

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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